QR 2024 Notables are easy
Copypasta a headline, the link, and put something concernfaggy/MAGA BTFO inBRTlevels of easy.
The next big thing is getting you'd on the
QR 2024 Notables are easy
Copypasta a headline, the link, and put something concernfaggy/MAGA BTFO inBRTlevels of easy.
The next big thing is getting you'd on the
Do you memberberry the original Tranime Notables?
They were a mockery of a shambles of an absolutely subversive tragedy.
I think he was Doge's role model.
That's later era Tranime.
I'm talking middle era - not Q-You or last few years.
But, 2020-2021ish.
Worst Notables ever - to the point where that was the criticism moreso than the anime.
Anime hate is a post 2020 thing.
They were real bad.
Yeah, but I always can't find it.
I think there are many such anon cases of that.
Anyone know this drop?
That's a big reason why /ourplant/ would have been a much moar astute choice.
The Streisand Effect: Whitewashing Division.
>AI pr0n experts were among the earliest critics that helped refine the art
I believe it.
Tranime bakes at night (mostly).
Well, Gorefag usually shows up at night when he's liquor'd up real good and gets triggered by something stupid.
Finkel is ded but Finkel-like material is in every bread.
CP usually attacks the pinned threads that nobody goes to and are in the damn way at random times.
Yeah, not buying it.
Fair point, Trip Solo.
Mr. Pig did volunteer in mildly subtle terms that he's donating.
Which is nice.
But, shouldn't clutch pearls and say well I never! if claiming it's nunya.
I'm just vouching for a seen't it no matter what side if any I'm on.
It was a chill vibe then someone posted the it's sure silly in here post which suddenly ramped up the KYS vibe.
Now here you are calling for backup.
I wouldn't be so paranoid if everybody wasn't out to get QR.
Ok, I'm grep it.
It's like it's a call to shill whether intended or not.
Just like enough with the boob pics perverts! is a call for moar tits.
It's just bad news.
r u human?
Oh yeah?
The first collage posted by the Aussie Boob Archiver had only about 1/3 of the entries on the final they gone now version posted above.
2/3 knew they'd be in the collage if they posted up.
So, like, that's just your opinion man.
Yes, he was the last one in that scenario.
With an *.
He took over the last yearish term of JFK's then won re-election.
So, he kinda was the incumbent in his 1st election.