why do you care what people say about a war criminal?
that is easy because most right wing people are christians and as a result they are retards and think Israel is special because they are too stupid to research any other book than the made up one they got for free at a hotel.
what does it have to do with?
Biden is wearing massive heels and lifts and big old floppy clown shoes
so you admit you do not have sauce. You are the one making claims about a holy zombie. I am just asking you to sauce it. The word truth means nothing, what makes you say it is true, your feelings?
well thank you for an answer and what makes those accurate and correct. The earliest copy of Mark which I think is the oldest does not contain the resurrection story and it appears that was tagged on much later? Do you have an answer for that?
no you said a word that is not source and if you can not differentiate that you are too retarded to be talking about this and it just proves your faith is nothing more than a personal belief you cling to in desperation that some how it will save you from the vast unknown of the universe.
bad enough both his parents are the rapists.
they do matter because when you look at how the political movements grasp on to religious movements that are based on lies and control and at the very least should be questioned more rigorously and they are not. So your opinion of if they should be debated here is bs considering that many consider these things an act of god and wish to cling to ancient lies and cling to their divisive mentalities of superiority.
such a first level thinker. Truth is a force of nature the question is why do you claim it? What makes you special little anon what makes your believe truth.
because I know what you believe has too many problems and you ignore the issues that people that challenge your ideology know. So the question is there are conflicting ideas and speculation on all sides. You just side with yours because you BELIEVE it is true. That does not make it true. But you have a tiny brain and can not understand that nuance and distinction. Has nothing to do with if other people know things I do not Lots of people know things I do not. The problem is the collective christian blindness to knowledge because it scares them that it might ruin their salvation if they start to question what they have been instructed to think.
very under rated. But that is the problem with the Bible fags who ignore this idea also but the bible is a book about alien contact and the stories became god stories and then words got conflated over the centuries.
watch the video that he came out in the other day people were talking about. In that he has the same massive heels on. Massive Frankenstein shoes and they may be using heavier shoes to keep him stable. More weight like they do with autistic kids.
totally. Something is happening but to claim what it is who the fuck really knows but it is very very strange and fascinating and scary all at the same time.
why not it would also as other anon said that it would help looking more imposing and strong but my guess is that they are some sort of stabilizing factor and part of the reason he walks stiffer than normal.
correct but the problem becomes if it is that or interpreted as that how does it change the interpretation of the stories. Eloheim stories vs a single GOD story.
so combine all of that and you have a more plausible answer than a giant actor in stilts. He also is an obvious fall risk, chin for evidence and prior tumbles. Heavier shoes harder to knock over.
or you could shut the fuck up and quit being a gaslighting nigger.