Steve Kirsch may loose all sight in his right eye (from clots) in 7 days
I'm currently blind in one eye from a Subretinal Hemorrhage (SRH); with your help, it won't be permanent
The experts say there is no way to accelerate the clearance of the blood. It can take months and I may not have any vision left when it clears. Are they right? Or can I beat the odds with your help?
"SRMH generally results in a severe and irreversible loss of vision, ranging from 6/30 to light perception, if left untreated."
I have a lot of blood under my RPE… that is the problem
I have a subretinal hemorrhage (SRH). The good news is I have <500 microns of blood under my retina. That can be cleared with surgery. The BAD news is I have lots of blood under my RPE that cannot.
The big problem is that there is a substantial amount of clotted blood under the very thin RPE layer. If this blood isn’t cleared within about 1 week from now, my RPE will die and so will my vision. Forever. "There is no known way to clear blood clots from under the RPE" The good news is that if a treatment works, it can be measured on an OCT. So that’s the good news. The bad news is I have less than 7 days left.