Splody head anon ID: 5fe0b6 July 28, 2024, 3:07 a.m. No.21308756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8760 >>8765 >>8766 >>8786

Secret Service snipers use MK13 sniper rifles chambered in 300 Win Mag. This bullet has around 3,000 ft/lb of Kenetic Energy at the shot distance Crooks supposedly was taken out from. A head shot would have turned his head into a canoe! Where is the splatter spray of blood and brain matter? Shooters Lilly white legs were clean also. If he was in the prone position when shot the splatter pattern would have covered that area. Look at the blood stains. They look to be moved upwards towards the roof peak too. As if the body was moved. We weed a blood splatter expert. Does anyone have Dexter Anon’s number. Something doesn’t add up here.

Anon ID: 5fe0b6 July 28, 2024, 3:31 a.m. No.21308815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8823


We don’t know for sure where Crooks was shot but if he was lying prone on the reverse slide of the slopes roof and covered by the ridge of the roof the shot should have been to the head. Eye witnesses said they saw him get shot and saw his hair fly up on impact. A 300 Win Mag Makes a big hole on a torso and evacuates a skull cavity at that distance. The baby could have been rolled over to check for signs of life be first responders I admit. All I’m asking is where is the splatter pattern?