What if Trump was the target?
I don't think they will try again in this way because it was a major miscalculation. Popular opinion can be a tidal wave of change, and folks now think Trump is a badass mofo
There was a zebra too. I heard it.
>Living and existing at all, in time, is the Extinctionists #1 "problem" that, in their extreme pride ideology "I should be a God" psychosis, results in a perpetual lashing out at the world as allegedly being driven by their own projected visions of exile and suffering and abandonment, and it results in lashing out at other people, who shouldn't exist as living human beings in time either, including lashing out at children.
>It's what happens when all the money and power in the world still can't overturn natural laws "constraining" their "infinite" mindsets and thoughts of what should have been a totalitarian omnipotent omniscient experience of existence.
>They HATE not being the God they are rejecting as having "cast them into exile" on planet Earth, to be born, then to live in a body subject to corruption, and then to die.
>So, long story short, TIME is their number one "problem" that they can't reconcile or cope withโฆ
Trump is awesome, if you're a winner.
The Trump kind. Losers hate Trump because they like being losers and he threatens their world view of everything-sucks.
You'll have to be more specific about God's timeline for Trump to roll out the NWO for me. Am slow.