Anonymous ID: 06742c July 30, 2024, 11:31 p.m. No.21325837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5841 >>5957 >>6116 >>6359 >>6407 >>6508 >>6511 >>6541 >>6555

Australian mainstream media is going nuts with fear porn


'Flunami' erupts in Queensland as hospitalisations soar and doctors hold crisis meetings


Australia is being slammed by a wave of illness

It is affecting hospital bed availability


Queensland Health figures show that 257 people were hospitalised for flu as of last Sunday, five more than those with Covid, and more than 80 per cent of hospital admissions for flu are patients who have not been vaccinated.


In the last week, 5,674 people were diagnosed with flu compared to 1,603 Covid cases, and there have been 37 deaths from flu already this winter.


Of the flu cases, 1,521 were in school children, 630 cases in preschool and 644 cases for those aged over 65.


Infectious diseases expert Dr Paul Griffin said the number of flu cases was straining the healthcare system and that there had been 'crisis meetings about a lack of beds (as) our hospitals are congested'.


‘Pressing public health issue’: Doctor’s warning amid STI case surge in Australia


Australians have been urged to be more vigilant about their sexual health amid a “concerning” rise in STI cases across the nation.


Data from the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) showed a staggering incease of nearly 20 per cent in gonorrhoea cases between 2022 and 2023 – with another surge expected this year. Syphilis cases are also on the up – tripling over the past decade – as are rates of HIV.

Anonymous ID: 06742c July 30, 2024, 11:36 p.m. No.21325844   🗄️.is 🔗kun

YouTube blocks ABC Four Corners investigation into India's 'nest of spies' targeting Australian critics after Indian government's demand


YouTube has blocked viewers in India from accessing a Four Corners investigation into the Indian state.

The investigation accused the Indian state of threatening Australia's national security.


YouTube said the video was restricted following a valid legal request but the nature of the order was "confidential".


A Four Corners investigation into how Indian authorities have established a "nest of spies" to silence critics in Australia has been blocked from access in India by YouTube after an order from the Modi government.


The story, uploaded to the video platform on June 17, has since been geo-blocked following an order by India's Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB).


ABC news director Justin Stevens said the ABC "fully backs and stands by this reporting".


In a notice to the ABC, YouTube's legal team said the order was "confidential" but came under India's Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules and its Information Technology Act.


On July 22, YouTube advised that the matter was still being discussed by its leadership.


The ABC was given the option to block the video from being played in India itself, but declined this option.

Anonymous ID: 06742c July 31, 2024, 1:02 a.m. No.21325920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5936 >>6116 >>6359 >>6407 >>6508 >>6541 >>6555

Bill Gates proves he is not a “science people” and is an idiot: I don’t plant trees, planting trees is nonsense, he said


Bill Gates has been a vocal advocate for addressing climate change. He told The New York Times that he offsets his own carbon emissions through a variety of projects such, as solar panels and buying heat pumps for the poor, from which he takes the carbon credits.


“I don’t use some of the less proven approaches such as I don’t plant trees,” he said. “That’s complete nonsense. I mean, are we the science people or are we idiots?”


At The New York Times’ Climate Forward event last year, Gates admitted his role as a leader in nefarious climate innovation projects, citing his work through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Breakthrough Energy.


“I’m the person who’s doing the most on climate in terms of the innovation and how we can square multiple goals,” he said.


Setting the stage The New York Times’ David Gelles noted at the start of the interview that in the last week “ we have United Nations Secretary-General Guterres saying that the Earth is about to become uninhabitable” and “Mike Bloomberg who was on the stage with me earlier this morning said that this was something that could kill every person on Earth.”


After describing the fictitious problem Gelles then noted that Gates had the solution. “I heard you speak on Tuesday you said the planet is going to be fine. I want you to help us reconcile these contrasting statements,” he said.


By now our regular readers will easily spot the Hegelian Dialectic – also known as the problem-reaction-solution framework – and the use of nudge techniques being used by both Gelles and Gates during the interview.


Further reading:


The War on Farmers will cause “food wars” – not climate change

Copenhagen is nudging residents and tourists to accept a social credit system

Using the fear of loss to motivate behaviour change is a key nudge technique, which uses psychology to get people to comply with the behaviours that they want people to follow. So, what behaviours did Gates aim to instil in the population?


Not one to shy away from promoting himself, he began “reconciling these contrasting statements” by promoting himself as the saviour of the world, “Well, I’m, you know, the largest funder of action on climate including grant money Innovation money … because it affects human welfare.”


“Our organisation is the most articulate going around the world saying rich countries should be more generous whether it’s for climate mitigation, climate adaptation, health budgets – you know, vaccines, you know – so we’re on full blast saying that equity demands we be more generous. Climate is one of those causes.”


Gates’ vaccines do affect human welfare; they are unsafe and ineffective. Equity also affects human welfare. Equity is not equality; it is positive discrimination or affirmative action which is unlawful, and negatively impacts people and societies. Gates is indeed affecting human welfare but not in a positive way. His “concern” for human welfare shown in his solutions for the manufactured “climate change crisis” is no different.


He pushed electric vehicles (“EVs”) and alternative fuels noting that more needs to be done to achieve widespread adoption of EVs and to develop fuels that serve as alternatives to “fossil fuels.”


He also emphasised the need for a 30-year perspective on climate investments, citing the example of steel factories and new meat production methods, which have obvious negative job and health implications on human welfare.


And then he attempted to justify his attack on trees.

Anonymous ID: 06742c July 31, 2024, 1:23 a.m. No.21325952   🗄️.is 🔗kun



‘Flawed’ surgeon to practise again after judge overrules Medical Council

Surgeon William Mooney arriving at court as the NSW Medical Council appeals a decision to reinstate him.


A judge found Dr William Mooney “is not a perfect individual, far from it” but dismissed an appeal from health authorities to stop him from resuming practice.

Anonymous ID: 06742c July 31, 2024, 1:26 a.m. No.21325958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6171

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh killed in attack in Iran

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Published 9 minutes ago9m ago

Malaysia condemns ‘all acts of violence’, calls for dialogue

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Published 19 minutes ago19m ago

Haniyeh’s son pledges to keep fighting for freedom

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Published 24 minutes ago24m ago

Dozens of Haniyeh family members killed since October 7

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Published 34 minutes ago34m ago

China condemns Haniyeh’s assassination

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Published 39 minutes ago39m ago

Iran’s president vows to make Israel ‘regret cowardly action’

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Published 44 minutes ago44m ago

Israel used dogs, waterboarding on Palestinian detainees from Gaza: UN report

Anonymous ID: 06742c July 31, 2024, 1:34 a.m. No.21325968   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President of North Carolina-Based Entertainment Company Agrees to Plead Guilty to Embezzling from Television Production

Anonymous ID: 06742c July 31, 2024, 1:36 a.m. No.21325972   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fake Doctor Selling Unproven COVID-19 Cure is Sentenced to 36 Months

Anonymous ID: 06742c July 31, 2024, 2:05 a.m. No.21326016   🗄️.is 🔗kun

West attempting a coup – Venezuelan defense minister


The nationwide protests over Maduro’s re-election are part of a US-backed plan, Vladimir Padrino has said


Speaking at a news conference on Tuesday, Padrino accused the demonstrators of “acts of sabotage” and destruction of official buildings, including a hundred electoral centers and offices of the National Electoral Council (CNE).


According to the minister, these “expressions of hatred and irrationality” are a part of a “preconceived plan” by US-backed political groups. The anti-Maduro protesters are attempting to carry out a coup with the support of “North American imperialism and its external and internal allies,” Padrino said.


”We are witnessing fascism at its maximum expression, of an international structure that is investing hundreds of millions of dollars to discredit the extraordinary demonstration of civility that the Venezuelan people showed on the last election day,” he claimed.


While pledging that any coup attempts will be quashed, he called for dialogue and urged all political forces to follow the laws of Venezuela and take the “path of democracy.”


“As is well known, history has reliably demonstrated that the path of violence does not lead to anything positive,” Padrino warned.


The CNE announced on Sunday that with 80% of ballots counted, Maduro had secured more than 51% of the vote, compared to 44% for his only rival, Gonzales. All other opposition candidates had withdrawn and backed Gonzales.


Addressing his supporters at a CNE event where he was proclaimed the winner, Nicolas Maduro mocked the opposition, which he said “cries fraud” at every election.


Maduro has won a third consecutive six-year term, having first taken office in 2013 following the death of President Hugo Chavez. The Venezuelan president said his re-election would bring peace and stability.