How retarded are you?
i am not sure who is who anymore. supposedly they have all these election protections in Venezuela. So someone is obviously lying and since most people do not have a dog in the race its hard to tell which dog is better. Maduro may be a fuck but maybe he was the legal winner and this is all smoke and mirrors, none of the people screaming about this either make sense. SO Maduro might be the rightful leader but the election is so fucked even if they had security measures no one is believing the results. Welcome to November.
you are most likely correct but the massive election confusion and people fighting in the streets over the perceived election results is going to spread into every election soon enough. The other guy down there seems like a Joe Biden type which is only lending to my suspicion, of course since I can not speak spanish and have to wait for some mockingbird to explain shit to me Also it creates a sense of mistrust because why is the media carrying water for this other guy, free and fair elections. No. Hypothetically then if Muhdorito is the rightful ruler he will be lambasted for how he is going after protesters even if he won fairly, and if it truly is the other way how do you remove the guy with out force. Military is the only way maybe down there also. So brings up the question how will it play out in America, when will the military decide to get publicly involved either before or after election. Who's side will they take. Biden potentially will still be in charge. Will they listen anymore? Who the fuck knows.
it really sounds like a coup against an installed puppet. The violence then is perceived as justified because you have a muh dick taker much like kamala. So that any one fighting against the perception gets rebel alliance status and a sticker.
the police and military just to sound a littler black pilled and doomer willl not stay protesting either because they have to eat and want the ca ching. They know which side their bread is buttered on and it is never with freedom it is always with the institutional power.
its is always puppet governments world wide including in america and if you DARE to say you are a puppet or a criminal they just lie and use the institutional powers against you. See Cop answer above.
how? How do you let them know? I do not think you are wrong, but how do you let them know in a way that is not considered by them and their itchy trigger fingers to be a threat. Because using the traitor term sets up some very specific ramifications in most cases that are no no talking points.
and the winners write the history and alter it to suit their needs creating a further diversion from the truth. It is why I always laugh when idiots say there is no place for political violence but America was founded by people who were pushed to violence while still trying to use their words and were deemed terrorists by the controlling party. It is all about the spin.
and how are you going to arrest the mayor that is a stupid answer are you going to do a citizens arrest? Say hey you are mean i am here to arrest you and you take out your fuzzy hand cuffs. Then what you still have to deal with a flawed and corrupt judicial. Quit being stupid.
well the people are still allowing it and letting cops get away with shit and the courts and part of the problem they are entitled and actively use violence against the people. Then you have these same institutions ignoring the problems that they created look at England what are people to do when the governments are not protecting the people. Little girls got killed over policies and the cuckery of the police forces. Then when people say vote them out. Well the vote is rigged. Fuck that is venezuela. Its black pilling for sure when you see the scope of this shit.
It should be but then it would just be claimed another conspiracy theory. The media still has a large control of the narrative even if they are getting reamed every day for their lies. The question needs to be asked if elections are safe and secure and they used the same tech as you said it must be legitimate why are you asking silly question. Make them defend it. Make them defend their stupid elections.
that is a great line, power is always taken. Voting is an illusion you think power is being taken but when the powerful do not want to lose it they just alter the results and say whoops guess you didnt get me this time whomp whomp. Even if you do vote your way out, people who support the institutions are still in play. At every level. Maduro might still be in the right in this, it just depends and there is not enough info yet.
Socratic questioning only really works if the person can even understand the question and/or the person posing the question can strip it down enough to understand it at a basic level.
Elon is a faggot censors for saying shit about kamala swallowing cum. He is just as bad and deserves to swing with the rest of them till his fucking neck snaps
still can it exploded because it was funny that these idiots tried it and it was smacked down almost instantly and yet they are still trying it
yeah and what is wrong with dick and fart jokes you want anons to be fucking classy and mature with their humor
well that is lazy there is no slant that is just obvious and like a pig meme. Gay.
Have to twist the joke to point out the opposite either in the words or picture its about dichotomies