Morning anons…
Interesting doc and looks like it took a lot of work to put together…
It is a useful reference. TY anon…
Is today the day the lights go off anon?
Checkmate called…
-panick in DC
-they missed!
-no viable D candidate
-narrative COLLAPSE
"WASHINGTON—U.S. officials are privately delivering an unusual warning to telecommunications companies: Undersea cables that ferry internet traffic across the Pacific Ocean could be vulnerable to tampering by Chinese repair ships."
Doom anon…is it because of 1778 you feel the lights will go out NOW?
Please express your theory of why now, and I am not disagreeing with you as I also think we areCLOSE
Interesting theory anon…SOMETHING is gonna happen for sure. While it was always a risk and seemed always possible, who saw what happened to 45 coming?
I have no idea (althoug I have some highly educated guesses) about how this will flip. The PEDO stuff seems most likely but could be china lobbing a missile or another large FF like 911.
The bad guys are running out of gas and are cornered and likely at their most dangerous…however, if not obvious to all by now GODWINS…
"Clock In"…
Well the good news is it is an INCOMPETENT and very SLOPPY cover up…
There is over watch video somewhere from the USSS. The local LE will NOT let the USSS dis on them.
These people are STUPID…