Anonymous ID: 80bfb6 July 31, 2024, 4:22 p.m. No.21329624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9632

Can anyone here explain to me what President Trump, his son, and Tucker Carlson were doing at a Bitcoin conference acting all enthusiastic about Bitcoin and its place in the future economy of our country? Bitcoin is the exact opposite of what I understood Trump to be working toward: a new currency backed by gold, silver, and other hard assets to replace our fiat currency and wrest control of our country from the Federal Reserve banksters and the globalist cabal.


Bitcoin and other crypto currencies can only be "real money" when provably backed by real assets, like gold, silver, oil, real estate, etc. Otherwise it's just a mental magic act: it's valuable because enough people agree that it's valuable…until they don't. Then it's worthless. The BRICS countries are in the process of moving to gold/asset backed currencies and have begun trading with one another on that basis. Other countries will ultimately follow rather than be cut off from global trade.


Was Trump's appearance at the Bitcoin Conference just a head fake? Or has he really changed his mind on Bitcoin and other crypto currencies?

Anonymous ID: 80bfb6 July 31, 2024, 4:50 p.m. No.21329866   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21329632 Are you saying he doesn't want to win the election, or that there isn't going to be an election? I get at least five calls a day from the RNC asking me to fill out surveys, be on committees, and oh, by the way, can I send a nice big check.


I donated a substantial amount in 2020, but have held off on donations this time because the signals I'm getting from here and from other sites is that there isn't going to be an election, just Trump publicly taking his place as President after SCOTUS or the military announce that the 2020 election was indeed stolen. I get that we are watching a movie and that there are going to be unexpected plot twists, but after the past two weeks my head is spinning. So much of what is happening now doesn't make sense anymore.


I'm about ready to just check out and let whatever is supposed to happen, happen. It's not like I can influence the outcome anyway, which makes me sad, because when I first found this board in October of 2017 I was excited about the opportunity to play a part in The Great Awakening. I no longer feel like I know what the real goal of the movement is. There are too many contradictory things happening, and being said.