Anonymous ID: 5579d0 Aug. 2, 2024, 3:06 p.m. No.21340894   🗄️.is 🔗kun

▶B !!qMFQqVT8Uw  06/02/21 (Wed) 19:30:09 ab5bb8 (1)  No.7559


This is a start of a new chapter.

We are not Q. We do know Q, notice he has never denied us. Look back and see.

Do not believe verify..


Real Q:

We know you are still Watching and Waiting as many of Us are. Thank you, you will never be forgotten for your sacrifice. You did what others were unable to achieve.


Laughing Man (babyfist):

We are sorry, if you feel betrayed We understand. But you knew the path would be rough. Just not how rough. Don't ever give up.

We are glad you were clear and honest with anons.

You don't have to forgive us but soon all will understand.


Jim and 8kun staff:

Sorry please forgive the intrusion. This is not Laughing_Man's fault. Please don't hold this against him, it is Us. We could of done this differently but decided this would be easier to clean up for you. The other way would of caused way more issues for the Q and Truth Community.



We love you anons, We are sorry for the confusion we caused.

Time will tell. Just Watch.

Never stop fighting, Freedom has never been given it is always taken. Patriots Fight!


Thank you.


Q is now an Idea. It is no longer a person/team, ideas never die. Q is now forever.

Many still use the backchannel use discernment.

Trust yourself, verify verify verify!

Together WE Win!

WRWY! Then, Now, Forever!

Sgt B

Anonymous ID: 5579d0 Aug. 2, 2024, 3:10 p.m. No.21340917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1026

For X tadpole :


You dare question my sauce?

Check the archives faggot


▶B  05/29/21 (Sat) 12:24:40 No.111


Fact Vs. Fiction

We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours.


Who gave you the Playbooks?

Who helps you answer Questions?*/

Anonymous ID: 5579d0 Aug. 2, 2024, 3:17 p.m. No.21340981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1009

What happened to the oss faggot and his nogger hive mind board?

▶EveryoneIsOSS  07/06/22 (Wed) 03:13:24 d9a1ff  No.25693 >>25696 >>25700 >>25720 >>25726

File (hide): 0ca3ce8461005e4⋯.png (558.98 KB, 948x986, 474:493, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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File (hide): f7e5c4057f6b9a0⋯.png (922.54 KB, 1628x1502, 814:751, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Image 1: Baron Arizona pointing to latest coded video from 1033 TsohG

Note backwards is Ghost 3301.



Image2: Ghost3301 Account on TS

Also has cicada emerge comms.

Note in bio "Bag of cats"


Image 3: A screenshot from the video shows a message which appears to be a B post from 06/25/20

>Currently anons are being put to a test. Help them achieve Victory.

>Teach them to use their voice as the mockingbird did, sing in unison.

>Make the FACTS louder than the FICTION.


Which lines up with their Operation Bird Song:

>8 Operation Bird Song

>Time to sing as the MOCKINGBIRD did, but now your songs, the songs of freedom >>> OP_BS



What say ye? Are there psyops being run right now to coral us into this direction? I definitely feel corralled. Where is this going… I'm not trying to apply for elite standing in a club. im not mensa

Anonymous ID: 5579d0 Aug. 2, 2024, 3:42 p.m. No.21341120   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You dare think I don’t know about defatso?



They’re all faggot larps.


Enjoy the show!

▶EveryoneIsOSS!!OWdeYcHrBQ  07/03/22 (Sun) 12:54:25 3c6dd4  No.24526 >>24527 >>24538


Babyfist Sgt B history


>>23076 Barron arizona and babyfist reply to 8bit on TS

>>23194 Video of jim and babyfist explaining B dcomms incident >>23204 Transcripted

>>23209, >>23212, >>23213, >>23215 Babyfist "Trial Run"

>>23220 Stupidity in action

>>23234 Babyfist talking about working with sgt b, running psops

>>23427, >>23429 Jim-crew talk about torturing Fred Brennan >>23431, >>23435

>>23441 Baron Arizona and Babyfist acting like B is real and should be listened to.

>>23444, >>23445 Barron Arizona op_basltoff activated

>>23449 Could Broderick be B? >>23452, >>23453, >>23454, >>23455, >>23456

>>23478 BV Called out babyfist VPS back then

>>23480 Babyfist on gab, wont tell who sgt b is

>>23513 B Admitting they used LaughingMan/Babyfists account to post on dcomms

>>23527 babyfist discusses the lies being told by qresearch

>>23544 babyfist saying that sgt b ruined his name it better be worth it

>>23550 babyfist talks about division

>>23564, >>23567 deepdigs claims babyfist chaos made up by oss even though admitted in video

>>23462, >>23463, >>23466 MR Red/Orlando

>>23476, >>23505, >>23523 Tony, Ron(cm) and James

>>23548 babyfist admins he is fren of Thomas Schoenberger

>>23547 he will try to blow it off

Anonymous ID: 5579d0 Aug. 2, 2024, 3:47 p.m. No.21341154   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Might wanna get your shovels.

▶EveryoneIsOSS  07/03/22 (Sun) 14:34:13 f66baf  No.24679 >>24680 >>24681 >>24684 >>24699 >>24708

File (hide): f03846ecd006b8b⋯.png (108.1 KB, 1712x262, 856:131, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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Sorry bad formatting on that one


>>>/qresearch/8894274 B tries to predict Q drop


>I will go through Crumbs and be back on 27th Late EST. Q should drop right before that

Did this happen?


>>>/qresearch/8893602 B team claims to have message from Q


>>>/qresearch/8894122 B claims to know some of The Plan


>With the little knowledge of the Plan that was shared with me. Anons need more coordination and a tighter community to get through this. The DS is strong.


>>>/qresearch/8894201 B: How to create a successful psyop


>>>/qresearch/8916957 B: 8bit/Freddy B not a threat to our ops


>B != 8 bit. Morons. Just stated we have been watching. He has just been cleared as not a threat to our ops. Same with cripple freddy (he's got his own issues to solve, kek)

Sgt. B doesn't like freddy, calls him a cripple


>>>/qresearch/8916869 Admin says SURV of [freddy,8bit] terminated


>The lack of answers is clear…

>SURV of [redacted, redacted, redacted] engage. SURV of [freddy,8bit] terminated.

>Names come next. I'm not Q or B. I'm just an Admin. And you don't fuck with an Admins network without paying a price.

>No Deals.


>>>/qresearch/8917060 Admin admits to being on B team


>Believe what you may but our team [B and company] has told nothing but truths. We came for our objective nothing else. Someone here has other plans. Which is not The Plan.

>Patriots are stronger together. Divided you are weak.


>>>/qresearch/8924018 Babfist/CivAnon was meant to be the fall guy


04/25/20 (Sat) 22:19:52


Is CivAnon babyfist? Was he the fall guy?


>I am the "Safety Net" [Fall Man] if you will. You will know my "Name" soon.

>And any Anon worth a damn could find me. Face Name ETC. I'm not hiding. But all other Team is TS. Need to know only.


>We are a team of "Lets say 4"

>Sgt. B = psyopAnon/Armyfag

>CivAnon = Me < (You)

>Admin = Admin/NetworkAnon

>Director = "I have no clue" but B calls him Director, So i guess he is the Director.


This group of posts is FIRE

On 04/25/20 (Sat) 22:19:52 babyfist/civanon says he is the fall guy

Anonymous ID: 5579d0 Aug. 2, 2024, 5:03 p.m. No.21341626   🗄️.is 🔗kun

▶EveryoneIsOSS  07/03/22 (Sun) 16:39:52 f66baf  No.24752



Civanon Sgt. b posts aggregated by qrb

Posts from "Sgt B":


ID f6ce61 at


ID 5e1436 at


Posts from "civanon":


ID e47fb8 at


ID 8c37a0 at


ID cc7f35 at


ID d7ee1b at


ID 8d88a2 at


ID 523c3d at


ID 6aa47e at


ID 3b1723 at


ID 94ab38 at


ID b5c290 at


ID 7ff4ac at


Civanon claims to have worked for DoD as a software Project Manager

>I work in Project Management for DoD and did Project Management for Software Development. I know how to make a plan a run a project. things are going as planned and as intended. Results have already been seen.


Civanon claims to have worked for US Army

>Who are you? Who do you work for? Are you wiling to show me who you are if I act in kind? We could end all this doubt right now. I wouldn't have to constantly wonder if we're being slow walked to our death.

>I had told many. You can call me CivAnon.

>I was working for the US Army. Currently a Civ.