Anonymous ID: 59c180 Aug. 2, 2024, 2:57 p.m. No.21340852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0877 >>0903 >>0916 >>0950 >>1048 >>1103 >>1196 >>1224 >>1400 >>1514 >>1556


Donald J. Trump

Can anybody believe that I am still under a harsh Gag Order, placed on me by a Highly Conflicted, Unelected, and Acting New York Judge, which makes it very difficult to Campaign, especially when Crazy Kamala Harris is using this Witch Hunt against me. Every major Legal Scholar and Pundit has said that this case is a SCAM and a HOAX, and that I did nothing wrong. Story after story has been written that the Judge had no right to do what he did, that it was a political decision against the Opponent of Crooked Joe Biden and Crazy Kamala. It is unprecedented in United States History. The Gag Order should be voided at once and, based on the Immunity Decision just handed down by the United States Supreme Court, and for many other reasons, this case should be IMMEDIATELY terminated!


Aug 02, 2024, 5:40 PM

Anonymous ID: 59c180 Aug. 2, 2024, 3:36 p.m. No.21341076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1093 >>1224 >>1400 >>1514 >>1556

Jul 30, 2024

Kamala Harris Is Dangerously Liberal — And She Can't Hide From It


At her California core, Kamala is a card-carrying member of the Radical Left whose dangerous beliefs are out of step with Americans.


Now, at the top of her ticket, Kamala is desperately trying to mask her true far-left self from Americans.


Sorry, Kamala — you can run, but you cannot hide from your weak, failed, dangerously liberal ideology.


It's who Kamala is — and always will be:

She’s on tape (more than a dozen times) denying illegal aliens are "criminals."

She opposes restricting sexually explicit content from elementary schools.

She "object[s]" to the terms "radical Islamic terrorism" and "illegal alien."

She backs mass amnesty for the millions of unvetted illegal aliens you let into the country.

She covered up the biggest scandal in modern political history.

She praised and "applaud[ed]" the Defund the Police movement.

She brags about being a "leader" in the push to end cash bail.

She cackles about her "socialist perspective."

She supports "banning fracking."

She supports mandatory gun confiscation from law-abiding gun owners.

She supports allowing minors to change their gender without parental consent or notification.

She supports decriminalizing illegal border crossings.

She champions baning gas-powered vehicles.

She supports abolishing private health insurance.

She defends lawless sanctuary cities.

She admits she is a "radical" leftist.

She brags that Soros-backed "progressive prosecutors" use her soft-on-crime approach as a "model."

She says deporting criminal illegal aliens is "outrageous" and "ridiculous."

She raises money to bail violent criminals out of jail.

She calls it "outdated" thinking that police officers make communities safe.

She backs voting rights for convicted terrorists, murderers, and rapists.

She supports raising taxes on 91% of Americans.

She supports free, taxpayer-funded health care benefits for illegals.

She supports a ban on plastic straws.

She calls for abolishing ICE.

She wants taxpayer-funded gender reassignment surgeries for transgender prison inmates.

She backs a ban on red meat consumption.

She encourages leftist rioters as they burn cities to the ground.

She denies "terrorists who are trying to invade the country" through her open border.

She argues with senior citizens about her socialist ideology.

She brags about reversing President Trump's successful border security measures.

She says a "70%-80% tax rate" is a "bold idea that should be discussed."

She supports the socialist, job-killing Green New Scam.

She advocates for a higher business tax rate than socialist Venezuela.

She compares brave ICE agents to the KKK.

She denies illegal immigration is an emergency.

She wants to force millions of energy workers to "transition" to new jobs.

She supports packing the Supreme Court with far-left activist judges.

She defies the Supreme Court, then brags about it.

She supports taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand without limits until birth.

She smears young Americans as "stupid."

She calls for "some form of reparations."

She accuses her opponents of doing exactly what you are doing.

She fantasizes about killing President Trump.

She ‘both sides’-es the attack on Israel by Hamas terrorists.

She fakes French accents.

She implies rural Americans are too stupid to make photocopies.

She berates her staff (and even forced them to call her "General" when she was AG).

She has the highest staff turnover rate of any administration in decades.

She hires child actors to make herself seem relatable.

She plagiarizes Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


If elected, there is no question Kamala Harris would govern from the fringes of the left — because that's who she is (in her own words!).


When Kamala tells us she is weak, failed, and dangerously liberal, we should believe her.

Anonymous ID: 59c180 Aug. 2, 2024, 3:38 p.m. No.21341093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1224 >>1400 >>1514 >>1556

August 02, 2024

Is This Communist China?


Kamala installed as Democrat nominee without earning a single vote


Kamala Harris — the least popular vice president in modern U.S. history — has just officially been installed as the presumptive Democrat nominee for president without a single vote cast in her name.


In a process more reminiscent of communist China, Democrat elites deposed their previous nominee when their coverup of his decline was no longer tenable, then coronated Kamala in the least democratic way possible.


Now, they're shielding her from the public as long as they can lest voters notice her dangerously liberal ideology >>21341076 and complete lack of fitness for office.


Democrats are the real "threat to democracy."

Anonymous ID: 59c180 Aug. 2, 2024, 3:50 p.m. No.21341175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1332

Jul 22, 2024

Border Czar Harris Fails Americans With Open Border Policies


Kamala Harris’ Border Crisis Is Out Of Control – And Only A Trump-Vance Administration Can Stop It



Anonymous ID: 59c180 Aug. 2, 2024, 3:53 p.m. No.21341184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1223 >>1332






History will remember the Harris-Biden administration for destruction, chaos, and failure. Lives of everyday Americans have been shattered as a direct result of Border Czar Harris’s open-border policies — and she doesn’t care. These are our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends who are being attacked by people who should never have been in our country in the first place. Under Border Czar Harris, every state is now a border state. We have to stand up and stop Harris before she destroys our nation. The cost of doing nothing is measured in the lives lost to the fentanyl and crime wave washing across America.

Anonymous ID: 59c180 Aug. 2, 2024, 4 p.m. No.21341231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1332

Nov 02, 2023

Kamala Abdicates On Border


Kamala Harris is proving Republicans’ point: the Biden administration has decimated U.S. border security.


From the “border czar’s” interview with Remezcla this week: “According to the Vice President, the current administration’s immigration policies largely involve undoing the previous one’s work.”



That’s true — and Americans are paying the steep price. In their first 100 days, Biden and Harris issued 94 executive actions diluting border security, including halting construction of the border wall and ending the successful “Remain in Mexico” policy. Illegal immigrants literally thanked the Biden administration for the weak policies; they “didn’t even want to try” to cross the border before. …

Anonymous ID: 59c180 Aug. 2, 2024, 4:02 p.m. No.21341255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1332

April 26, 2021

Border Challenges Dominate, But Biden’s First 100 Days Mark Notable Under-the-Radar Immigration Accomplishments'


President Joe Biden entered office with an ambitious immigration agenda, yet has seen some of his administration’s early actions overshadowed—and tempered even—amid significant public attention over the high numbers of asylum seekers and other migrants arriving at the U.S. southern border. More migrants were encountered at the border in March than any month since 2001, and the government has been slow to scale up its capacity to address the increasing numbers, while also giving mixed messages about who will be allowed into the country.


Yet as Biden nears 100 days in office on April 30, he has, with little fanfare, notched accomplishments in other areas of immigration policy that rival and in some cases surpass what his predecessors did in the same amount of time. As of this writing, the Biden administration had taken 94 executive actions on immigration, according to a Migration Policy Institute (MPI) count. This compares with the fewer than 30 taken during the first 100 days of Donald Trump’s presidency, which was arguably more active on immigration than any prior U.S. administration. …

Anonymous ID: 59c180 Aug. 2, 2024, 4:06 p.m. No.21341288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1332



In 2019, Kamala Harris said she would not treat illegal immigrants as criminals for entering the country illegally.

Anonymous ID: 59c180 Aug. 2, 2024, 4:08 p.m. No.21341309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1332 >>1400 >>1514 >>1556

August 11, 2020

Kamala Harris Backs Publicly Funded Health Care for Illegal Immigrants


In May of 2019, Kamala Harris unequivocally told CNN’s Jake Tapper that she would make no distinction between American citizens and illegal immigrants on a broad array of measures. When Tapper referred to benefits for “people who are in this country illegally,” Harris replied: “Let me just be very clear about this. I am opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from access to public safety, public education or public health, period.” Joe Biden’s position on the same matter has been murky: Like all of the other Democrats on stage he raised his hand when Savannah Guthrie asked, “Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants.” His campaign later claimed that Biden meant only that undocumented immigrants could purchase health insurance via Obamacare. But Biden was specifically asked about Medicare and Medicaid last June, and he said, “Look, I think that anyone who is in a situation where they are in need of health care, regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented, we have an obligation to see that they are cared for.” …

Anonymous ID: 59c180 Aug. 2, 2024, 4:10 p.m. No.21341314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1332 >>1400 >>1514 >>1556

RNC Research



Kamala thinks we should consider abolishing ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement): "We need to probably even think about starting from scratch."

Anonymous ID: 59c180 Aug. 2, 2024, 4:12 p.m. No.21341323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1332


Harris once opposed the border closure. As vice president, she supports it.

Democrats, immigration advocates accuse Biden, Harris of keeping the border closed to limit immigration, not protect the country against the pandemic.


Months before the election, then-Senator Kamala Harris signed on to a letter with fellow Democrats accusing the Trump administration of violating federal law when it took the drastic step of citing the pandemic to close down the Mexican border.


Now, after being sworn in as vice president, Harris backs the Biden administration’s decision to keep the border closed under that very same provision, according to two people familiar with her thinking. …

Anonymous ID: 59c180 Aug. 2, 2024, 4:13 p.m. No.21341332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1400 >>1514 >>1556

August 02, 2024

Harris Failure Fridays: Kamala’s Border Invasion A “Critical Threat”


Kamala Harris is complicit in aiding and abetting an invasion of our border, and by doing so, has failed to keep American families safe.


As reported by The Washington Post, a recent poll shows that half of Americans view the number of illegal immigrants entering the country as a >>21341158 “critical threat.” Indeed, it is.


Nearly 10 million unvetted illegal aliens >>21341175 have crossed the border during Harris’s time as Border Czar – that includes close to 2 million “gotaways” and hundreds of thousands who have been released into U.S. communities, unleashing an unprecedented era of needless, preventable, and heinous >>21341184 migrant crime. Deadly fentanyl is poisoning more Americans than ever, illegal aliens are murdering and assaulting Americans, cartels have de facto control over much of the border, and the terror threat to the U.S. homeland is rising.


This is truly a threat to our national security. The death, destruction, and chaos was all preventable. Kamala needs to take accountability for the crisis she helped create.


Kamala has owned the Harris-Biden border crisis from the start, admitting >>21341231 their administration’s policy was to "undo" President Trump's successful border security agenda — taking 94 executive actions >>21341255 in their first 100 days to rescind Trump-era measures.


If Kamala were to be elected president, her failures as border czar will only be exacerbated by her dangerously radical policies. She supports >>21341275 decriminalizing illegal border crossings, says >>21341288 she would not "treat" illegal aliens as "criminals,” backs >>21341309 taxpayer-funded health benefits for illegal aliens, called >>21341314 for "starting [ICE] from scratch, and supports >>21341323 “sanctuary” cities – which are really only “sanctuaries” for criminals, not American citizens.


Americans view the border invasion as a “critical threat” because it is one. Tragically, the price Americans are paying for her policies grows by the day. We are holding her accountable at >>21341184


We need a president who will end this national nightmare. We need President Trump back in office.