Anonymous ID: 6e73de Aug. 2, 2024, 7 p.m. No.21342198   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2216

Im rewatching highlander for 100th time and i never noticed in the church at 1:32:00 into the film, a priest and kruger have an exchange i never payed attention to before …


"This is the House of God, people are trying to pray, you are disturbing them…"


"who care about these helpless mortals?"


"of course He cares, He died for our sins…"


"that shall be his undoing …"


thats from one of the princes of darkness, hmmm, just never payed attention to it before


it isnt lost on me that POTUS' mom is a macleod …


pray if you can, we must show heaven we care