Most predictions are now saying the VP pick will be Shapiro from PA.
Again, this is probably due to Electoral College math, where PA is needed badly for a Demoncrat win to 270.
So Trump picks Vance from Ohio, as there are few EC wins for the GOP that do not include winning OH.
Dems are going for Shapiro, as PA is a must win state for them.
Historically, VP picks are often which state's favorite son will give them a few points extra in a must-win state for the EC math.
This is getting serious.
If Venezuela starts insisting on honest elections, can the USA be far behind???
Is this where we find out just how far the Iranian nuclear program has progressed?
OMG, if Iran is getting ready to deploy now, they must really be panicked that Trump is coming back into office.
Is Israel being saved for last (per Q), or is it getting wiped off the map?
Hope I am so very wrong about this, because if Iran goes nuclear, we might be looking at an escalation that Sleepy Joe and the Hoe have no possibility of managing correctly.
Just thinking out loud here.
We hear rumblings that Iran had an attack planned on Trump.
Then the events in PA.
Now we hear Iran has big plans, most likely involving Israel.
Are they scared shitless that Trump will be 47?
Are they trying to stop what is coming?
Was Q right when they stated:
'Nothing can stop what is coming' is NOT just a catch-phrase.
Nixon, but he had to lose to JFK first.
Have seen some social media posts where young black men are saying, "Hell No! To the HOE!"
One said he was raised by intense Black women and absolutely does not trust one with the nuclear codes.