Religion is the divider of the world. Nothing good comes from it.
when did this place get biblefag bots? Pushing the division narrative like a bunch of brainwashed troglodytes.
oh you mean the I am a strong wahmin you scared of me come get me posts. Yeah that was um something. It makes honest autistic schizo anons look bad.
well maybe sky news should not be so racist by reporting their peaceful protest.
All this talk of God and yet all these mongs have no clue what that even means past their own limited interpretation and subjective opinions on things that they were indoctrinated with from a manufactured lie. Goes for all garbage faiths.
Whatever happened to all the No Division talk, and that all these things were constructs meant to separate humanity from each other.
get triggered division cunt.
you might actually get it. Its all unity as long as you agree with them. Christians are as bad as commie liberals. We love you, as long as you agree.
and why is that pray tell because I call out the division of these religious cults.
Religious people all say they want unity and peaces and love, but that only extends as far as their own subjective beliefs allow. Just look at the division witch Christians themselves. All religions have sects but I will use this because I am the most familiar. Why do some churches say it is right to worship on saturday but others sunday to the point its a doctrinal position in that grouping. This creates a automatic separation because of dogmatic principles. So even in the in group preference there is still division if you are not 100 equal in thought. Either they will say you are not devout enough or some other such nonsense. This also helps showcase how the entire structure is built upon a rocky foundation. If you start to question how the house was built you are then removing yourself further from the group. Same thing with people waking up from anything. In therapy they often say that the more you heal the people who have put you down will lash out. So unity is only as good as the group think you are part of. Does that answer it.
Religion is the lie they teach. Faith is believing in the lie they teach. If you have it in your own heart how did you learn it in the first place if you were not taught about the stories. It is all indoctrination.
Because all religion creates automatic in group preference based upon the teachings. It is a feature. Islam does it also cept they come out right and say you are stupid if you associate with people who do not think as you do.
If a creator hypothetically exists, that is not what appears in a majority of texts, there is a unifying story however but that would require people of faith to look outside of their box. IF they do that then they are doubting and questioning and that again puts them on the outside.
OO-DE-LOLLY, What a day.
nice mancini reference.
how about just dying from diabetus from all the bread you ate.
just shut the fuck up you absolute trash cunt mong.
look now it is quoting made up bullshit to push the propaganda.
Q also said disinformation is necessary. Reconcile cunt.
now it is projecting because of its own failures. It is pushing the doctrine of division. Do you want truth or do you want comfort? Does the bible comfort your tiny little mind.
and what and who is manipulating them.