Anonymous ID: a64965 Aug. 8, 2024, 3:05 a.m. No.21371931   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


You can also mentioning the u.k clowns and the u.k media inteferring in the usa elections and their lying media.

and don't forget huw edwards, philip schofield, rolf harris and many other pedo's being paid by the u.k mandatory licence fee to getting paid.

Thank you anons.


Anonymous ID: a64965 Aug. 8, 2024, 3:50 a.m. No.21372009   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2026 >>2033 >>2043 >>2206 >>2304



Who's Spreading the Misinformation Now Then!?


8 Aug 2024

The establishment media informed us that last night would see around 100 riots up and down the country - odd how that was completely untrue and they don't have to worry about misinformation - yet leftists were out in force pushing a narrative divorced from reality.

Anonymous ID: a64965 Aug. 8, 2024, 3:57 a.m. No.21372026   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2041 >>2206 >>2304



Note: Finally the morans on youtube and clickbaiters are understanding the full picture.

blairs E.S.G is now being deployed in the u.k

Starmer Just Made It Worse


8 Aug 2024

The Labour governmentโ€™s health secretary called for so called racists to be denied treatment by the national health service. This is completely against the doctors and nurses Hippocratic oath.

Violent criminals will still get treated.

How is this fair?

Anonymous ID: a64965 Aug. 8, 2024, 4:15 a.m. No.21372070   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Genocidal organ.

Where we are going .

use subtitles to watch.

if you can find itโ€ฆ



When Sarajevo was destroyed by a homemade nuclear weapon, the leading democracies of the world transformed into surveillance states, where each individual is constantly monitored, watched, and wired. While the developed nations of the world entered this state, the developing countries around the world endured a multitude of genocidal wars. Those developing countries went from harmony to complete destruction in about 6โ€“8 months, with all of the events and evidence pointing to one suspect, an American named John Paul.


Clavis Shepherd, a US Special Forces Officer, along with his team of advanced super-soldiers, are tasked with finding and eliminating John Paul. They want to know how one man can cause so much destruction and death.


Eventually, Clavis manages to track down John Paul, who confirms that he has discovered the existence of a "genocidal organ" naturally present in mankind that can be activated using a sequence of words, which he calls the "genocide grammar." He explains that he used it to cause massive civil wars in the rest of the world, believing it to be the only way to protect the United States and the rest of the "First World" from terrorism and resentment in the "Third World". Clavis, unmoved, takes him into custody, only to see him dying after an assassination operation carried out by his own intelligence unit, who were ordered to kill him to prevent the end of the "peace" carried out by the surveillance states.


Consequently, Clavis discovers the truth from Paul's personal effects: the genocidal organ is actually the result of a massive program of subliminal messages, under the name of Operation John Paul (a probable controversial reference to the influence of the Catholic Church in the Western world), originally led cabal of leaders called the "First World Order." This group, which was most likely also behind that city's nuclear destruction, used the massive media coverage of the destruction of Sarajevo to start their operation. In fact, John Paul was originally the American agent in charge of the program, but unlike their original plan, Paul managed to escape their grasp, disappearing into the chaos of the wars that followed, creating a network of Resistance cells against his own former bosses. Paul's notes also underline that he found the true intention of the whole ordeal: to exploit the world's crises and impose an "Order of Nations," transforming the world into a one-world government, militarized and controlled by its new masters. As a last resort, Paul created a new sequence of words to activate his "genocidal" program in the English-speaking world, which, just like the rest of the world population, had received the subliminal message of genocidal organs.


The revelation causes an immense conflict within Clavis. Despite having seen firsthand the results of the genocidal organs, he is also forced to admit that America and the rest of the First World are the real culprits of the world's suffering and devastation and that in any case, while America is still standing, they have practically killed the "American dream" and imposed a convenient "First World truth." Clavis decides to go forward with Paul's plan. He leaks the information so that he can be called to a military hearing in Washington DC, watched from afar by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the general public. Clavis, despite having no illusion about the future or that he is doing the right thing, then activates the program, causing a second civil war centered on America.

Anonymous ID: a64965 Aug. 8, 2024, 4:53 a.m. No.21372216   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2227 >>2236 >>2304


note: The anons here are years ahead of the narrative, all those so called experts are either profiting from the chaos or incompetent brain washed midwits.

Anon has already done all the research and posted the research here, archived offline and on other social media and archive sites.


Neil Oliver: Weโ€™re being played!!!

8 Aug 2024 #NeilOliver #Starmer #Biden

โ€˜โ€ฆa country in flames - who benefits from the chaos?!

Anonymous ID: a64965 Aug. 8, 2024, 5:04 a.m. No.21372267   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2290


very true,

all the mouthy barrow boys on youtube are deleting their social media and either leaving the country or left.

tommy robinson, paul thorpe who organised the freedom march in sadiq khan london controlled gulag. it was peaceful, but the media will use it, with and as a selected clips to show how many all british citzens including white are the racist to push the narrative.

the whole thing spelled of a psyop from the beginning and anontoldyaso.

Stay away from the ground protests.

this is a Air war from the internets.

it is the 77th bridage, MI5 AND MI6 with clowns, including fveys etc


I'm taking a break

Anonymous ID: a64965 Aug. 8, 2024, 5:09 a.m. No.21372290   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Note: The trouble in the u.k is being used by lots of people for their agenda. They would use anything to achieve their agenda, and that includes the death of children or mps (in the past) to bring in laws. The psychology of the crowd is something edward berneys wrote and used on the masses., pray for the children and their parents. anon is not condoning the violence of that evil fucker who killed the girls. back in the day, we had a way to deal with them and the police would never be called. p.s still not sure if this is the image of the attacker or the once that was put out by the fake news media to incite the riots an enrage people.



that is not a 17 year old.

Anon is getting a distinct feeling this is a u.k clown op to bring in curfews and shutdowns before the 2024 elections.

timeline of events.

1) The armed police getting beaten up at the airport by muslims (fake outrage, once the full clip was released it shows they were attacked first)

2) murder of a british forces guy, (black man targeted him)

3) Tommy robinson march (went peacefully) they arrested tommy and than let him go. (trapping everyone there by cctv in sadiq khan gulag)

4) reports were a 17 year old targeted a taylor swift dance class in southport, would not divulge his identity, who would do that, (black man)

5) reports of riots in southport after a muslim man turns up at a vigil for the dead with a machete and gets arrested by police.

6) locals say that the riots were started by those who are not of the town of southport but were bused into southport to start riots.

it is beginning to look like a orchestrated attempt to cause chaos and bring in lock downs and digital i.d plus other measures that blair wants.

something stinks, they guy who killed those kids should be hung, but first impressions last.

Do not forget, the clowns in the u.k think they are really clever and anon has never trusted tommy robinson and the MI5 clowns who alls speak like barrow boys and football thugs.

They allowed the immigrants to be flooded intot he country. that is all sides apart from reform. they financed their housing and made excuses about human rights and echr rules which they could have ignored as they had a majority.

They also want to shut down free speech and the internet access.