>Disagree. When re-runs of yogie bear are rating higher than CNN, it's obvious that profit isn't their motive. With the pentagon, CIA, FedReserve, foreign countries, etc backing them and when their only purpose is to brainwash at all costs, they dont care about finances. In communism, state-run propaganda never stops regardless. Its the same here. The point isnt to make money. It's to influence minds. MSM must be taken down by a different method. Anti-trust is a good start. Add in those tactic for removing the people at the top: Zucker. Get dirt, spread, force resignation.
That is an astute observation, NPR is certainly state funded. It's easily possible to get Republicans to vote to curtail the funding of something, although I imagine you are correct, black ops in the CIA likely give them the finances to pass over to the media and thus bypass the advertising issue.
We could split that up into a two-stage attack: have media outlets declare their funding sources (under the guise of 'ending Russian collusion' or whatever). Once we know who funds what, we can engage it, although this might be a double-edged sword if there are good outlets.
The only means that remain are to get people to work in such outlets (the Project Veritas approach) and such to leak information of their corruption out to the world, although, without a publishing medium this will make it difficult to get any traction on. The best way to handle propaganda outlets is to discredit them entirely in the eyes of the people. I don't think anyone trusts Sputnik news any more.
>This has probably been our greatest victory to date.
Poe's Law and the absurdity it generates is certainly working against them.
But I strongly suspect the hate speech laws would backfire on them greatly if it was constantly used against them at every turn. Imagine if you had a team of trolls to cry wolf at every news story they publish: 'how dare you associate muslims with ISIS?' 'how dare you call Trumpers white, I'm black and…', 'in your article, I noticed you used a male pronoun'.
Abuse the laws against them like they've been doing to us. Eventually they will either have to admit the laws don't work and repeal them, or capitulate and be neutered.
>Also banking. Anti-trust should be at top of list of our issues to push for.
Whilst I agree, this is an international issue and you are spanning very large corporate powerhouses.
They won't go lightly. That said, if you had an economic collapse handy and on standby…
>It sounds to me like the first step is organizing the information. Charting out those companies at the center of the web. Listing those individuals who we want to eliminate. Listing their enemies. Documenting dirt. Listing individuals with power/influence. Linking them to those who they can help bring down. Linking them to issues they can help support. Listing the problems we have and linking them to issues we want to support.
I can definitely assure you billionaires have a diverse set of opinions, especially if they're on the 'losing side' and being crushed by the others.
You'll likely want to find some billionaires who believe in freedom of speech, gun rights as a support base.
Don't be afraid of using a 'lesser evils' approach, because once the bigger evil is dealt with, we can always address a lesser evil.
>Any anons have a suggestion for type of program to use? Probably just a collaborative spreadsheet?
It might be an idea to assign yourselves different targets to research 'off-grid' first, and then collate it together at a later stage.
Whatever you post publicly they will be able to see, which will start the clock ticking as they scramble to remove any weaknesses or dirt identified.
Democrats/Media/Surveillance/ISP topics should be left until last minute as they're the ones with the biggest eyeballs on the internet.
Once an 'alert' goes out, the clock start ticking against you, and websites, evidence, pages will rapidly start disappearing.
For big corporations with a lot of users, focus on material that could be used in a class action lawsuit.
Mark Zuckerberg should be ousted shortly. He's the first to go. He's the toughest nut to crack.
Your biggest direct enemies are Google and Twitter, but they're also the enemies of the old media indirectly - which is why the old media has been trying supplant, usurp and insert themselves in.
For Twitter: freedom of speech laws (IBOR etc).
For Google: finances, ad revenue. Fewer searches through their engine, the better.
Both Twitter and Google are guilty of the same things Facebook has done. They even share login data.
Get Facebook, get them all. New laws for facebook = new laws for google, twitter.