Anonymous ID: 5d65bd July 16, 2018, 2:17 p.m. No.2178211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8271


>Most of the people you're looking at are 'self-made' billionaires of 'this generation'.

>You don't even need someone who is pro-whatever to takeover, just someone who is reckless or inconsequential with their money. The younger, the better.

In list of good guys with power/influence: Thiel, Musk in business world. Kanye in entertainment. Rand Paul, Goodlatte in politics. Arpaio in law enforcement. People in alternative media.


>but at the moment it has terrible whistleblower protections. Greater whistleblower laws would allow more insiders to open up about rampant abuses

In list of issues to push for, CIA whistleblower law is a good one.


>You'd need a new currency

This is definitely the most difficult of the tasks. Should be saved for last. But always keep in mind, nothing in long run will change if this isn't taken care of. Whatever evil gets removed will be replaced. Whatever good is done will be removed.


>executive order preventing it from printing any more notes.

Good idea. Then at some point executive order having treasury replace all Fed reserve notes.


>If you want to know who wants what, map out who their enemies are.

Great idea.


>Sometimes, making the perp aware that you know is sufficient to make them resign and flee. Making the perp's circle of friends know is enough to result in otracisation and outcast. Imagine if you found damning evidence of a democrat senator who was a pedophile - and emailed all of the democrats they work with? They would immediately recognise them as a liability to the group.

More great ideas.


>Completely agree. MSM must be taken down. But how…


>There's many ways to disrupt their finances:

>1) Stop using their services

Disagree. When re-runs of yogie bear are rating higher than CNN, it's obvious that profit isn't their motive. With the pentagon, CIA, FedReserve, foreign countries, etc backing them and when their only purpose is to brainwash at all costs, they dont care about finances. In communism, state-run propaganda never stops regardless. Its the same here. The point isnt to make money. It's to influence minds. MSM must be taken down by a different method. Anti-trust is a good start. Add in those tactic for removing the people at the top: Zucker. Get dirt, spread, force resignation.


>If 4chan trolls want some fun, hoaxes tend to work very nicely at discrediting the media

This has probably been our greatest victory to date.


>The media monopoly is a huge issue

Also banking. Anti-trust should be at top of list of our issues to push for.

>Sometimes, the parties and groups with the greatest bias can be the strongest advocate of your idea so long as it's 'right' for them.

Good point.


It sounds to me like the first step is organizing the information. Charting out those companies at the center of the web. Listing those individuals who we want to eliminate. Listing their enemies. Documenting dirt. Listing individuals with power/influence. Linking them to those who they can help bring down. Linking them to issues they can help support. Listing the problems we have and linking them to issues we want to support.

Any anons have a suggestion for type of program to use? Probably just a collaborative spreadsheet?

Anonymous ID: 5d65bd July 16, 2018, 2:23 p.m. No.2178271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8316


>It sounds to me like the first step is organizing the information.

I'll make a collaborative spreadsheet and once we get it started with enough info, I'll push qresearch BO/Baker to add to General Research bread so other anons can contribute.

Anonymous ID: 5d65bd July 16, 2018, 2:27 p.m. No.2178316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8396


If you ask me, the links at top of every General Research are focused way too much on proving Q is real and making connections with his drops, etc. Should be more of an emphasis on the actual topics and making proofs of the actual conspiracies and documenting the actual players in a coherent way.

Anonymous ID: 5d65bd July 16, 2018, 2:35 p.m. No.2178396   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Threads & Research Section needs to be way more expansive and detailed than it is currently.

We need to make easily found resources documenting the facts of the conspiracies Q discusses as opposed to emphasizing how Q himself is real.

If I want to show a normalfag how DNC is corrupt, I need a link with all our digs on that topic, not a link showing him how Q is real.