J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 7bd74e July 13, 2018, 5:14 p.m. No.2147399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7459 >>8521 >>9225 >>9297 >>0768

Good afternoon all,


You will not know who I am, and for your intents, I am a 'new guy', although I am arguably an old hand.


I've been studying for weak points in those who represent the deepstate.


If I might be permitted to make a suggestion?


Your goals are substantially a lot easier than you realise. At present, you plan to target the CIA and the FED, which, when fully mobilised amounts to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of units, experienced in combat, deception, etc. From your strategic standpoint, a direct engagement with them at this time would not prove entirely effective.


However, as a member of the OO (we're not part of 8chan, but our goals align), the weakest link in the chain are the elites themselves.


If you restudy your diagrams, you will see power is concentrated, at most, into the hands of about 40-50 people.


They present a much smaller, and might I add, easier, target. They will not be as experienced as the CIA, and as they are the main source of monopolisation, they wield very large influence - funding politicians, media outlets, supplying the corrupt FBI agents, and more.


If you can effect a leadership change in most or all of those positions, you will be replacing them with people who don't necessarily agree with their actions. In-fact, if you can do this simultaneously, it would sow discord.


With the corporations grip substantially loosened, it would allow a new opening to emerge in the realm of politics, and you would see an attack vector on the CIA and other corrupt agencies open up before you.


I can only offer guidance from the shadows. You can ignore my advice if you want, but I think you'd agree it has the ring of truth to it.


Centralisation of power is their biggest weakness. Do to them what they do to you: co-opt the power base.


Good luck.

J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 7bd74e July 14, 2018, 8:37 p.m. No.2159560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0035 >>0457 >>9050 >>9117

Apologies for my absence, I was researching a means for a rapid takedown.




Certainly, I hope this suffices:



You'll want to identify the heads who run multiple of those 'super connected' organisations. Anyone who rises that high up to the top has dirt or blood on their hands.




Having good guys in-place to replace them might not be possible at this time, but replacing them even with people who aren't familiar with how the deepstate works (regardless of intentions) will be sufficient.


I strongly suspect even their second-in-commands don't necessarily know the full ins and out of the deepstate. Replacing large numbers of them simultaneously with literally anyone would sow enough discord to disrupt their processes and start an opening.


Even though I'm aware you want to shutdown the CIA and don't intend to 'fight', the CIA has no qualms about fighting itself, and about putting bullets into brains of presidents and celebrities who attempt to do so. They are a spiny fish that must be handled differently, by professionals, and cannot be immediately deconstructed by simple citizen activism.


In order to function the deepstate requires two major components: commercial firepower, and government firepower.


The commercial side gives it an air of legitimacy as it does it's day-to-day business dealings. It also provides it with the economics and influence necessary to bring to heel any dissenting government power structure. Multiple corporations can bring to bear a lot of economic hurt, bribes, job loses or threats, legally and financially.


The first port of call is a leadership change of these organisations so they can no longer effectively coordinate against governments making a stand.


With their powerbase disrupted, it should have a knock-on effect of disrupting the media outlets, especially shuffling the editorial policy in new or different directions. This in turn will disrupt Operation Mockingbird, crippling the CIA's propaganda outlet.


Once disrupted, you will have a narrow window - approximately a year - to affect a change. With the media unable to coordinate, criticisms of the CIA will double in effectiveness, however, their work - and thus the dirt on them - is secretive, so to start exposing them, multiple insiders would need to be recruited.


Effecting a leadership change in the CIA is irrelevant because it's compartmentalised, and each division has it's own leader. It has a very entrenched culture. Whoever is put in charge doesn't genuinely know what is going on.


There's only three ways to dismantle the CIA without an insider (I am working on that part, but please assume my mission will be a failure):

1) Completely change out the middle-management (they are what dictate and maintain it's deepstate policies)

2) Forge ahead with a transparency and accountability initiative, to bring the rampant and unregulated operations of the CIA to heel with a proper form of oversight, full reporting

3) Official dissolution of the CIA via Executive Order signed effective, immediately (the 'bloody' option)


Dismantling the CIA will leave you with a vulnerability period regarding human intelligence, and foreign agencies will continue to operate and will likely exploit this moment, so keeping the transition from this agency to an improved one with better checks and balances, to an absolute minimum, is vital.


Dismantling the treasury is much trickier, and there's no clean path for resolving the economic destructive wake they would leave. I strongly suspect if you can disrupt the primary trifecta of the deepstate: mega-corporations, CIA and FBI - that government policies will start to turn around.


With a loss of financial backing by corporations to political parties, or a tone-shift influenced by more modern views, we should see politics slowly shift.


I would not engage the FBI or the CIA without an in-depth, meaningful plan. FBI uses blackbook tactics against politicians, CIA uses violence.


At a minimum you will need a few intel insiders to divulge some meaningful dirt. Realistically, you need an entire loyal segment of the US military willing to dismantle these organisations by performing a thorough investigation.


Start with the corporatists. A loss of finances to the deepstate will go a long way to levelling the playing field.


If you're looking for a source of dirt, get eyes up on Jeffrey Epstein's circle of financial friends, his island, associates. I bet you on at least a quarter of them you can get some pedophilia dirt. There's a lot of connected world leaders, officials to that.


That alone would allow you to wield power. But the dirt won't mean anything with a compromised media at play. Take out the media column.