Thank you anon. Solid advise.
>If you restudy your diagrams, you will see power is concentrated, at most, into the hands of about 40-50 people.
Can you provide vetted diagrams? It's easy for anons to say one person or another, but we will need to be sure of who is pulling who's strings.
>If you can effect a leadership change in most or all of those positions, you will be replacing them with people who don't necessarily agree with their actions.
Once we identify the 40-50 targets, we will need to identify good guys who are in a position to replace them.
Those individuals will know the bad guy's weaknesses best and perhaps have ideas about how anons can help.
>They present a much smaller, and might I add, easier, target. They will not be as experienced as the CIA, and as they are the main source of monopolisation, they wield very large influence - funding politicians, media outlets, supplying the corrupt FBI agents, and more.
Any anons have other ideas about how to interrupt their co-optation of the power base aside from outright removing them, should that prove too difficult?