We should count our own weaknesses, as well.
The problem is how to communicate and organize in a public system that is also secure.
Even more troublesome is the issue of trust. The people who know things about the cabal or have records do not want to die. Establishing secure communications with them while protecting their identity… Or being able to guarantee some form of protection is key.
Before money or information is the challenge of communicating anything that is sensitive in nature. We are an extremely blunt instrument which operates under the searing light of day. Anything communicated among anons is likely known to the enemy. It is a strategy with its own application and value, but as the proverbial expression about hammers and nails goes… Not every problem is a nail to be beaten with such a hammer.
Realistically, we aren't going to be able to become a sneaky force aside from those of us who are already involved in such things. As such, we need a method of progressively weakening the threat posed by the old institutions to those we are looking to break out of Jeopardy.
Epstein is one avenue. The details coming out about the southern border are another.
I am going to work another angle… Events in Australia and New Zealand make me suspect my queen piece there can make a move and that might be enough to free up my board a bit more. It does mean she will draw threat, however.
I expected to be playing this game a bit later than it currently is unfolding, so I am personally unable to take defensive measures as I would like.
As such, if she is willing to play and has ammo… Then the best way to use it would be in a way that draws threat to us as the Anon mafia, rather than the individuals who have damaging information.
It may not be enough to protect entirely, but let's say you had someone trafficked by these types - if they stand up and start leveling accusations, then they are a massive target for the media. Instead, having the names of places they frequented or the areas that are trafficking hubs can be dropped, investigated, and pushed.
The Anon mafia draws the ire while the individuals are not as directly exposed to shenanigans.
The tricky part is if there are people in Jeopardy. If a source, say, is within a trafficking network currently and is calling the artillery in on their own position.