they can not help it they are brainwashed. It is a feature of they cult.
Did your christ lie when he said that you shall not see death before his return? Or is that just up to interpretation?
cessation of breath for an extended period causing systemic shut down to the point it can not be re stimulated using artificial or natural means.
maybe its mexican
christians are the worst.
it is all based on lies and they are just too stupid to understand clinging to their made up books thinking this must be true, every thing else is an obvious lie but this one thing was magically protected so we could have it.
well consider this anon. Anons have been trying to dig at what is true for a long time now digging into the lies of government and pharma and history to some degree. Some want to cling on to the belief they have been provided, and some want to question and refute what has been provided. When you have a movement that considers itself biblical but can not see that there are contrary thoughts and research on the subject it creates a cognitive dissonance wall that has to be broken through. Q said no division. SO either religion is the divider of men or everyone needs to conform to one way of thinking which christians consider is their god. Maybe it is no ones thinking and everyone needs to wake up to the mass deception at every level not just some which are against you personal beliefs.
so inclusive and not divisive at all. Only christians are allowed to care about their country. ONLY CHRISTIANS MATTER. fag.
but only if you suck off JESUS you must suck off JESUS to be a Qanon, SUCK OFF THE HOLY GHOST TO VOTE REPUBLICAN THIS FALL.
kek, yup dead give away.
126 posts+ of pure shit.
yeah you are right which is why jesus is a faggot.
except it gives them a false sense of security that they have some money for their families and that soon they will have it all taken away. That is funny. You make a good point, but let the deep state spend it on stupid racist faggots. They wont be able to keep it.
what is the accepted opinion vs objective reality?
it was not an interview but a conversation and was more normie stuff which is good. some funny moments and showed a little more of Trumps personality even if he was basically giving talk show points on his platform. No need to spring shit yet, the media is already lying about it was tech issues and muh slurring. They tried that shit last night also.
well guess that explains your inbred family.
now how about you define that instead of everything you dont like is satan. Fucking liberal.
it is all a shell game/blame game you are not as pious or good as us and as a result our god tells us we can kill your children because you will not submit to our beliefs.
look a brainwashed zealot with an inbred family.
agree creepy and wrong, but define satanism? are you talking satanism like Anton Lavey, or is it the kind where everything is satan that goes against what a book tells you? or is it more just it is wrong no matter what you believe and should not be on cereal at all.
cnn and other news outlets ran with the Elons website is shit line as well as saying shit about rambling and slurring like he was drunk shit. They got nothing. Cnn seems to be the worst right now looking now.
I dont think your lord would like that language anon. You should repent and get on your knees and suck him off he might get jealous.
and who is Satan? Who defines the terms?
rule of law been dead for a long time anon. Mass corruption of the courts no judge can or should be trusted at this point. This is also a feature of the entire color revolution shit. But it would not be possible if the corruption did not exist in the first place.
and I reject you and your evil baby killing god.
you are missing the qualifiers he added which were something to the affect of that when they do these studies they do not include everything in them which is why Trump increases the percentage to 100+, I am not sure what these markers are in the studies or what he thinks should be included though.
you are still framing it from a christian point of view however and that is the issue. These groups that practice sacrifice and what many consider including myself evil are not just based on a christian understanding of evil. I consider the god of the Hebrews evil, I can show how he was evil.
so does the abrahamic god what is your point?
Why you are the one with the baby killing god, that you have to fellate
wow the desperation increases. kek
Yes. All abrahamic faiths come from the same evil and use the same evil of we are better than you to cause more evil and blood shed. Yes the god of the hebrews is trash the god of the muslims is trash. Each group gets to determine what is evil and what is not they are morally cherry picking just like in modern times.
heard as low as 250 heard over 1500 for some tik tock shit.
did i say that? Sorry you are illiterate nigger.
Yes I condemn all religion. All evil fucking dogmatic religions. Christians do wicked things to children. Jews totally do, Muslims for sure. Do they worship satan or god. They do it in his name, so that must mean a tacit and implied support of said things. Are you a faggot because you sound like one. Everything you don't like is satan. Fuck off.
except using some critical thinking skills and trusting yourself and not some bullshit.
admit you are a faggot who supports evil in the form of abrahamic religion.
so lets abolish the blood thirsty god of abraham. It is not all I got it is just how you are portraying yourself. So it is a easy call. I can not abolish satanism as I do not understand what you are talking about are you talking about lavey satanism or are you talking evil of the world type satanism. And then who determines what is evil. I am saying there is actual evil in these books and they should be fought tooth and nail to wake people up from the control.
ok and can you point to a single fucking book or doctrine or organization that promotes this? I could add Lady Gaga to you list also. I get it, but what about people who claim they are christian but still engage in evil activity is that satanic? I am not even sure if they worship satan? evil perhaps but you are just saying satan because you do not have the vocabulary to express anything different. Evil yes, something is going on yes, but definitions matter and just screaming satan over and over is as bad as a liberal saying everything you do not like is Hitler. I can define and show evil in the abrahamic faiths. What do you know about sabateans are they satanic? What religion did they spin off from? I am not trying to point out that one group but what do you know about their practices? Are pagans satanists? wiccans? people who just do not subscribe to doctrine in the church?
fuck off, I hate your god, get it right nigger.
according to your book god did not give free will, in fact he said you going to die if you do not kneel and if you do not do as I say I will smite all your children. So God is just dishing out what they deserve right, nice excuse to remove your enemies and just say Its fine, god is with us. It is not a slander it is truth. Your god is a sack of shit. Which by extension, you are a sack of shit. Your god and beliefs are the problem in this world. Your god promotes rape and slavery and child murder but as long as it is other people and not your own. Islam does the same damn thing. Then all the groups are set against each other for over a thousand years all in order to create the mess we have today.
yes every institution, but why is the reflection often never directed inward towards peoples own institutions and only directed outwardly towards others. Everyone else is bad cept me.
at least you are willing to accept other religions and faiths into this. Give you credit for that anon, many are not that generous.
I do know what is evil and the god of the Hebrews is evil. It is a easy call. Those who miss this are just failing. How are there no shades of grey. Take christians, love your enemy in the NT but smite them in the OT, many theologians have even pointed out the dichotemy between the books. Jesus himself says you are not of the father. which means who is the father. if he was a liar and murderer from the start, what does that mean their start his start? I am helping to wake all of you out of your sleep, none of this matters if people are not willing to realize that what is known is limited and they are basing their faith and I get that is the point to some degree with out having a sign. The problem is that is a neat little control device. Spiritual battle yes, but the sides are not as clear as some might think.
people may not have free will God does not think so, and if they do exact it he punishes them. Sounds like a dick move. The idea of christianity is great but in order for any of it to matter you have to link it to the old testament. That is only part of the problem. Can you have Jesus with out the messianic prophecies in the OT. I reject you and your lies. I reject your cancerous thoughts and your dogma what is there to get Fuck you and your faggot lord. Fuck em. Is it hate perhaps but does not Jesus say to hate evil things. I am I hate evil that controls others based upon the concept of fear. Also fuck your catholic trinitarian bullshit that is all made up and is no where in the bible and the only way you even get it is by misinterpreting words and stringing things together to try and create something. Your god is not my god. Your god is a garbage. You are a the sack of shit who pushes lies like the trinity. So go fuck yourself.
No, kys.
i think it takes into account all the people trying to watch and then refresh because it was having so many problems.
I am not asking any questions that I do not already have an answer for. I have empathy towards every slave captured by religion, every one of them deserves better than they are being given. Their own trust in institutions is often in good faith no pun intended. They are victims of this infiltration and deception.
fuck off with your gaslighting shit. fuck off with your prayers. fuck you and your god and your christ.
I persist because I will never stop trying to wake people up to your evil. You are scum and I really do not care about your christ or how much he suffered in fact I kinda think its funny. I would stab him myself if i could just to shut up his whiny fucking cocksucker.
funny how Q became a cult of christian fags. Thought it was about saving the nation.
I have empathy but not towards liars like you. QUICK get me more nails. I want to hear your savior scream.
oh so it is a cult. Group think for the win.
yeah real shame kamala can not even do an interview.
Strawmaning nice try asshole. I am going after the institutions that put the ideas in peoples heads that it is ok. So yeah attacking religions sounds like fun. Especially when they use their god to justify the horrors they delve out on the world.
not really. Sane voice like the christian faggots, and more gaslighting, fun.
paid no. I just hate religion. ALl forms of control. Nice try though.
fag. you are really stuck on that enjoy your you.