GM and TY comfy B
The hypocrisy of 87 posts and then calling yourself not an early morning chatbot spam shill.
You're way over 10%, bread gobbling early morn'n spam shill. Time to start scrubbing.
Scripted biblefag shill arguments every single morning between the same posters. Just like clockwork.
So Jesus is a middleman and gatekeeper for god. But all the other religions prophets claim the exact same thing, and all of them claim they are right and all the other religions are wrong.
Personally Anon needs no middleman between Anon and God, not even a Horus / Mythras rehashed rebranding into a new diety (Jesus). Jesus is literally the exact same story just revamped to keep their control scheme over the population relevant.
You bots have the same crusted argument every single morning on here. Religion is only about money and control over the population. Jesus is a rehashed story of Horus, Mythras and other deities. The burning sensation is the back of your skull is the reptilian brain experiencing cognitive dissonance.
Bullshit also resurfaces and gets doctored up every couple thousand years to get the brainwashing and psychology programming of the populations relevant in order to maintain control.
You don't speak for anyone, spamnigger glowfag Clown that spams over 100 posts every morning. Anon worships bo man-made idols or religion
Aside from your post count, you just 100% confirmed you are a divisionshill. As all religitards on the board spewing their gospel nonsense are divisionshills.
>Well what the fuck do you do besides accuse others?
>You are an accuser.
>And a hypocrite.
Have you literally ever met a SINGLE religious person in your life, Anon?
Now the confirmed muhjoo spamfaggot nigger is also projecting. Habsolutely color me surprised. Kek
Religion is the augmentation of nature and reality. Religion is the perversion of the pure. Remove Religion and you will remove the augmented reality.
Moar people have been killed in the name of Religion than anything else in human history. over the Eons hundreds of millions of people have been slaughtered in the name of Religion.
Reconcile, faggots.
Pssssst, my imaginary fren is moar reel than yours. Let's have a war about it.
156 useless spam posts
Confirmed muhjoo
Biblefag divisionfag
Bashing admins
… wow, you really want to make it obvious that you are a glownigger, don't ya little fella?
All guud glownigger, just moar target practice for the BVs to delete. Justifiably so.
Christ actually means Horus, Mythras and some others. Facts matter.
GM fam
You had over six years to go fuck yourself.
You managed to pull it off.
No pun intended.
It's gonna be a habby Tues morn'n frens now that the GM Anons are arriving
I habbened to like the interview. Solid 8/10.
CP? Fuck you nigger. There's a huge difference between CP and Anime pussies from Japan. Him made his millions on Anime pussies from Japan.