Anni! just got here, this is Flint.
TY for baking.
Been a while, we got some newer bakers now. But think we wore em out today.
Not me, was Vatican Shill. Had a bad day at the office.
You mean fall 2024??
kind of late to decide your whole future starting in about a month.
Difficult time to go to college, know a lot of college age kids, politics infiltrates most fields, so stay away from anything political at most schools. Even holistic med is infiltrated, know someone who just left premiere medical program in naturopathy for that reason. Wanted everyone jabbed previously.
Anything in education is corrupt. Poli sci - no way. Maybe agriculture, elec engring or coding, if you're careful. Learning a language, you could become a translator but you have to be talented to do well. Find a program with no DEI, hard to do but worth trying.
Never have everything figured out. Never take anything for granted. Jim needs support to keep the doors open, we're always going uphill.
see >>21403840
Yes, very unstable but sounds like you have to use it or lose it with GI benefits?
If so, might as well go for it.
Try to go visit the community colleges you are interested in. Look at their course descriptions, marketing stuff, and student evaluations to find one that is less corrupt, this is easier in red areas. Friend's son is doing computer science, might get thru wo/too much DEI. Bigger programs will help you avoid courses only taught by one person (like a total lefty).
Easy to know whether crime is up or down. Look around your neighborhood.
Is there more graffiti?
Are there boarded up windows?
Bars on the windows of the local gas station or car lot?
Homeless people on the streets or big concrete blocks to prevent the homeless from camping?
Reports from neighborhood watch or other social media of car breakins or more glass on side streets from same?
More No trespassing signs?
911 delays and no way to get thru to local police stations?
Guards at the local Safeway?
let me count the ways…..
'nite, keep those cards and letters coming.
ha ha ha ha.
think i read in Idries Shah that the word for 'thread' and 'camel' are the same in Arabic
had a dream about this place 20 years ago. 1776 bake shop with a giant bread.
it made me laugh, the idea that camel was also thread. your story is also interesting. never saw a camel crawl, kek.
anon, you have 142 posts. That's about 100 more than anyone else.
now 144.
It's not my job to whine, it's to remove spam.
You made 148 posts.
what happened to all the biblical piety?
mebbe practice turning the other cheek?