>What sad is dads that owe child support get their suspended for missing a child support payment.
the term "sad" doesn't remotely suffice
the world is broken
>What sad is dads that owe child support get their suspended for missing a child support payment.
the term "sad" doesn't remotely suffice
the world is broken
sink your satanic shit show
the only hope is Jesus Christ
quads of Kunt
as if an escaped convict would go near a public event teeming with local, state and federal law enforcement
notable after you cum on your face
you've chosen poorly
elites have already thrown in the towel
letting the "GAME STOP" larp proceed on the dumbfucks
> Constitutional dollar will be backed by gold and/or other assets.
the "assets" will consist of the electricity your fat ass can generate
Mark of the Beast style
more like "get out - the place is on fire"
you left out One World Religion