Anonymous ID: cae4ed Aug. 18, 2024, 8:05 a.m. No.21434668   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The best way to refute Marxist logic.


The easiest way to refute Marxist logic.


Is to recognize a truth in plain sight that Marx denied due to his reliance on a poorly thought out "labor theory of value" he borrowed from Adam Smith.


The truth is this:


The world's first income, in money terms, was Profit income, not Wage income


This single truth blows up the entire edifice of Marx's "exploitation theory", which is assumed and taken for granted by every academic, intellectual, pundit, propagandist and believer of Marxism.


Contrary to profits being a deduction from what would allegedly have been formerly all wages, wages are in fact a deduction from what would have formerly been all profits.


Proof: In the "early and rude state of society", if there ever was such a time, economic activity consisted of no capitalist activity, there was no paying of wages or for capital goods, economic activity consisted of individual and family self sufficient producers who consumed a portion of what they produced and sold the rest for money.


The question that must be answered is, what is the type of income earned on the sale of GOODS?


It's not wage income. When a buyer buys an animal skin from a seller, the buyer is not purchasing that producer's labor, they are purchasing a good and paying a price for an animal skin. The buyer is demanding the good, not the producer's labor.


Here, because the seller incurred no costs of good sold nor wage labor costs, the money earned selling the animal skin is product sales revenues in money MINUS any costs of goods sold in money, which atarted as zero. So if the animal skin sold for 10 units of money, then the income earned by the seller is 10 units of money profit, for 10 minus 0 is 10.


Then, after real incomes grew to the point where producers could SAVE AND INVEST what they earned, they could hire labor. THAT is when capitaliam arose. THAT is when wage incomes started for the first time.


The income that was before 100% profit, now had associated money costs of production. So if the product sales revenues were again 10, and labor costs were 1, then profit went from 100% to 90%, because now the producers incurred money costs of production, in the form of hired labor.


Marx falsely reversed this reality of history and made the critical error that buyers of goods were not buying goods, but buying labor. This is how he was able to assert that profits are "deductions" of wages, and therefore assert capitalists are "exploitative" of laborers.


It is how Marx's followers to today shout slogans like "capitalism profits off the working class", and all those offshoots that also falsely presume wages precede profits.

Anonymous ID: cae4ed Aug. 18, 2024, 8:19 a.m. No.21434760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4767

Already backtracking.


Gretchen Whitmer says people "reading too much" into price gouging plan specifics

Anonymous ID: cae4ed Aug. 18, 2024, 8:51 a.m. No.21434931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4938

Campus Reform | Pro-Palestine student group in Massachusetts uses readings from Lenin, Stalin, and Palestinian terrorist hijacker in 'summer camp'


They're all funded by the same globalist communists.

Anonymous ID: cae4ed Aug. 18, 2024, 9:05 a.m. No.21435000   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Marxists ALWAYS speak disinformation, either wittingly or unwittingly.


Kroger currently has a profit margin of 1.43%. This is BELOW their average over the last 24 years…if they are, in fact, “price gouging” they are comically bad at it…

Anonymous ID: cae4ed Aug. 18, 2024, 9:09 a.m. No.21435026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5027 >>5033 >>5048 >>5052 >>5059 >>5080 >>5087 >>5099 >>5127 >>5207 >>5295



$47.61 for paper towels and TP at Target today.


Absolutely insane example of corporate greed and price gouging.


In fact, it made me so angry, I decided to do some analysis.


Many prices have increased by 50% or more since COVID, so I decided to put on my investment banking hat and spread some financials back to 2018 / 2019.


And man, was I ever surprised…


I started by looking at Target's annual revenue:


2018: $75.4 billion

2019: $78.1 billion

2020: $93.6 billion

2021: $106.0 billion

2022: $109.1 billion

2023: $107.4 billion

Last Twelve Months (LTM): $106.6 billion


Couple things I noticed. First, revenue has slipped a bit since 2022 and is continuing to do so in 2024 - not a great sign for the broader economy. Second, there's been big growth since 2018. They must be price gouging!


Well, I looked a bit deeper. Let's look at their cost of goods sold over the same period (the price they paid to buy the products they sold you).


2018: $53.3 billion (70.7% of sales)

2019: $54.9 billion (70.2%)

2020: $66.2 billion (70.7%)

2021: $75.0 billion (70.7%)

2022: $82.2 billion (75.4%)

2023: $77.7 billion (72.4%)

Last Twelve Months (LTM): $76.8 billion (72%)


Wow, so let me get this straight…


Target is making less money (28 cents) on every dollar of sales today than they were in 2018 (29.3 cents). Hmmmm. That's weird. Maybe they're not so good at this price gouging thing.


So, I decided to dig even deeper. They were prolly being evil and firing all of their employees so they could make up for the money they weren't gouging, right?


So, I looked at their operating expenses (the amount they pay to run the stores and the overall business):


2018: $15.7 billion (20.9% of sales)

2019: $16.2 billion (20.8%)

2020: $18.6 billion (19.9%)

2021: $19.8 billion (18.6%)

2022: $20.7 billion (18.9%)

2023: $21.6 billion (20.1%)

Last Twelve Months (LTM): $21.7 billion (20.3%)


Hmmmm. Very unusual behavior for someone price gouging me. Let's sum this all up by looking at their operating cash flow:


2018: $6.3 billion (8.4% of sales)

2019: $7.0 billion (9.0%)

2020: $8.8 billion (9.4%)

2021: $11.3 billion (10.7%)

2022: $6.2 billion (5.7%)

2023: $8.1 billion (7.6%)

Last Twelve Months (LTM): $8.1 billion (7.6%)


So, what this all means is that Target's making less overall profit on every dollar of revenue today (7.6 cents) than they were in 2018 (8.4 cents). And revenue has grown at an average (CAGR) of 7.3% per year since 2018 and operating cash flow has grown at 5.1% per year - both of which are pretty much in line w/ the overall rate of inflation during that period.


I guess I expected price gouging to be more profitable.

Anonymous ID: cae4ed Aug. 18, 2024, 9:09 a.m. No.21435027   🗄️.is 🔗kun






"Well Steve," you may say, "that's all fine and good, but even if Target isn't price gouging, Kimberly Clark and International Paper (both of whom are involved in the manufacture / marketing of paper towels and TP) sure as H3ll must be!"


Well Yes! Surely they are! I'll spare you all the numbers, but here's the summary:


Kimberly Clark:

5-year avg revenue growth: 2.0%

2018 Gross Margin: 69.7%

LTM Gross Margin: 64.0%

2018 EBITDA Margin: 12.1%

LTM EBITDA Margin: 15.6%


"A-HA! Look at that EBITDA margin!" you say, "They must be gouging!"


Well, the gross margin clearly says otherwise, and the five-year EBITDA CAGR is 6.6% - pretty much in line with inflation. Again, management is clearly bad at gouging.




"Well ok," you say, "I'm sure International Paper must be capturing all of that extra profit because they're the ones gouging then."


Let's take a look:


International Paper:

5-year avg revenue growth: 0.8%

2019 Gross Margin: 30.8%

LTM Gross Margin: 27.8%

2018 EBITDA Margin: 16.1%

LTM EBITDA Margin: 11.6%


Wowza, I guess IP is the worst price gouger of all since, well, they've basically been destroying value since before COVID began. You would think price gougers would be gouging to, I don't know, make more money and all. Well, IP made almost $3 billion of EBITDA in 2019, and a little over $2 billion over the last twelve months. Sigh.




So, maybe this means the inflation we've been dealing with hasn't been about corporate greed and price gouging after all. Maybe it has had something to do with, oh, I don't know, government spending and stimulus run amok or something.


So, rather than going on populist rants about implementing price controls for the greedy corporations (which, you know, have never worked out so well in the past), maybe we should consider some price controls for government spending.


That's a novel idea.




p.s. And for those of you who say "Hey, wait a minute, your receipt says "Bounty" - that's not Kimberly Clark, that's P&G! They must be price gouging!"


Procter & Gamble:

5-year avg revenue growth: 4.4%

2019 Gross Margin: 48.6%

LTM Gross Margin: 51.4%

2019 EBITDA Margin: 20.4%

LTM EBITDA Margin: 23.7%


Gross margin up? Yep. EBITDA margin up? Yep. Good management? Yep. Price gouging? Nope.



Anonymous ID: cae4ed Aug. 18, 2024, 9:25 a.m. No.21435111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5118


You misspelled "if you think for yourself and notice shills trying to form a geoup think consensus, then the shills and their defenders will project and accuse you of groupthink"

Weird and forward and joyful.

Anonymous ID: cae4ed Aug. 18, 2024, 9:37 a.m. No.21435169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5183 >>5190 >>5261

The Left called “Sound of Freedom” a Qanon conspiracy theory.


The same executive producers are now releasing “City of Dreams”, a movie about a child who was trafficked and sold into slavery.


If you thought their reaction to "Sound of Freedom" was unhinged, just wait till "City of Dreams.”


For some reason the Left really hate when child trafficking is exposed.

Anonymous ID: cae4ed Aug. 18, 2024, 9:40 a.m. No.21435183   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Waiting for Pedo adjacent Rolling Stone, pedo adjacent The Guardian, the entire pedo adjacent Fake News complex, to trash this movie, smear it, call it conspiratorial, associate it with conspiracy theories, waiting for them all to self-announce their own far left radicalism by labelling all critics of child trafficking as "far right".