Anonymous ID: aa6df9 Aug. 18, 2024, 2:10 p.m. No.21436509   🗄️.is đź”—kun

"The first, historic message, sent from Trump’s account

in May 2009, promoted his appearance at Late Show with David Letterman on the

CBS television network. BBC’s Adam Harris reports that the first years of the future U.S. President’s microblogging career went relatively smoothly: “there were

tweets about The Apprentice, his appearances, family milestones and quotes from

Mr Trump himself. The tweets (…) rarely veered into politics” (Harris, 2016). Only

275 messages were tweeted from Trump’s account until May 2011, and they specified clearly whether the postings had been written by the businessman himself or

by his public relations team."



Anonymous ID: aa6df9 Aug. 18, 2024, 2:34 p.m. No.21436638   🗄️.is đź”—kun

"Building a Trump Nation: the Rhetoric of President Donald J. Trump on Twitter 395


Tom 8(4)2020

Donald J. Trump as a Political Operator.."


"o the 45th President’s greatest forte as a public speaker: the ability to effectively use rhetorical ethos as an instrument for strengthening

the impact of his orations. Aristotle distinguishes three main components of ethos,

3 As well as set the agenda for media stories (Gallagher, 2019, p. 184).

Building a Trump Nation: the Rhetoric of President Donald J. Trump on Twitter 397


Tom 8(4)2020

or proof from credibility of the speaker: competence and wisdom (phronesis), moral virtue (arete), and goodwill towards the audience (eunoia). In case of Donald

J. Trump, the aspect of phronesis is achieved via his personal narrative of a successful businessman of immense wealth, an experienced dealmaker who literally wrote

a book about negotiations (McAdams, 2017, p. 2), and a tough, outspoken person

who is not afraid of confronting powerful opponents and making important decisions (an image he has cultivated in his numerous media appearances4

). Arete, perhaps the most risky part of ethos for a bon vivant like Trump (especially taking into

consideration his predominantly religious electorate),5

is constructed in opposition to his political enemies, the allegedly immoral “liberal elites”. Charging against

the twin-headed dragon of “secularism” and “socialism”, Donald J. Trump becomes

St. George by default. The third of the pillars, eunoia, is attained primarily through

close rapport between Trump and his audience; the 45th President genuinely thrives

in the presence of a sympathetic crowd, projecting an aura of mutual understanding and confidence. …"


bon vivant

st george



Anonymous ID: aa6df9 Aug. 18, 2024, 3:11 p.m. No.21436840   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Donald J. Trump · @realDonaldTrump

29th Oct 2012 from Twitlonger



I always said Obama is lucky for himself but unlucky for the country. The storm could be very good for him as he will stand in the rain doing nothing but with the cameras rolling.

Anonymous ID: aa6df9 Aug. 18, 2024, 3:54 p.m. No.21437136   🗄️.is đź”—kun


when supposedly was adm r supposedly ask trump run for President?


i think was an angel of heaven asked him to run

Anonymous ID: aa6df9 Aug. 18, 2024, 4:05 p.m. No.21437201   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Oct 5th 2023 - 10:34:18 PM EST




“It’s almost obnoxiously low,” another Palm Beach realtor with over 30 years of experience in the area, tells the Sun…Mar-a-Lago has 17 acres and stretches across the island, with beachfront on both sides. “There are no comparables. There’s nothing to go on. It would be like you asking me how much is the Mona Lisa worth?” he says.


Trump Truth