Anonymous ID: ed2fdf Aug. 18, 2024, 2:02 p.m. No.21436465   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6734 >>6980 >>7084 >>7173

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸



NEW: As I have reported for months, DOJ is still seeking ways to keep J6ers convicted under the unlawful use of 1512c2 in jail even with the charge being tossed AND that conviction driving excessive prison sentences.


On Thursday, DOJ admitted it would drop the 1512c2 count against Thomas Robertson, who was sentenced to 87 months in prison on several counts including 1512c2. The obstruction count resulted in the 7+ year prison sentence.


BUT DOJ under Matthew Graves is asking Judge Chris Cooper (Obama) to keep Robertson in jail for the full term by adding several new upward departures/enhancements on his other convictions.


Rotten to the core!


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DOJ had also added the now unlawful adm of justice enhancement, tossed by DC appellate court earlier this year, to Robertson's sentence.


But now DOJ/Matthew Graves argues Robertson's role in J6 demands his ongoing incarceration in federal prison for 87 months DESPITE admitting without the 1512c2 charge his sentence would be 24-30 months.


HE HAS ALREADY BEEN IN JAIL FOR 3 YEARS which included 10 months in pretrial detention before his April 2022 conviction by DC jury.


Pic 2

As you read this outrageous garbage, keep in mind that Matthew Graves could very well be Kamala Harris' attorney general if she wins.


Graves' wife Fatima Goss Graves is close with Harris; her niece serves on the board of Goss Graves' radical nonprofit in DC.


Pic 3

And as I also have observed, what's happening in UK related to criminalizing social media posts has already been happening here for years to J6ers.


This is batshit crazy talk.


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Graves has yet to charge a single pro-Hamas demonstrator with federal crimes–including those who unlawfully entered Capitol buildings, assaulted federal police, and vandalized property.


The DC judges feel no shame for sending Americans to jail on a bogus charge and being overturned by SCOTUS.Instead they are working hand in glove with DOJ ONCE AGAIN to punish J6ers.


Two judges hereTrevor McFadden and Tim Kellywere FedSoc recommendations appointed by Pres. Trump. He must do better after he wins.

Pic 5

Anonymous ID: ed2fdf Aug. 18, 2024, 2:21 p.m. No.21436550   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6565 >>6606 >>6674 >>6707 >>7033

Trump Media stock is plummeting.

These shareholders don't care

Shares have fallen more than 40% over the past month.

ByPeter Charalambous andMax Zahn

August 17, 2024, 12:17 PM ET

Trump’s line of attack for the 2024 election | 538 Politics Podcast538's Galen Druke and Nathaniel Rakich talk with New York Times polling editor Ruth Igielnik about former President Donald Trump’s latest strategy to win votes.Joe Raedle/Getty Images


Trump Media & Technology Group's stock dropped more than 11% this week, suffering from sour sentiment after a weak earnings report and the return of former President Donald Trump to rival social media platform X.


The company’s woes stretch back to the middle of last month. Since then, the stock for the Truth Social parent company has plummeted by about 43%. Yet as the stock continues to slide, some of its investors remain unfazed, telling ABC News they are optimistic about the company's financial outlook, or intend to stand by it as an expression of their support for Trump.


Todd Schlanger, an interior designer from West Palm Beach, told ABC News that he purchased shares in Trump Media because he supports Trump's politics and believes in his businesses.


"I'm a Republican, so I supported him. When I found out about the stock, I got involved because I support the company and believe in free speech," said Schlanger, who said he owns approximately a thousand shares of the company.


A frequent user of the social media platform, Schlanger boasted about the user interface – "It's like a combination of X and Facebook" – and said he looked forward to the expansion of the company's streaming services.


"I think it's going to be as strong as Facebook or Twitter," said Schlanger.


Other investors said they primarily saw Truth Social as a way to support the former president.


"I did it more as a statement to President Trump and to show support at the time. I wasn't really looking to make a lot of money," said Teri Lynn Roberson, who bought five shares of the company as the company neared its peak stock price after going public in March.


Roberson said she was unconcerned about the stock's poor performance or the impact of Trump's potential return to rival X, the latter of which she said could benefit Trump's presidential campaign by expanding his audience of supporters beyond the "echo chamber" of Truth Social.


"I'm way at a loss, but I am OK with that. I am just watching it for fun," Roberson said.


Truth Social's stock performance holds significant financial implications for the former president, who owns a 65% stake in the company. Truth Social shares make up a large portion of Trump's overall net worth, according to Fortune.


Truth Social did not immediately respond to ABC News' request for comment.


Truth Social's recent losses


An earnings report released last Friday showed, Truth Social had lost more than $16 million over a three-month period ending in June. The company brought in revenue of about $836,000, down 30% from $1.2 million a year earlier, the earnings report showed.


In a statement released following the earnings report, Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes applauded the company's balance sheet, including $344 million in cash and no debt.


"From the beginning, it was our intention to make Truth Social an impenetrable beachhead of free speech, and by taking extraordinary steps to minimize our reliance on Big Tech, that is exactly what we are doing," Nunes said…


(I don't care either!)