Anonymous ID: 4ca164 Aug. 23, 2024, 1:35 p.m. No.21468531   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why did they include some polls for Trump and Harris, and not Bidan, and poll for Harris TIPP, on Kamala’s and not on Joe or PDJT numbers, they are manipulating the favorable and unfavorable

Joe: 15

Trump: 17

Kamala: 18

Favorability Ratings: Political Leaders


There's some weird manipulation in these polls, first Joe gets only 15 polls, Trump 17, and Harris 18.How can they do a comparison unless they use exactly the same polls. I redid the polls and reduced them down to and only included the same polls for each of them is total of 12 polls. See sheets attached, before and after.


Joes’ spread goes up.

PDJT’s spread goes down

Kamala’s spread goes up.

Favorability Ratings: Political Leaders


You may find an error or not, but I couldn’t understand how they could give Kamala a bigger edge than Trump, but we know they always mess with Trump's polls with manipulated data, voters, etc., so I put work into this.

Anonymous ID: 4ca164 Aug. 23, 2024, 1:43 p.m. No.21468595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8632 >>9017 >>9204 >>9251

The Democrats’ COVID Amnesia

Keeping schools closed for so long was a mistake, and the Democrats shouldn’t pretend Harris is responsible for opening them.

By Nancy Rommelmann AUGUST 22, 2024, 3:45 PM ET1/2


If it weren’t for Americans’ collective amnesia, politicians would have to spend considerably more time taking pains to tell the truth. But, unburdened by what has been, President Joe Biden claimed on Monday night with a straight face that his vice president and designated successor accomplished a task that surely escaped your notice.


“Well, during the pandemic, Kamala helped states and cities get their schools back open,” the president said.


In fact, America’s public schools were kept closed in Democratic-run cities and states well into the Biden administration, as a direct result of Biden-administration policies. Democrats might count on Americans to be forgiving, but they are not stupid, and they would do well to not let the pageantry of televised politics obfuscate the fact that they are being lied to.


Republicans, too, are guilty of mass forgetting. Donald Trump was in charge when schools closed in March 2020, and it was under his watch that the CDC came up with the six-foot social-distancing and mask-wearing rules, strictures he conveniently forgets when he foists disastrous COVID policies on Biden. More generally, he’s tried to erase 2020 from the record books, such as when his campaign asks voters, “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”


Well, yes, we are. Four years ago, we were terrified that the human race was about to be decimated, sitting ducks for remedies good and bad, which makes it especially important that we don’t fall for the same stories, regardless of which party is telling them.


During the 2020 election, many of us were reeling from Trump’s handling of the pandemic; he was the one who told the whoppers, who suggested that people inject bleach. We needed to be rescued, and the only ship in sight flew a blue flag. All aboard!


But then we couldn’t get off. We were captive to decisions sold in the name of science but created more crudely by teachers’ unions and political appointees. Children were among the worst off as America—blue America, really, like the host city to the Democratic National Convention—kept its schools closed longer than any peer country.


Does the Biden administration expect voters to not remember this? In our supposed exuberance over Kamala Harris, are we somehow supposed to invent a memory of her heroic effort to pry open schools? Although gaslighting is a term we should probably retire for overuse, it’s worth keeping in mind as we look at the 2020–21 school-reopening timeline we are being asked to magically revise in 2024, with an eye toward what, if anything, Harris had to do with it.


Biden promised during the 2020 campaign to get schools open once it was safe. That December, after he’d won the election but before taking office, Biden further vowed to reopen schools within the first 100 days. That pledge raised concerns with teachers, who did not want to go back to the classroom unless they received certain assurances.


In February, their campaign got an assist from CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, who, after back-channel meetings with a variety of influential players—including Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, and Becky Pringle, the president of the National Education Association—came out with long-awaited reopening guidelines. These included a recommendation that schools in designated COVID hot spots maintain six-foot distancing. Sound reasonable? It wasn’t. Distancing makes in-school learning extremely difficult, and at the time, the great majority of students lived in what the CDC considered high-transmission areas. Although many red states had the good sense to ignore the CDC’s advice, many blue states did not, and Democratic cities dominated by teachers’ unions condemned their students to remote schooling indefinitely. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki provided cold comfort when she told the media that Biden’s goal was to have “more than 50 percent [of schools] open by day 100 … at least one day a week.”


Walensky later told CNN’s Jake Tapper she could not guarantee that all kids would be back in school by the end of the academic year. When he asked her to “point to any scientific reason for students in the United States not to return to in-person classes tomorrow,” Walensky suggested that kids just weren’t good enough at masking.

Anonymous ID: 4ca164 Aug. 23, 2024, 1:45 p.m. No.21468632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9017 >>9204 >>9251



I can hardly lay blame for Walensky’s fecklessness at Harris’s feet—but as far as I’m aware, Harris also didn’t do anything to change the administration’s policies.


Instead of facing down the teachers’ unions and urging local jurisdictions to reopen their schools immediately, the Biden administration decided to try buying their cooperation. On March 5, Harris made what might be seen as her debut on the school-reopening stage, when she cast the tiebreaking vote that allowed the Senate to keep discussing the proposed American Rescue Plan. A week later, Biden signed it into law, allowing $200 billion to flow to K–12 schools—much of it for staffing, but also for improved HVAC and other upgrades that teachers had requested.


The Biden administration brags that, in the year after the bill’s passage, the percentage of schools open for full-time, in-person instruction increased from 46 percent to 99 percent. But for far too many students, the pace of those reopenings was catastrophically slow. Not until the fall of 2022 could parents in much of the country count on finding school doors open—and even then, spot closures persisted.


So what did Biden mean when he said Harris “helped states and cities get their schools back open”? That one vote? I asked the Harris campaign for comment but did not hear back.


America still hasn’t reckoned with its pandemic failures, and that’s true well beyond school closures. Many questions about pandemic policy have not been answered. Instead, decision makers ask voters to understand that if mistakes were made, everyone was doing their best during a hard and confusing time.


This past January, Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, admitted to Congress that there was no science behind the six-feet rule, that during the Trump administration it “sort of just appeared.”


Are we all still trying to digest the pandemic era? Yes.Like the python that swallowed the pig, it’s just too big. But the American people don’t need to hear that things were hard and confusing; we need honesty about the past. In hindsight, we see the many mistakes, how fear and panic had us putting faith in bad ideas (masking toddlers! disinfecting groceries!), only to find ourselves facing altered life trajectories—kids who lost years, adults who lost community tethers, loved ones we could not be with when they grew sick and died.


Keeping schools closed for so long was a mistake, and the Democrats shouldn’t pretend Harris is responsible for opening them. Nor should voters allow Democrats to pretend that she did.

Anonymous ID: 4ca164 Aug. 23, 2024, 1:56 p.m. No.21468755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9017 >>9204 >>9251

Georgia county election boards could become 2024 battleground

Thomas Wheatley (Axios pandering for election riggers)


A steady stream of bureaucratic rule changesin Georgia is creating a framework that election deniers could use to delay the certification of the presidential election resultscome November, advocates say.


Why it matters: Former President Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris know the road to the White House runs through Georgia, and the new rules could help cast doubt and fan flames of suspicion on the democratic process like it's 2020 all over again.


Driving the news:In recent months, MAGA and GOP activists have helped push the State Election Board's Republican appointeesto approve what they market as common-sense measures — nuanced and subtle fixes to make elections more secure.


Yes, but: In reality, elections officials and progressive activists say, the changes are not warranted. And if implemented, they say, the measures will trip up populous counties like Fulton and DeKalb, which also happen to be Democratic strongholds.

• "Elections are meant to be slow and deliberate processes with a whole lot of redundancies and checkpoints," Cathy Woolard, the former chair of the Fulton Board of Registration and Elections, told Axios. "You can't just drop in new processes and think that they logically work."


New elections measures that were recently approved or are under consideration include:

Vote counts: On Aug. 19, the board approved a new rule that requires county boards to investigate and explain any inconsistency between the number of ballots cast and the number of people who voted before certifying the election.

• Election deniers secretly pushed for the measure, ProPublica first reported.


"Reasonable inquiries": County boards must now conduct a "reasonable inquiry" and can request election-related documents before certifying elections if they suspect vote totals are inaccurate.


Hand-counting ballots: The board next month will consider another rule to require three polling precinct workers at each voting location to match a hand-count of ballots to the machine's vote count, WABE reports.

• Under another rule, election boards would have to begin compiling vote totals and precinct results before provisional ballots and military and overseas votes are due.


What they're saying":[Assuming positive intent] would be defining a problem very clearly, listening to the people who do the job to come up with a solution, and then being very careful about the solutions that are implemented," said Woolard, who has filed an ethics complaint against the 3-member majority bloc.

• "That is not what's happening. This is pure bullying force to implement changes that no one has asked for except perhaps Donald Trump and the Republican Party."


The latest: Top Republicans, including Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Attorney General Chris Carr, have criticized the board's rule-making and call to reopen an investigation into Fulton's handling of the 2020 election.


What's next: Despite calls for a time-out from a coalition of Georgia elections directors, voter registration workers, and Democrats, the board members plan to consider additional measures at the Sept. 20 meeting.


Democrats can’t stop crying over new Georgia election laws.

Anonymous ID: 4ca164 Aug. 23, 2024, 2:04 p.m. No.21468830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9017 >>9204 >>9251


August 23, 2024 (2 hours ago)


Fox News:

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. said in a Friday court filing that he will endorse former President Donald Trump, The Associated Press reports.


The Kennedy campaign asked Pennsylvania to remove him from the ballot in the court filing, according to the AP. The filing didn’t say explicitly if he would be suspending his campaign.


RFK Jr. is speaking LIVE now. He slammed the Kamala Harris campaign as nothing but “smoke and mirrors. And balloons.” Then he made if official.


The Democrat Party and the Uniparty are getting taken out back behind the woodshed.

Anonymous ID: 4ca164 Aug. 23, 2024, 2:08 p.m. No.21468870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8908 >>9017 >>9204 >>9251

Abigail Jackson 🇺🇸



🚨🚨BREAKING: Whistleblower tells @HawleyMO Secret Service told agents working the Butler rally NOT to request additional manpower resources for the rally & warned any such requests would be DENIED.


This CONTRADICTS Rowe testimony, who said no resources were ever denied.


12:13 PM · Aug 23, 2024



(anons pray for the whistleblowers, the upper brass are trying to destroy them or worse)

Anonymous ID: 4ca164 Aug. 23, 2024, 2:31 p.m. No.21469078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9089 >>9104 >>9204 >>9251 >>9257

Scott Jennings tells the truth about the convention, he might have gone a little too far, I'm surprised CNN is still letting him talk





“Nobody tonight said anything” He’s right…….again


7:45 AM · Aug 22, 2024

Anonymous ID: 4ca164 Aug. 23, 2024, 2:45 p.m. No.21469197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9235


I surmise many of us were brought up in democrat families, in the 60's and 70's, they were never nuts or hateful.

My parents and relatives and friends would have long political discussions and many on the other side, and once they finished jabbering, they'd all say, lets get a drink now.

They never ever shunned anyone, no body was inferior if they didn't believe what they believed. The dems of old are the conservatives today, (I don't call myself a republican, I'm conservative, although I vote on that ticket.)


Everyone's enemy at that time was the federal government and it's only gotten worse.


Part of the strategies for division as 9/11, it accelerated their plans of division, the Patriot Act solidified American's were terrorists, or could be targeted as such.