Anonymous ID: 1e3e37 Aug. 23, 2024, 3:17 p.m. No.21469480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9498



Anon had vivid dream of Bowie that showed him when younger at a empty kids playground with another man, raping little girl on a swing. On the actual swing. They both raped and filmed as each raped. Very vivid, not the act with visuals, just knowing what was occurring and dream specifically showing his face/hair

Woke up terrified. Was so real.

All I know is his hairsyle changes, but in dream it was a specific time due to hair he was wearing at time.

He looked like any random dood on street in rape scene, not rockstar, normal clothes, grey day, playground empty, him and other faceless male and faceless girl, did not see act, just fully aware what dream was showing me. I am one who is very perceptive to before instincts and pre–event suspicions that pan out.

I just perceive things. So, David Bowie, to me, is/was one of the child rapists.


Image is timeline haircut worn in

the dream. More like a flash of information, than a dream. Had it about a year ago, with no prompting of him in my train of thought. The photo of long bangs in face, that is what I saw, but not as clean and shiny. Looked like day to day guy, but a bad man.

Take it for what you want. I always trust my instincts. Very perceptive anon.

Anonymous ID: 1e3e37 Aug. 23, 2024, 3:27 p.m. No.21469545   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Because earth us stationary fixed plain. God says four corners of earth. And earth is his footstool.

Not a ball, not moving.

God says earth is immovable, fixed on it's foundation.

However, He did stop the sun and moon from moving.

The liars tell you the opposte of truth. Their father is a deceiver and liar from the beginning. Ball spinni g earth is to keep you from beliving God and His truth. The ultimate fake news, spinning ball earth.


Anonymous ID: 1e3e37 Aug. 23, 2024, 3:31 p.m. No.21469571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9610



Sit outside at night, relax and jyst look up al over. Do it every night.

Earth is not moving, but notice every night what you see. Ask God to reveal the truth to you and to silence lies and deceivers. If you ask Him from your heart He will clearly shiw you. You already kniw it, but you have been taught to trust others eho lie onmpurpose since birth.

Anonymous ID: 1e3e37 Aug. 23, 2024, 3:38 p.m. No.21469626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9648 >>9879


Waking up to no spinning ball earth hurts a lot when awakening, but so freeing of the mind once accepted it is the biggest lie.

Do not expect friends and family to accept. Once you see truth, cannot unsee it. Will chsnge how you see everything. They want you not to see God.


Anonymous ID: 1e3e37 Aug. 23, 2024, 3:53 p.m. No.21469723   🗄️.is 🔗kun



True believers of God believe the firmament.

Liars who claim to know God, hate Jesus, are fearful of God and His wrath, tell all that Jesus is a liar, killed Him, hate Him, and tell the lie

over and over so mankind dies without the truth, The Word of God.



The meanings of the verb raqa' have led some scholars to think that the biblical writers were teaching that the raqiya' was a solid dome over a flat earth, an idea (those scholars assert) that is similar to how other ancient peoples around Israel viewed the world


I hate sauce from wikipedia, but it is pretty good.

Ask why do we all get indocrinated with a globe all throughout school.

But never challenged with opposing view?


In ancient near eastern cosmology, the firmament signified a cosmic barrier that separated the heavenly waters above from the Earth below.[1] In biblical cosmology, the firmament (Hebrew: רָקִ֫יעַ‎ rāqīaʿ) is the vast solid dome created by God during the Genesis creation narrative to divide the primal sea into upper and lower portions so that the dry land could appear.[2][3]


An artist's depiction of the early Hebrew conception of the cosmos. The firmament (raqia), Sheol, and Tehom are depicted.

The concept was adopted into the subsequent Classical and Medieval models of heavenly spheres, but was dropped with advances in astronomy in the 16th and 17th centuries. Today it is known as a synonym for sky or heaven.

Anonymous ID: 1e3e37 Aug. 23, 2024, 4:14 p.m. No.21469879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9915

The shills are the clowns that DON'T believe the bible.

Sheesh. Do you not see your doublespeak.


Good luck. I hope you wake up. It seems to be really fixed on you, the spinning ball.

Fixed on you. Kek pun unintended, but kek



>>21469786 i hope you find all your answets, but in tne meantime, get right with God, so if it habbens tonight, you can ask God directly when in Heaven. If not found in Christ, born again, you may not ever have yor anserts, lostt forever, your questions show you desire truth, dont let deceivers cause you to miss eternity, by getting caught in trap of whsts and whys, keeping you from Christ, accept Christ, ask questions everyday tnereon, you dont kniw if you will even be alive an hour from now. Once you die without Christ, no second chances. That is why deceivers chew up your time . This life us the only time you get to choose or reject truth.


Shape of earth, spinni g out of control, no order, no one in control.

That us why they insist you believe it us ehat they say, nasa, svience. God haters. They are gatekeeping truth. The truth that God is real.

God haters run the world we live in. Since Genesis. The fall if mankind.When man first believed the lie and handed over eden.


Anonymous ID: 1e3e37 Aug. 23, 2024, 4:24 p.m. No.21469968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0009




Use dropdown arrow top of page to go to each chapter, oage by page. Can change translation to kjv, niv, etc. I chose amplified classic for new readers as it explains some words in brackets for easy reading. I always use kjv. Amplified classic is nice companion. New readers will like The Message bibke also. But always cross check all translations. Match up meanings.




22 chapters


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