>baptist chatter, take it to your church
God doesn't confine His existence to Church. He will bend your knee just as He will bend any other.
>baptist chatter, take it to your church
God doesn't confine His existence to Church. He will bend your knee just as He will bend any other.
>Free speech and all that.
>Suck it up, buttercup.
This has nothing to do with anything I said. God isn't a free speech issue.
>That posted to the wrong one.
>Should have been the one above you.
>Wires crossed, it would appear.
No problem.
>we dont nned to hear it any more than torah verse
>fuck off somewhere else with it
>faggots think this is a god board sometimes
It's going to be BIBLICAL, anon. You are the outlier.
>words anons can understand, not an invitation to proselytize
I'm not looking for you as a convert, anon.
>biblical (adjective)
That's one definition. Another is "according to the Bible". Multiple meanings, anon.
>that's why it makes no sense to pretend that Q is god or whatever.
>I doubt Q wants to kill newborns as some kind of lesson, because to me that sounds evil, but that's just an opinion.
Q suits the purposes of God.
>you are the cancer anon.
God is the cure to cancer, anon. If you don't understand that, perhaps you need the experience.
>>you just gotta believe
>and if you die, you just didn't believe hard enough, like for example the children of Yemen that are bombed into pieces
>or maybe it was even a lesson to them not believing, or their parents not believing
>it's a loving god
I died and came back, anon. Your perspective is skewed. Mine was at the point I died.
>sorry I don't need you or your fucking god. Ivermectin is the cure for cancer, thinking and reading and learning is the cure for your stupidity pushing your faggot lord.
I never said you did, anon. As I mentioned, I'm not looking for people like you. Ivermectin treats worms in dogs, and disease is often a kind of spiritual worm.
The rest of your post is disrespectful for no reason other than to be edgy. It's immature.
>not an invitation to slather the board with all this baptist stuff
>not an invitation to slather the board with all this baptist stuff
Suppose I did, anon. Free speech. Get over it.
>Stop casting your pearls before swine, anon.
>Leave them to their fate, just as Jesus did.
One pig does not a swine herd make.
How many Q posts are there about God?
>No you do not. You follow what YOU call the truth and the way. You worship authority. You worship tyranny.
You are quick to tell me what I believe, anon, without disclosing what you believe. It's cowardly.
Doesn't "god" technically violate his own commandments? Or is "he" above da law?
God defines justice. It is up to us to figure out how His acts are just, not to criticize them as though we know better.
>You have said what you believe. I believe what Jesus said
Who is Jesus? His name was Hebrew, anon.
>Who did Jesus say committed the greater sin?
Technically, "Jesus" said nothing. It isn't a Hebrew name.
>He has many names. Why do you deny His name?
Jesus is not His name. It is an appellation of Rome.
>There you go denying His name again. He has many.
That is not His name, anon. His name is salvation, literally. It is spelled YHSVH in Hebrew.
>You think you get to choose what everyone calls Him?
No anon, you are taking that privilege. Not me.
>No, it's you who does not understand. You are denying His name.
The Jesuits use the name of Jesus. Do you know why? Because it isn't the right name, anon. That's how they are able to do what they do.
Use fake names, win fake prizes.
>Don't deny His name because of those who use it.
You can't use the real name and do stuff like that, anon. You will drop instantly dead.
>Truth matters. Don't deny His name.
Heavenly Father, if this person is denying the True name of the Savior, may they bear the burdern. If they are being falsely accused from ignorance, may all be forgiven. May YOUR WORD and YOUR WAY and YOUR WILL be done, and no other.
>I can't speak the Truth because I'll be killed? Then I guess I die.
Some say this is what the Messiah said before they decided to crucify HIm.
>Q means none of the supernatural BS was real, and Jesus (let's pretend he existed) was just a regular guy, but someone who went against authority
Denying the existence of God means you cannot really speak on anything Q related. If these boards had one rule for speech, I'd say it should be you can't be here unless you believe in God.
>So you are the free speech police?
If you are in a religious subject, it doesn't make sense to be speaking to atheists. It disrupts the conversation.
>Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
>aka don't make shit up
You acccusing me of being a liar, anon? Since the words in my mouth have been put their by God, seems you'd be calling God a liar, wouldn't it?
>that's made up shit, and a lie.
You have called that which is True, a lie, anon. May you go to your fatherโthe prince of lies.