Anonymous ID: 9561df Aug. 24, 2024, 2:06 p.m. No.21475735   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm thinking that RFK Jr. ran to siphon off votes from Senile Joe. From what I saw of polls, RFK Jr. was taking more from Joe than Trump.


When Kamala staged the coup, the numbers started working differently, since it was too old guys against the almost 60-year-old sorry-assed bimbo.


The numbers made more sense to consolidate the anti-SCAMala vote on one side and push her radical far-left record of failures, rather than try to divide the Democrat vote with RFK Jr. trying to pull more Dem votes over.


I think the whole RFK Jr. candidacy was designed from day one to help make the vote Too Big to Rig for the Potato. They ran the numbers after the coup and saw it made more sense to join forces against KOMMIEala.


No dumb people running things on the Trump side.

Anonymous ID: 9561df Aug. 24, 2024, 2:25 p.m. No.21475860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5982


>>>21474912 lb


NASA almost didn't have an alternative.


They allowed this Starliner mission to fly, knowing there was already at least one helium leak in the thruster system. They let Boeing convince them there was no danger. Mistake.


Then, more helium leaks popped up during flight and the thruster system malfunctioned during critical docking maneuvers. Mistake.


Starliner will come home unmanned, as if something were to fail during de-orbit and re-entry, two lives are on the line. Finally, NASA is making the right call. If people actually died during this return leg of the mission, Starliner might never fly again. Congress would be calling for investigations, and some might even call for the termination of the Boeing contract for Commercial Crew.


If Boeing actually manages to land Starliner, they can claim it was safe all along, and hopefully they have fired the designer of the thruster system and have a new one designed and ready to fly for what will be, obviously, the second chance to fly astronauts before the system is fully certified for regular use. NASA may even require Boeing to fly another unmanned flight test just to certify the thruster system before another human flight attempt.


Boeing screwed the pooch big time on this one. NASA saved their bacon long-term by making certain there would be no loss of life on this botched attempt.

Anonymous ID: 9561df Aug. 24, 2024, 2:42 p.m. No.21475982   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know people who work or have worked for Boeing.


The company is not the same as back in the glory days.


There was a time when frequent layoffs removed most of what was left of the deep talent pool in the company. Instead of sitting around, hoping layoffs would not affect them, the really talented younger people found other jobs at hopefully more stable companies during economic downturns (thanks Obummer, Clinton, and others). Boeing was left with some talented people, now mostly retired, and some of the new blood that might have raw talent, but did not get the benefit of the knowledge of the people who wisely cashed in and left. Now Boeing is a shell of the company it used to be. They are making big mistakes that could have been avoided if they had retained their best people over the past couple of decades. With all the failures their products have had over the past decade, I'm worried about the long-term viability of the company, itself!