Australia, Melbourne, 2030 Homo Games.
Anon wonders what events may occur at such a parade of sodomites?
The mind boggles. Not in a good way.
Any suggestion?
Australia, Melbourne, 2030 Homo Games.
Anon wonders what events may occur at such a parade of sodomites?
The mind boggles. Not in a good way.
Any suggestion?
Hmmm, sounds painful
The same laws apply today. We call it, Fuck around, Find out.
It was King Herod, a Jew who killed the newborns and infants in his search for Jesus Christ, a Nazarite Israelite (not a Jew).
In Egypt, the description "first born" does not imply infant, especially as the first born is the eldest of any other children. Typically describing the heir.
So, yeah, you have a lot more reading and comprehension to do if you're going to understand what the book actually says, instead of your twisted interpretation.
It's plainly written in the book. You can argue all you want, but it's in balck and white terms, very easy to comprehend if you actually read it in context.
But you will cherry pick your little bits out of context, just to argue, slide and be difficult.
You don't realize you just make yourself look stupid among people who have read the book properly.
>the Gospel portrays God as allowing Herod's slaughter
Show me the exact phrase in which God allows?
Samaria's children, who are they? And why didn't God stop them being chastised?
Let's go one further: The Israelites taken captive after their mass slaughter in Judah, resulting in the remnant being carried off the Babylon. But, as if that wasn't enough, the Edomites invaded (circa 568 BC) and cleaned up the few remaining, then occupying Judah through to 70 AD, becoming known as Jews.
What was the Biblical reason Edom came to inhabit Judah/Jerusalem?
I'm simply quoting a book in context, as you're unable to.
>Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah
Ahhhhh, now your objection is revealed.
You a homo and you hate God.
You do realize, that when the Bible quotes, "the children of", it's speaking about descendants, right?
Ignores the simple fact that certain societies are brought up on evil from birth, kind of like HAMAS children learning hate and violence from infancy.
If you attack me and teach your children to attack me, your entire family will be sorry they ever fucked around. I think that's fairly simple to comprehend.
> death penalty
But you're pretending to be against violence, yet your advocating the death penalty?
What happened, suddenly?
OK, let's scale it up from a neighborly dispute, to national neighbors. If Canada continuously sent rockets and missiles into the US, how long do you think Canada would last?
>it should be fine for tons of countries to genocide all Americans
If that habbened, I think many would agree that criminal US politicians and their decades of crimes would be bearing the brunt of their actions at home.
And yes, while the innocent may come to harm, it would be seen as righteous in the eyes of many.
That's why we hope Trump can turn it around, so the nation repents and may avoid the finding out part of their fucking around.
Really? Newborns grow up to be adults with a grudge.
You fucktards murder babies before they even get the chance to be newborns.
Don't lecture me on civilities, you fucktards got none and zero shame either.
Are they creating a path to arrest Elon too?