Anonymous ID: 0f91ff Sept. 5, 2024, 8:05 p.m. No.21540359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0368

>>21539097 Robert F. Kennedy Jr Says Bill Gates Uses 'Philanthrocapitalism' to Enrich HimselfPN


I'm not God, but if I discussed with God that Gates should be sent to the lowest and most disgusting level of Hell, for eternity, He would listen.


Decisions against the souls of God has serious consequences. And those that went along with them for filthy lucre, will be dammed to the same place.


BTW you have far too much estrogen in your body, as you age it will get worse, enjoy the hell you created by your desire to kill God's souls. No you won't go to the Second Death right away, No Mercy for You.


I can't even pray that God has mercy on your soul, because you lost that a very long time ago.


PS: Get a bra, saggy boobs on a man is a turn off, you deserve whatever you get. We are not your judge ultimately, but you know who it is.