Anonymous ID: e32f35 Sept. 16, 2024, 11:41 a.m. No.21602954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3012 >>3126 >>3394



General Research #23438 >>19085909

Adam Kinzinger Admits Patriot Front Members are Feds


Quite the admission from J6 Committee member.


Actual American patriots have become fed up with the group Patriot Front crashing legitimate America First protests. Last week, patriots decided to chase Patriot Front members away from their event and, in the process of removing the unwanted guests, exposed the faces of Patriot Front members. Adam Kinzinger became angry at America First patriots for removing Patriot Front from their event. During his rant, Kinzinger admitted that Patriot Front is a fed psyop.


Video shows attendees of an America First event asking the members of Patriot Front to leave their event.

Anonymous ID: e32f35 Sept. 16, 2024, 11:53 a.m. No.21603023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3100 >>3394


Canada #63 >>21576947

Germany suspends Schengen, impacts on immigration to the entire EU

Mischtalk's Mixed Shed Thursday, September 12, 2024


Schengen Area

The Schengen area (English: / ˈəən / SHENG-ən, Luxembourgish: [ˈˈæəən]) is a territory that includes 29 European countries that have officially abolished border controls at their mutual borders.


The German government announced plans to introduce stricter controls at all land borders of the country in order to combat irregular migration and protect the public from threats such as Islamist extremism.


Checks within a normally wide area of free movement - the European Schengen zone - will begin on Sept. 16 and will initially last six months, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said on Monday.


The government has also drafted a program that will allow the authorities to reject more migrants directly at the German borders, Faeser said, without adding details about the controversial and legally difficult step.


The restrictions are part of a series of measures taken by Germany to tighten its stance on irregular migration in recent years following a surge in arrivals, especially of people fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East.


Recent deadly knife attacks, in which the suspects were asylum seekers, have stoked concerns about immigration. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for a knife attack in the western city of Solingen that killed three people in August.


Polls show that it is also the biggest concern of voters in the state of Brandenburg, where elections will be held in two weeks.


Scholz and Faeser's center-left Social Democrats (SPD) are fighting for control of the government there, in a vote that is considered the SPD's strength test before the federal election next year.


"The government's intention seems to be to symbolically show Germans and potential migrants that the latter are no longer welcome here," said Marcus Engler of the German Center for Integration and Migration Research.


By Eurointelligence …

It's almost funny that when Mario Draghi presented his report on the future of Europe, Germany had the brilliant idea of reintroducing border controls and suspending the Schengen system of passport-free travel. The German government has come under pressure to act against immigration by trying to stop refugees at the border. Nancy Faeser, the Interior minister, said the reason was to protect Germany from Islamist extremism after a series of murders and attempted murders committed by immigrants in recent weeks. The Schengen rules require an overriding national security interest.


The collateral damage will be enormous. Austria has already said that it will not accept immigrants rejected by Germany. So Austria will almost certainly do the same and close its border. No one in the east and southeast of Germany has the physical capacity and the political will to accept immigrants. The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia will do the same. We assume that Switzerland, which is not a member of the EU but a member of the Schengen area, will follow suit. Italy has no border to close, but France does. In the meantime, Germany has actively participated in the Beggar-thy-neighbor refugee policy of the EU member states. Except that if Germany plays this game, it will have much more serious consequences. This is a serious threat to the whole idea of Schengen. This is where the dissolution of Europe could begin.


Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock warned her colleagues not to jeopardize the EU's migration deal and not to succumb to the illusion that European countries can solve the refugee problem at the national level.


No change to the applicable laws


Schengen is enshrined in the Treaty. No country will propose any changes. Instead, each country will ignore the treaty due to a "higher law".



Anonymous ID: e32f35 Sept. 16, 2024, 12:03 p.m. No.21603100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3110 >>3394

>>21603023 (me)

Italy took action before Germany


Canada #63 >>21526991

Meloni Enforces Stricter Measures Against NGO-Led Illegal Immigration in Italy

by Maria Herrera Mellado at Gateway Hispanic Sep. 3, 2024


Giorgia Meloni’s strategy and the opposition’s criticism of her efforts to control illegal immigration in Italy have become a major story in Europe. Recently, the Italian authorities blocked the NGO ship ‘Geo Barents’ from operating for 60 days for violating the Italian law after bringing 191 migrants to shore.


Italian authorities issued detention order for @MSF’s #GeoBarents for 60 days over alleged accusations


We strongly refute accusations based on information from the EU-funded Libyan Coast Guard—an entity accused by the UN of serious human rights abuses


What really happened?


— MSF Sea (@MSF_Sea) August 27, 2024


⚠️The Geo Barents has been issued a detention for 60 days simply for fulfilling its duty to save lives.


As the @MSF SAR representative says, “We will challenge this unfair detention through the appropriate legal channels.”


— MSF Sea (@MSF_Sea) August 30, 2024


Italy fined and blocked the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) ship for docking at the port of Salerno without properly informing maritime security authorities about its rescue operations in the Mediterranean. The NGO denies these accusations, labeling them as “inhumane” and claiming that they merely fulfilled their legal obligation to save lives at sea.


MSF also reported conducting five rescue operations on August 23, receiving a sanction for not providing timely information about one of these rescues. The Italian government, led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni , has emphasized the need for a single rescue operation to regain control and set limits on immigration.


The plan, approved by the Italian Senate, has raised concerns because Albania is not a member of the European Union and thus is not bound by EU regulations on the treatment and deportation of asylum seekers. The agreement specifies that women and children will not be transferred to Albania.


In 2023, more than 157,000 people arrived in Italy by sea, with the government struggling to control the influx. Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party, which campaigned on a strong anti-illegal immigration platform in 2022, has faced criticism for not doing enough to stop the boats. Meanwhile, those supporting the continuous and unregulated flow of immigrants have been accused of indirectly collaborating with human traffickers.


On the other side, countries like Hungary have been sanctioned for not complying with EU regulations, as they defend their sovereignty and borders against what they see as imposed policies.


Spain is not an example to control immigration either.

Anonymous ID: e32f35 Sept. 16, 2024, 12:21 p.m. No.21603213   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My that was fast

France chooses Sejour as a candidate for the European Commission after the Breton shock

By Michel Rose and Foo Yun Chee September 16, 2024


PARIS/BRUSSELS, Sept 16 (Reuters) - France has chosen French foreign Minister Stephane Séjour as its new candidate for the next European Commission while outgoing president Thierry Breton abruptly resigned on Monday with harsh words for the re-elected EU chief executive Ursula von der Leyen.


It was an unexpected turn of events in the highly political transition of power from the EU that follows the European elections in June and in which key jobs in the bloc's powerful decision-making institutions are distributed for the next five years.


But abandoning Breton, who had publicly opposed von der Leyen, was the price to be paid for France to keep a big portfolio in the next European Commission team, which von der Leyen is expected to announce this week.


A source close to the matter said that President Emmanuel Macron had negotiated a reinforced mandate of executive vice-president for the internal market and industry for the French candidate, supervising a group of commissioners.


As the second largest EU member state, France has made it clear that it wants a major position in the reshuffle of key positions in the EU institutions that will follow the June elections.


"The President has always sought to obtain a key European Commission portfolio for France, focused on issues of industrial, technological sovereignty and European competitiveness," Macron's office said in a statement.


Sejour, 39, is a Macron loyalist, a close ally who chairs his party and a former EU legislator who led the party's ticket in the 2019 European Parliament elections.


He has kept a low profile at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which he has headed since January, and where he respected and defended Macron's line.


In his resignation letter, Breton said that von der Leyen had asked France "a few days ago" to withdraw his name as a choice for the Commission "for personal reasons" in exchange for an "allegedly more influential portfolio".


"In light of these latest developments - further evidence of questionable governance - I must conclude that I can no longer perform my duties at the College," Breton said in the letter.


But the relationship between Breton and von der Leyen has deteriorated in recent months. The French Commissioner, a liberal, angered von der Leyen by publicly criticizing her appointment as the candidate of the European conservative party EPP to head the Commission for a second term, EU officials said.


Breton's public spats with Musk had also been met with dismay by other colleagues on the Commission, officials added.


Nevertheless, the latest developments came as a surprise, said a person with direct knowledge of the case, adding that Breton was to be reappointed by von der Leyen.


This decision can also be seen as a power play between the two biggest heavyweights in the EU - Germany and France, von der Leyen's country of origin - to find out who is leading the blows in the EU at a time when Macron is weakened at home after losing the European and French legislative elections.

