Anonymous ID: 2bd7fe Sept. 17, 2024, 9:05 a.m. No.21608700   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8706 >>8708

It's that time of year again.


It's the annual Anounce my filter awards.

We will be randomly selecting a lucky anon who've been announcing their filter.


Remember, all announcements are not equal. We will rank anons by amount of times they announced their filter and special flair like announcing multiple filters in a single post.


Announce your filter today and participate to have a chance to win 1 years free Proto.


Good luck anons.

Anonymous ID: 2bd7fe Sept. 17, 2024, 10:06 a.m. No.21609152   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9159


>Is bread made from the flesh of Life?

Define "flesh of life".

I took it to mean, "of this earth" since any other interpretation defeats your previous statements.

If my interpretation is wrong, then my answer is, as far as I know I eat nothing that is "the flesh of life".


Keep doing your blood rituals fren.

Anonymous ID: 2bd7fe Sept. 17, 2024, 10:23 a.m. No.21609289   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9316


>You try to project cannibalism out of your own lack of understanding.

He handed them a piece of bread and said "This is my flesh". He didn't say this is "the flesh of life". He invoked cannibalism as a ritual, not in the literal.

If everything is his body, he would have said thatโ€ฆ

Also, not everything that you've so far defined as "flesh of life" is edible, let alone safe to injest.

You can spin it how you want but the book doesn't agree with you.

Anonymous ID: 2bd7fe Sept. 17, 2024, 10:38 a.m. No.21609398   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9415


>HE didn't invoke cannibalism at all. YOU project cannibalism. It was bread, not human.

Do you understand the word "ritual"?

I never said they literally ate fleshโ€ฆ


> and learn some logic.

HAH! The irony is insane.



>Ask him if his mother breastfed him

She did. Your point?