Anonymous ID: 31837e Sept. 17, 2024, 9:05 a.m. No.21608703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8724 >>8731 >>9141 >>9288 >>9394 >>9426

Anons notice anything about this Routh character? Throw some caps on those teeth & maybe some rhinoplasty and an earlobe nip/tuck, and you have Gavin ringer. A theory here, just a hunch, no evidence but spidey senses are tingling a little. We know Newsom was in the wings for POTUS, thus needed body doubles at the ready. Maybe this Routh dude was one of the cast being developed as a Gavin double, but the DS didn’t need him because Newsom never made it to the finish line. Or maybe the dude was a strong contender for the body double cast, but didn’t make the cut. So they had a mind-controlled asset that wasn’t useable for his original purpose, so they retooled him for another mission.