Anonymous ID: ed114f Sept. 17, 2024, 10:27 a.m. No.21609315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9345 >>9365



Years earlier, James O’Keefe had taken Loomer out of the field during her employment at Project Veritas until she got back on her medication. O'Keefe declined to comment for this story, possibly because, according to two people who worked with Loomer between 2021 and 2023, Laura claims she secretly filmed the pair of them having sex, and says she threatened O’Keefe that she would release the tape if he ever talked about her publicly.

In order for Loomer to run for office, her general consultant required that she regularly see a psychiatrist, and that she stay on every medication prescribed to her. She didn’t. Eight days out from the election in 2020, Loomer–after being confronted about sexually assaulting a young male campaign volunteer–called advisor Roger Stone, and told him she had driven past the retailer Lowe’s several times, mulling over the purchase of rope with which to hang herself.

The news surprised no one. Nor did the oblivious ingratitude of shopping at Lowe’s when the founder of Home Depot was a major donor to her campaign. Even when contemplating suicide, Loomer couldn’t stay loyal to the people who were loyal to her.

After losing the election, Loomer was confined to the guest bedroom of a well-known Palm Beach County political operative on suicide watch. “I have nothing to live for,” Loomer would repeat on an endless cycle, wandering listless through the four-bedroom gated community mansion.

“I was supposed to be the youngest ever Member of Congress,” she complained despairingly. “Now I have nothing. I have nothing. My life is ruined. I have no future.”

I have copies of several of her presecriptions, and a photograph of her bedside table and another of her handbag showing medication labels that confirm she was on high doses of powerful antipsychotic drugs. I am not releasing these photographs to the public at this time.

The FBI declined to comment on the specifics of Loomer’s case, citing confidentiality, but confirmed that it was “extremely likely” that any citizen with her mental health history would not be permitted a firearm, in Florida or any other state.

Every member of Laura Loomer’s 2020 campaign staff approached by me ahead of publication declined to comment. Each of them gave the same reason: Fear of public reprisals. Laura Loomer did not return a request for comment.

A tearful Jeff Loomer declined to say over the phone whether he was currently considering another involuntary psychiatric hold for his daughter, given her bizarre claim this week that she has been performing oral sex on President Trump, but did not rule it out.


(In Part Two, we unravel the mystery of Laura Loomer’s true ethnic and religious heritage, and reveal what led every major Jewish donor to abandon her in 2021

Anonymous ID: ed114f Sept. 17, 2024, 10:30 a.m. No.21609345   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This stuff is getting nuts. Trump does not need more drama. Milo is either not thinking or is intentionally triggering a person with problems.


Both of them are sorta crazy