Anonymous ID: 13d397 Sept. 17, 2024, 3:01 p.m. No.21610983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1066 >>1120 >>1191

OUT OF STOCK: United States CUTS Military Supply Aid To Ukraine


The US is reducing the volume of military aid to Ukraine due to the reduction of its own reserves according to sources in the Pentagon and in the Biden regime.


There are problems related to the spending of six billion dollars allocated by the White House, because after two years of war, manufacturers fail to replenish Ukrainian stocks, according to the sources.


Apparently the manufacturing capability just doesn't exist anymore, and the manufacturers cannot ship replacements because they can't make them, or make them fast enough.


Hal Turner Analysis:


Mark this date on your calendar. This is the date Ukraine lost the conflict with Russia.


If the US cannot provide more military arms, Ukraine is done.


Unless… Unless the US, EU and NATO manufacture a REASON for NATO to enter the conflict directly.


This is now the most dangerous time… for all of us.


MY COMMENT: They could manufacture a false flag attack to blame Russia but I doubt most people will fall for it anymore. Only our insane 'leaders' want a war with Russia, not average Americans or Europeans, and it would be a very tough sell trying to drag us into one! Recall the recent elections in Europe where all the pro-war parties lost significantly!? Any kind of mandatory conscription idea would be met with fierce rebellion. It would also be political suicide! Time for the neo-cons to admit losing another failed proxy war, another blundering foreign policy, all that waste over something that could have been easily prevented had we had good leadership! This war would have never happened in the first place if someone like Donald J. Trump held office today. Morons.


By the way, if it is true that we have no manufacturing capability anymore, any future war would be a LOST CAUSE. You can never compete with first world nuclear-armed nations if you are not first world yourself. First world nation status requires two major things: manufacturing and industrial production.

Anonymous ID: 13d397 Sept. 17, 2024, 3:17 p.m. No.21611077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1092 >>1097 >>1128 >>1140


The the question is, how did they make the electronics explode if they didn't have something like C4 inside them? Are you telling me the government developed cyber weapons that can make electronics remotely explode without overheating a battery and without using explosives?

Anonymous ID: 13d397 Sept. 17, 2024, 3:32 p.m. No.21611170   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They are not completely out, but we don't have the means of producing much more advanced weaponry now that China cut us off of some needed rare earth metals such as Antimony we used to rely on. Big mistake to threaten China over that south china sea dispute as the MIC actually relies on Chinese trade to keep making weapons, but then again, we have 'leaders' like Biden and Harris…..