Anonymous ID: 584df9 Sept. 19, 2024, 11:56 a.m. No.21623268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3281 >>3398 >>3733 >>3820 >>3888

EXCLUSIVE: New Docs Shed Light On Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ Joining Officer Ranks

JAKE SMITHCONTRIBUTOR September 19, 202410:01 AM ET1/2


The Air Force finally handed over a trove of documents pertaining to its sweeping “goal” of reducing the number of white male applicants in a popular officer program after spending months stonewalling requests for their release


Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman C.Q. Brown — at the time the highest-ranking member of the Air Force — issued a memorandum in2022 that the branch was updating its racial and gender demographic goals for applicants seeking to become officers, in a bid to prioritize “diversity and inclusion.”Internal documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation include a slideshow from 2022 where the Air Force outlines racial and gender quotas and details how it hopes to “achieve” a reduced number of white males in its Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) officer’s applicant program.


The documents reflect the Biden-Harris Pentagon’s intense focus on implementing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies in the armed forces, even as the military continues to combat dwindling morale among its rank-and-file, recruiting and retention shortfalls and low pay.


“The American people are rightly concerned that, at a time when our country is facing dangerous and increasing threats throughout the world, the Air Force is focused on recruitment efforts based on arbitrary racial diversity goals — not merit or increasing the force’s lethality,” James Fitzpatrick, director of the Center To Advance Security In America (CASA), told the DCNF.


CASA requested records regarding the Air Force’s new officer applicant standards through a federal transparency request, called a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in 2023. At the time, the Air Force said it couldn’t find any records, according to a letter obtained by the DCNF.CASA then sued the Air Force for the records in April 2024 and received hundreds of documents and slides in response, which the DCNF subsequently obtained.


A spokesperson for the Air Force told the DCNF “The FOIA request was being processed at multiple levels within the Air Force.”“One of the units responded to the FOIA request with a ‘no responsive records’ responseafter conducting their own local search, while the remainder of the units continued to process the responsive documents that were ultimately provided,” the spokesperson told the DCNF.


One of the slides in question, labeled “AFROTC White,” depicts a graph that shows the percentage of white male ROTC officer applicants declining from approximately 60% in fiscal year 2019 to a projected 50% in fiscal year 2023. The graph further details how the Air Force’s goal is to reduce that percentage down to approximately 43% by fiscal year 2029, denoted by a star with the label “achieve(d) goal.”


“White male population will decline as other demographics increase,” the slide reads.


A screenshot of an internal Air Force slide deck titled “Officer Accession Applicant Pool Goals Diversity & Inclusion Outreach Plans” from January 2022.


The respective slides in question also explain that the Air Force is either on track or needs to do more to hit racial and gender quotas in the ROTC’s officer applicant pool.


For example, with the African American population, theslideshow suggests the Air Force “target [the] male population through ongoing programs and marketing” and notes it has already met its “female goal” for ROTC officer applicants. For the American Indian, Asian and Hispanic applicants, the slideshow says the Air Force is “on track to grow diversity.”

Anonymous ID: 584df9 Sept. 19, 2024, 11:59 a.m. No.21623281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3398 >>3473 >>3733 >>3820 >>3888



“These documents show us that the Air Force has taken steps toward implementing their new directive of specific racial quotas for officer recruitment and enrollment throughout the branch,” Fitzpatrick told the DCNF.


Included in the slide deck are funding requests for diversity recruiting initiatives, including $500,000 for “diversity advertising campaigns” and $250,000 for “influencer engagements.”


In a separate set of documents from as early as 2022, the Air Force outlines its efforts to modify ROTC scholarship programs, which “play an important role in accession and diversity goals.”The Air Force suggests modifying the scholarship models could remove certain “testing barriers” to entry for under-represented groups.


A screenshot of an internal Air Force slide deck titled “Officer Accession Applicant Pool Goals Diversity & Inclusion Outreach Plans” from January 2022.


The diversity plans extend to theAir Force’s Aim High Flight Academy (AHFA), an aviation scholarship program for high school, ROTCand Air Force Academy students, according to the documents.The Air Force notes that the AFHA applicant pool should be made up of a “minimum” of 60% underrepresented groups, further noting that it must be at least 35% minorities.


Like other branches of the military, the Air Force has struggled to keep up with recruiting and retention targets in recent years.The Navy is expected to miss its recruiting goals in 2024; the Marine Corps, Army and Air Force are on track to meet their goals, although the latter two branches missed their targets in 2022 and 2023, according to Military Times.


Only approximately 57% of servicemembers or military families polled by the Military Family Advisory Network in 2023 said they’d recommend joining the service, compared to 74% in 2019. Among some of the reasons the respondents wouldn’t recommend service were the politically charged nature of the military, differences and divisions, and low pay, among others.


A year-long study from the Arizona State University Center for American Institutions found that the Pentagon has turned into a “vast DEI bureaucracy” in the last four decades, a challenge that has been exacerbated by the Biden-Harris administration.


It’s no surprise that young people are turning away from military service in record numbers… DEI indoctrination has become a core component of military trainingthat begins for officers even at the service academies,” Matt Lohmeier, former Space Force commander, said in a statement in June.


(They want subpar intelligence people manning the most expensive Jets, equipment and technology for Diversity Sake. No wonder China and Russia are not afraid of America anymore.)

Anonymous ID: 584df9 Sept. 19, 2024, 12:21 p.m. No.21623389   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21621332 josh hawley w/CAP: NEW WHISTLEBLOWER allegations - this time about the latest attempt on Trump’s life. Whistleblower alleges Secret Service apparently failed to account for “known vulnerabilities”…PN


Trump's team has been asking and asking for more support and have asked for plugging up insecurities, Hawley better get his head on, and finally realize Rowe is never going to protect Trump, ever. He doesn't even care if his personal team is killed. Rowe needs to be impeached and everyone in mgmt there needs to be investigated how many of them are rotten. Hawley hasn't spoken to Bongino that has revealed everything he knows 2-3 weeks before anyone says, "new info". Hawley needs to sit down with him and competent SS and get to the bottom of the issue.If Hawley and Senate continue to listen to the lies of Rowe, without punishment for him, it's just a useless FOX interview that he can tout his own horn, with no solution.


Bongino has said for a long, long time, it's a miracle T was assassinated a long time ago. He also says since before 2010, when he wrote his book "Protecting the President", the incompetence is massive at the USSS. It's

one of the reasons he resigned after 11-12 years, all the problems then that never got fixed. they still have and much more. Prince is right there are only 10% that heros and a 100%, 40% incapable management, and 50% rank and file that totally incompetent or intelligent to do this job.


If Hawley and Blumenthal do nothing about this, except to get Media sound bites, they will be aiding and abetting Assassinators.

Anonymous ID: 584df9 Sept. 19, 2024, 1:13 p.m. No.21623594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3602 >>3621

>>21621812 Body Language: Trump, assassination attempt, Ron DeSantis press conferencePN


Just my two cents

Body language of DeSantis's emotions and actions they took were explained well by her, but if she doesn’t know the history of Trump, DeSantis and the FBI, that she can’t impute possible motivations; and why he fears so much. (I'm pretty sure hardly any state has not worked for all these years, but recently many states refuse to work with the FBI, or allow the FBI originally work their in state crimes, published by NYP two months ago) These are just observations on DS, possible reasons:


• First everyone should know that DeSantis set Trump up to be raided at Mar A Lago, I believe 100% he worked with the feds on how to accomplish it.

• He knew the raid it was coming, he allowed it, the FBI had to tell him, and DeSantis had to give permission, he sent FL police, etc. with the FBI to surround the compound.

• Why would he allow the raid, DeSantis was still running an undercover campaign, by pretending he was on a book tour.He did all of this for a very selfish and obvious reason, he thought all the prosecutions of Trump, Trump would be removed smeared and harassed, people would start hating him, and eventually from the campaign trail.

• But he is the only one that can say whether the Feds can come into his state and do the raid anywhere and on any one. And he still has that power, so Prince’s recommendation would give him a boost up if he did it.

• DeSantis is trying to ingratiate himself back into Trump’s good graces, he probably wants to be running one of the agencies because he can’t run for Governor again.

• DeSantis are trying to persuade Americans he’s a good guy when he runs for President after 2028,so when Prince said DeSantis should run his own investigation, he saw a way to do this, or build up his profile for when he runs for President later.

• Obviously he is a Bushy and hates Trump, so there is no guarantee the investigation be successful. And at any point DeSantis can pull the plug, or have it intentionally fucked up.(One of his big tells, when he’s lying and afraid, his voice goes dramatically squeaky and emotional, and he acted like that on his Fox interview the day before.)

• DeSantis is freaked out, and really, really afraid for a number of reasons: He colluded with the FBI and law enforcement to allow them to do the raid, the FBI probably gave him some “huge favors” by him agreeing, wiped away the crimes they caught him in, because the FBI does nothing good for people, it’s only for Blackmail later.

• There are numerous other reasons he is really nervous, and really jumpy and uncomfortable, while his first people were talking, he started to squeeze both hands in a fist type of move, acting jumpy, putting his hands in and out of his pocket, etc.He’s really afraid of a lot of powerful people and agencies, he probably worked it out with them, that his people will fail on this investigationThe only reason he may be protected now is because he’s a Bush Cheney neocon, bringing that up, seems to me that would be actively involved in the FL investigation, to sabotage it.

• DeSantis also may be freaked out because the FBI knows the election fundraising crimes and other crimes he can be charged for and is still he engaged in.

• It’s pretty obvious he doesn’t know the time and place of revenge by the Feds by him inserting his state in this political assassination event, but he knows if he doesn’t obey their orders he can lose more than his fame and fortune.

• Sundance lives in FL, he knows "DeSantis is a total illegal hack and criminal", he was sure the other day that DeSantis will never let there be success on this investigation, and I agree with him.