Anonymous ID: a33eeb Sept. 19, 2024, 11:49 a.m. No.21623239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3270 >>3398 >>3488 >>3733 >>3820 >>3888





Dem Rep. Dan Goldman Declares Trump ‘Will Execute a Coup’ on January 6th, 2025

Democratic Congressman Dan Goldman has claimed that Donald Trump is planning to “execute a coup” on January 6th next year.


In a fundraising plea sent via ActBlue, Goldman suggested that Trump will task Speaker of the House Mike Johnson to “execute a coup” on his behalf:


Dan Goldman here with an important update on Donald Trump and New York. In just a few hours, Trump will hold a rally on Long Island in a critical battleground district. Trump knows his campaign can’t win New York. But he also knows that the path to the House majority runs straight through New York.


Why does he care? Because he wants Mike Johnson – the architect of the 2020 effort to overturn the election – to be Speaker of the House on January 6, 2025 in order to execute a coup when he loses.


We cannot let that happen. Will you rush a contribution to help make sure we flip the House so that Hakeem Jeffries will be the Speaker on January 6?


His comments come just days after the second assassination attempt against Trump by another left-wing lunatic, while Democrats continue to deny that their wild rhetoric about the presidential frontrunner is stoking violence against him…

Anonymous ID: a33eeb Sept. 19, 2024, 11:56 a.m. No.21623270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3325 >>3398 >>3733 >>3820 >>3888



>Dem Rep. Dan Goldman Declares Trump ‘Will Execute a Coup’ on January 6th, 2025

George Webb also thinks something is planned for Jan 6, 2025. Goldman could be SETTING THE STAGE for what Webb calls a "slaughter pen" scenario, in which massive numbers of (patriot) civilians could be taken out on J6 using a fake insurrection as an excuse, just as in Ukraine 2014.


Described in his "slaughter pen" series

not always a fan of Webb, but his hypothesis is worth considering, here's the first article in this series.

American Slaughter Pen - Part One

Trump Assassination Opened Floodgates For Snipers Unleashed On Crowds

George Webb

Sep 08, 2024


In the months leading up to January 6th, 2021, I reported extensively about 4th Psychological Operations from Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, loading buses of unsuspecting, non-violent spectators into sponsored buses along the East Coast of the United States for “slaughter pen operations.”

The idea behind “slaughter pen operations’ was that the 4th Psych Ops operators could corral the bused spectators to the Capitol to be mixed in with “Orange Hat” Proud Boys “Insurrectionists” to label the entire group as “Insurrectionists.”

Butler, PA, changed the American Psyche to accept multiple sniper teams surrounding them from elevated positions, many of which were concealed locations from recessed windows.


Antifa returning home from Ukraine and Syria also could be used for “slaughter pen operations”.


Then, after the “Orange Hat” provocateurs melted away to safety, Ukrainian snipers could start picking off leaders in the crowds to create mass mayhem and death. This “slaughter pen” scenario did not come to pass. The Ukrainian snipers were undoubtedly there, but they were not given the order to commence “slaughter pen operations,” murdering unarmed leadership figures in the crowd.


Our live call at the Capitol Gates on January 6th about the Proud Boys Psychological operators being used to “get the Insurrection started” was confirmed a few days later by the Washington Post. The part that didn’t happen was the sniper fire on innocent civilians. All that changed in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13th, 2024.


The sniper teams most commentators in Butler, PA, think of as “GOOD” will be exactly the same sniper teams turned against the American people in the coming months.Butler, Pennsylvania, was the American Slaughter Pen; we don’t know it yet.


The “Crooks Assassination” has now conditioned the American people to have multiple sniper teams perched over them in a fish bowl, slaughter pen configuration, and that is according to plan……..


The key finding here is the sniper teams are not there to protect you; they are there to slaughter you.The fences we saw in Butler will be the fences to pen you in for the slaughter. …. It sounds like non-sanctioned, military-grade snipers being inserted into civil situations to effectuate assassinations. One difference is that the snipers are not trained for a Cuba Coup. They are being trained to kill you.


I have long maintained the “Deplorables” sniper campaign was run by Clinton Foundation operative Paul Whelan. We now find his relative,Thomas J Whelan, who ran a CIA sniper training program in Vietnam under the Phoenix program for General Dynamics that was cut in October of 1963 by President John F. Kennedy with NSAM 263.


Part 5 of the series is, "Biden Gives Green Light To Snipers At J6, 2025 – Fire At Will."


call to DIG

Anonymous ID: a33eeb Sept. 19, 2024, 12:08 p.m. No.21623325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3349 >>3398 >>3452 >>3733 >>3820 >>3888


American Slaughter Pen - Part Five

Biden Gives Green Light To Snipers At J6, 2025

George Webb - Sep 15, 2024


After watching the trailer for=Peter Strzok and Alex Vindman’s new movie, War Zone=, you didn’t have to be a genius to surmise that the intent of the movie was to preposition snipers in advance of another potential J6 in America….




Peter Strzok’s DocuPsyOp lays out what will happen on January 6th, 2025, in detail, complete with authorization for the actor who plays the President to use deadly force in the Situation Room at the White House. Now, real life has imitated DocuPsyOp with Joe Biden authorizing the use of lethal force on civilians between now and J6, 2025…..


As I stated before, this was not hard to predict after watching Strzok and Vindman’s “War Game.” What is troubling is that despite all our warnings about J6, many Americans still walked into the trap set for them at the Capitol.


This coming J6 will be much darker than the last. It won’t just be ruined lives this time around. This time it will be sniper fire from foreign operatives recruited by Paul Whelan and other sniper recruiters in a similar role….

Anonymous ID: a33eeb Sept. 19, 2024, 12:34 p.m. No.21623452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3733 >>3820 >>3888




War Game - IMDB

Directors: Tony Gerber, Jesse Moss

Stars: Steve Bullock, Wesley Clark, Heidi Heitkamp

Executive Producer also produced "A Handmaid's Tale"

released for Sundance 2024, January 18–28 2024

crummy reviews: 5.8/10 (160)


Storyline from IMDB:

A bipartisan group of U.S. defense, intelligence, and elected policymakers spanning five presidential administrations participate in an unscripted role-play exercise in which they confront a political coup backed by rogue members of the U.S. military, in the wake of a contested presidential election.



They have 6 hours to save democracy as the country teeters on the brink of civil war. This real-life political thriller imagines a nation-wide insurrection in which members of the U.S. military defect to support a losing candidate, while the sitting President and advisors—played by an all-star roster of officials from the last 5 U.S. administrations—war game the crisis in the situation room.



'War Game' is January 6 all over again


Webb says War Game is "by" Peter Strzok & Alexander Vindman. Can find no ouward reference to that connection but doesn't mean it's not there.

may be hidden or in one of his Slaughter Pen articles.