Anonymous ID: 0fa631 Sept. 20, 2024, 2:50 p.m. No.21630614   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0617 >>0622 >>0624 >>0638 >>0651 >>0669 >>0967 >>1049

Notice how World Economic Forum Top Advisor Yuval Noah Harari


  • DOESN’T say Joe Biden will end the Global Order

  • DOESN’T Say Kamala Harris will end the Global Order


HE SAYS “If Trump becomes President again in 2024…it will be the final death blow…to the Global Order”


This in itself is proof Democrats work for globalists. They are working to destroy America for their dream of a one world government ruled by them.


Kamala Harris is owned by BlackRock.

BlackRock is the biggest name in The World Economic Forum.

Anonymous ID: 0fa631 Sept. 20, 2024, 3:07 p.m. No.21630702   🗄️.is đź”—kun

"This has been going on for at least 140 years of careful planning…John D. Rockefeller Sr. picked up the new science of eugenics…[and said] 'We want to be the supreme rulers…and we want a subhuman slave class that will serve us in all things, never revolt…'"


Physican Dr. Rima Laibow (@DrLaibow) describes for attorney Todd Callender on a recent Vaxx CHOICE (@VaxxCHOICE) podcast how the United Nations (UN) has had a vision of "killing humanity" from the organization's inception, which was backed by Rockefeller family assets.


"This vision was a depopulation and enslavement vision. We have to remember that," Laibow says. She adds that the UN "was never a good organization." On the contrary, "It's a bad organization pretending to be good. It's Snow White's wicked stepmother."


"So this organization, which has put its tentacles into everything—education and science and governance and everything—this organization has been putting in place these pseudo treaties, which obligate sovereign nations to destroy themselves into Marxist totalitarian systems."


Laibow notes that "we have to ask where Marxism came from," adding that "John D. Rockefeller senior paid for the Bolshevik revolution [and the] Rothschild family paid for the Chinese revolution." The physician adds, "they bought revolutions around the world, and they've instituted the Marxification of education, of politics, of communication, of thought through political correctness, and so on. And now they're almost ready to spring the trap."


Prevent Genocide 2030: The UN's Plan to Take Over America

Full interview: