Anonymous ID: 5c562c Sept. 20, 2024, 1:58 p.m. No.21630319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0388 >>0393 >>0394 >>0430





President Trump:


It is high time to sue these people for Defamation of Character and rhetoric that is causing violence. They sued you for saying "Peacefully and Democratically". Do it for your family and wife, they suffer the most. Now this violence has to be explained to your innocent grand children which is disgraceful. WRWY in this suffering. Measured and weighed.

Anonymous ID: 5c562c Sept. 20, 2024, 2:09 p.m. No.21630368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0388 >>0393 >>0394 >>0410



We think about them everyday and it is our job to be their voice. That being said, I do not believe they should be there protecting Israel until Israel can explain: How can the most secure border in the world, which is protected by the IDF not see 750 paragliders with visibly armed men carrying rifles, floating 100 feet in the air at 20 mpg, and dragging a 50 foot parachute when daily, every Palestinians for the last 30 years has to go through that same checkpoint? This was never answered by anyone on any side.

Anonymous ID: 5c562c Sept. 20, 2024, 2:27 p.m. No.21630456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0637


>Woman with rare disease claims she’s now blind and bruised after doctors made her get 3 vaccines


This was a cyanide attack and cyanide melts tissue which is why she is blind because a layer of tissue have covered her eyes. I can tell that she was sprayed from above her head board if you analyze what parts of her face and body were affected. So from that nagle you can see why her forehead got the most, then eyes, then certain angles of her face and neck. As she turned in bed, remember, I told you cyanide can go through clothing. Notice the pattern on her back and you will see, this is correct. This has been going on in hospitals for a very long time but remember "Protect your DNA". Protect your "Do Not Ask". Rare is not so rare.

Anonymous ID: 5c562c Sept. 20, 2024, 2:40 p.m. No.21630543   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If you notice that the child doesn't use his left hand to touch the package. This child was targeted by a fungi as a neuro toxin. Read this post from years ago and you will see Trump is pointing this out to you by how he angles the package to the child, twice. These local chemical saboteurs are beyond evil.




>>18968665 at 2023-06-07 23:18:36 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #23288: Watch the Hands Big Time Pants Shitting EBAKE Edition


An excerpt:


It got so bad that I actually had an episode that affected my motor sensory's of speech and my arm and hands started to curl inwards. My speech, at first, became difficult, only later to become slurred as if I was handicapped my whole life. All this while my hands curled inwards and even my foot became twisted. These are neuro-toxins that bind to receptors and interfere with motor senses. As I applied dry heat all conditions subsided. Test this out for yourself by putting these children in a room where the air is dried from coiled heat and see if conditions improves.