If you notice that the child doesn't use his left hand to touch the package. This child was targeted by a fungi as a neuro toxin. Read this post from years ago and you will see Trump is pointing this out to you by how he angles the package to the child, twice. These local chemical saboteurs are beyond evil.
>>18968665 at 2023-06-07 23:18:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #23288: Watch the Hands Big Time Pants Shitting EBAKE Edition
An excerpt:
It got so bad that I actually had an episode that affected my motor sensory's of speech and my arm and hands started to curl inwards. My speech, at first, became difficult, only later to become slurred as if I was handicapped my whole life. All this while my hands curled inwards and even my foot became twisted. These are neuro-toxins that bind to receptors and interfere with motor senses. As I applied dry heat all conditions subsided. Test this out for yourself by putting these children in a room where the air is dried from coiled heat and see if conditions improves.