Anonymous ID: d260c7 Sept. 20, 2024, 2:30 p.m. No.21630480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0507


>No, they didn't. They orchestrated an attack, which is what theyalwaysdo. Kek. You think even Hitler went after them for no reason? You think the Chosen Ones™ are the original (((Dindu Nuffins)))? Those fucking psychopaths endorse everything their government is doing.


  • The US Congress and Biden/Harris Mafia funds and promotes the blood letting massacre.

Anonymous ID: d260c7 Sept. 20, 2024, 2:36 p.m. No.21630517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0525


49 years serving in Congress. And this is what we get. Shades of a failed Iowa School system.


This is Grassley corn 2day— ear of corn is turning brown and starts 2 hang down W warm weather it’s abt 3 wks away fr harvesting #cornwatch

Anonymous ID: d260c7 Sept. 20, 2024, 2:51 p.m. No.21630618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0651 >>0967 >>1049


>the same attorney who also represented Raniere in his case accusing him of luring young women to his upstate New York cult Nxivm to turn into sex slaves.


Raniere got 120 YEARS. 😉


120 years' imprisonment; $1.75 million fine; $15,000 assessment pursuant to Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015; $3.5 million restitution to 21 victims pursuant to the Trafficking Victims Protection Act and Mandatory Victim Restitution Act