Anonymous ID: 439a8d Sept. 20, 2024, 6:38 p.m. No.21631687   🗄️.is đź”—kun

New Orleans goes 18 days without a murder; crime experts say its the longest stint in years

Just two years ago, New Orleans was considered the murder capital of the U.S. Now, experts say we are leading the nation in crime reduction.

The Metropolitan Crime Commission said this is the longest we have gone without a murder since it started tracking murders in 2019.

Rafael Goyeneche said, "No one is declaring victory and saying we can go home and celebrate. We have had some streaks where we had 10, 12, and 15 days, but never 18."

Goyeneche said an uptick in proactive policing, more state police presence along with more arrests and traffic stops are all contributing factors.

Community advocate Sess 4-5 said, "I think a lot of people in this city have been impacted by crime. And a lot of that crime is economic, the poverty here in the city."

The decrease is noticeable to those who work every day in the community.

Sess 4-5 organized Youth Day in New Orleans, trying to give the youth and community a positive outlet.

Sess 4-5 said more than two weeks without a murder is a start.

"The reality is we have to come together as a whole and make life better for everyone. Not just the people in the Garden District, not just the folks in the French Quarter," Sess 4-5 said.

Experts said youth murders are also down by 71%. School leaders like Jamar McKneely with InspireNOLA said new initiatives like NOLALOVE have also helped.

At one point, the Charter network lost two to three students a year to gun violence.

"The mental health that our youth are experiencing. The trauma our youth are experiencing. We are trying to use love and NolaLOVE as a healing experience," McKneely said.

The hope is to keep this momentum going.

"The goal is to have zero homicides — that's the goal. We probably, unfortunately, are never going to achieve it. No city is, but it's a goal worth working towards," Goyeneche said.

Anonymous ID: 439a8d Sept. 20, 2024, 6:49 p.m. No.21631751   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1762


>Nothing is organic.

It is said that as Rhodopis was bathing at Naucratis, an eagle took up one of her sandals, flew away with it, and dropped it in the lap of the Egyptian king as he was administering justice at Memphis. Struck by the strange occurrence and the beauty of the sandal, he did not rest until he had found the fair owner of the beautiful sandal, and as soon as he had discovered her, made her his queen. This story is considered the earliest surviving version of the Cinderella story.

Anonymous ID: 439a8d Sept. 20, 2024, 6:56 p.m. No.21631799   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1812 >>1824 >>1914



Elon Musk steps up political giving with six-figure donation to House Republicans

The August contribution is more than Musk has previously given to a party committee.

Controversial tech magnate Elon Musk stepped up his political giving in August, giving his largest-known political donation ever to boost House Republicans’ efforts to preserve their vulnerable majority.

The National Republican Congressional Committee reported receiving $289,100 from Musk in August, according to its report filed with the Federal Election Commission Friday. The money came through a joint fundraising committee linked to Rep. Ken Calvert (R-Calif.), the filing indicated, and most of it was earmarked for the NRCC’s convention and headquarters accounts, as is typical for donations of that amount.

Musk — the richest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of over $250 billion — has given to both Democrats and Republicans in the past, but not in such significant amounts.

Musk has amped up his political involvement in recent months. He has forged a relationship with former President Donald Trump, whom he is assisting by bankrolling America PAC, a pro-Trump outside group. The organization, which has undergone a leadership shuffle in recent months, is expected to play a major role in helping to turn out voters for the former president and recently began spending in competitive House races across the country as well.

It is likely that Musk has given more to America PAC than the NRCC. The super PAC, which can accept unlimited amounts from individual donors, is due to disclose its financial activity for the third quarter of this year on Oct. 15, which will give a clearer picture of how much Musk has given to the group.

And in another indication of his stepped-up political involvement, Musk has hired a political gatekeeper, longtime Republican operative Chris Young. Young’s hiring was first reported by The New York Times.

How much money Musk ends up investing in the election remains an open question. In July, the Wall Street Journal reported that he planned to donate around $45 million a month to help Trump. Musk, however, later denied the report.

Despite the influx of cash from Musk, the NRCC raised just $9.7 million in August, compared to $22.2 million raised by its Democratic counterpart.

Anonymous ID: 439a8d Sept. 20, 2024, 6:58 p.m. No.21631812   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Young’s hiring was first reported by The New York Times.

Elon Musk, Eyeing Edge for Trump, Hires Republican Political Adviser

The move suggests that Mr. Musk, the world’s richest person, is preparing to become even more involved in the presidential campaign and beyond.

Elon Musk, the world’s richest person, has hired a Republican operative with expertise in field organizing to help steer his political work, a move that suggests that Mr. Musk is preparing to become even more involved in Republican politics and get-out-the-vote efforts specifically.

Chris Young, most recently a senior political official at PhRMA, the trade association of the pharmaceutical industry that does some grass-roots organizing, is joining Mr. Musk’s team, according to three people briefed on the move. They spoke on condition of anonymity because it was not public.

The hire reflects a less whimsical approach to political involvement for Mr. Musk. The Tesla, X and SpaceX leader has been a mercurial political and philanthropic donor for years, frustrating some in the conservative movement. He has just a few key relationships in Washington: Mr. Musk is particularly close with Kevin McCarthy, the former speaker of the House, who himself is close with Mr. Young professionally.

Mr. Young has worked for the trade group since 2020 after rising through the ranks of Republican field organizing. A native of Louisiana, he began his career working as a field organizer for former Gov. Bobby Jindal’s operation before becoming the national field director for the Republican National Committee during the 2016 cycle.

Mr. Young was once the head of Engage Texas, a voter-registration nonprofit in the state funded by major Republican donors. Field organizing has been a priority of Mr. Musk, who like Mr. Young lives in Texas, during his recent foray into campaign politics. Mr. Musk, for instance, at one point privately dismissed television advertising and argued that donors should simply fund programs that convince voters, two at a time, to back Mr. Trump.

Mr. Young declined to comment. Mr. Musk and Jared Birchall, the head of Excession, Mr. Musk’s family office, did not return a request for comment.

Political “donor-advisers” function as both gatekeepers and consiglieres, and ultrarich donors typically hire them when they are preparing to make significant political contributions over the long term.

Part of Mr. Young’s job will be to serve as Mr. Musk’s eyes and ears at a super PAC that Mr. Musk started but has undergone some turbulence. America PAC is focused on Republican voter turnout, but the group effectively shelved its entire field operation after just a few weeks, following the super PAC’s hiring of a powerful Republican consulting firm. The group’s new leadership has since restarted its field program.