Anonymous ID: 5f507b Sept. 20, 2024, 6:05 p.m. No.21631545   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1551



Last night in the CLOUD O1 observed Ophruh, Teigen, and a large group of non-caucasians at a fancy dinner gathering which was calm at first but then exploded with drama when a guy covered in bling told a tall guy he would "bury him" and was going to cover himself, Opruh was not seated, she was standing behind them watching, had herself a drink probably a stiff one according to Operator1, and when she saw the drama explode and the conclusion, she tossed back that drink then went over to Teigen and whisper-talked to her.


Anons, POTUS will be in NC tomorrow, in Lara's hometown. We have seen the repeated attempts to derail NC rallies and based on the relay above, it's clear that after this spectacle and the Damage Control Dinner, that Teigen is probably this group (family?) high priestess (always the matriarchal system - black madonnas for all branches of the tree), Opruh is the executive 'goddess' decision-maker (Teigen being her 'right arm'/power to execute directive because of her priestess role) - and they are dying to avoid the diddy fallout because it will bury them all with the truth. They're like hyenas in a cage who can't attack their prey so they have begun attacking each other (not their brothers' keepers).


Pray for POTUS, pray about the NC rally and all involved, that the will of God in Heaven +only+ be done. Comm drops have brought up POTUS being 100% insulated, following the 9/15 event.. Just keep praying and don't stop. God is in control and so are Patriots. God answers prayers and prayers are the most powerful weapon we have against the evil. GBU all.

Anonymous ID: 5f507b Sept. 20, 2024, 6:17 p.m. No.21631594   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Also meant to note every icon style rally image (total black madonna styling, the recent blue noose blouse and suit on same color blue background image, one example) seems to consist of her at podium with blurry background which is a blatant departure from reality where we see at Potus rallies and literally every other event he's participated - crystal clear crowds, abundance of corroborating footage with people who exist in the real world.


They are fake looking enough to raise suspicion and that's enough for a sane person to compare and reach a conclusion that at least thus far, the images are fake. Potus did a run of RT's last night and there was some 'fake' stuff there too, about Cameluh, and we know it wasn't a coincidence.

Anonymous ID: 5f507b Sept. 20, 2024, 6:29 p.m. No.21631635   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1683



No, it's something most anons here probably know at least something covered here periodically and Potus talked about the democratic process as in "of the people" - voters.


Remember after 9/15 there was a flurry of activity by the left to "change the constitution".. Potus knows there are 2 constitutions, one is the actual and the other is for the non-living entity (corporation) which still serves the fictitious crown (legally). The USA is a republic, which means it's united under a singular rule of law (constitution) with a democratic process in place to ensure rule is "by, for, of the people" (voting).


The constitution is the core. "Heal core." Potus and WTP will do this, if you listen to his Economic Club talk which took place shortly after, he explains the Renaissance that will happen but bigger than ever.

Anonymous ID: 5f507b Sept. 20, 2024, 6:36 p.m. No.21631670   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


It's bullshit. Every Q post in effect is actual Q. People who claim otherwise are obviously fantasizing to create division suspicion etc before the Election and those people have an agenda, the comms from Q+ and Dan tell a very different story. Every person who "claims" is a liar. Innocents who question, after being exposed in ignorance to the bullshit, are newfags who need care handling.

Anonymous ID: 5f507b Sept. 20, 2024, 6:39 p.m. No.21631698   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


If you have Instagram I would check Maynard's wife's posts. Especially her shortsโ€ฆ. She's a big voodoo /Satanic ritual fan as well, and as you know, Maynard follows Rick Wilson and Lincoln Project, buds with Swift, and you know where Rick Wilson fits in, now all the players are getting squeezed together, bound like a sheaf of chaff for the furnace (poetically of course, perhaps not completely as we know crimes have been committed and justice will be done even if it involves the proverbial millstone justice).