Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 28, 2024, 8:43 a.m. No.21672985   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Roman Catholics in Positions of power took away the death sentence for capital crimes not because they planned to do bad things in the future but because they had been murdering Canadians with Medicines and Vaccines then and have always done so, specifically non Catholic Christians have been targeted.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 28, 2024, 9:39 a.m. No.21673249   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Roman Catholic Church has been killing and Creeping Across Canada.




Neo Nazi's tend to be Catholic and/or Christian. Hitler was a confirmed Catholic yet this fact is hidden in History.


Neo Nazi's see themselves as "Defenders of the Faith" so any appeals to Logic and Reason versus Dogma are seen as personal attacks.


Neo Nazi's are not here to help or otherwise promote Q or Anons. They see Q as simply a vehicle where they will inject their ideology, grift and attempt to steer the flow of information.


Neo Nazi's wish to appear very PRO CHILDREN, ANTI ABORTION & PRO RELIGION yet many have been found to be quite the opposite and simply hiding behind Religion in order to spread their Hate, Evil.


Neo Nazi's are fond of Catholicism because Catholicism, like Christianity, has Racism built in. See: Good Friday Prayer for the Faithless Jews.


Neo Nazi's are attracted to POTUS because they believe POTUS is a racist, albeit secretly, and will thus promote policies which they agree with.


Neo Nazi's strive to get into command and control positions CCP as they believe that their influence can alter the outcome of the Plan!


Neo Nazi's have a powerful foothold in former Axis Power Japan.


Neo Nazi's from /pol/ make up the bulk of the Neo Nazis on Kun.


Neo Nazi's, like Law Enforcement, like to use the symbolism of St. Michael.


Neo Nazi's are funded by Soros. Soros, of course, takes orders from the "Eye of Providence" drop #133.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 28, 2024, 11:24 a.m. No.21673672   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When the Roman Catholics had all Positions of Power they ran the Plandemic across the Commonwealth, every City Hall, Court House, Bank Police Force, Provincial Building, Health Services and Position of Power and Trust was used to turn on the Non Catholic Christians.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 28, 2024, 1:04 p.m. No.21674132   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Slavery is alive and well in Canada as western Non Catholic Christians are forced to support eastern Roman Catholics while the Roman Catholic Government Erase the western non Catholic Christians with Vaccines.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 28, 2024, 1:56 p.m. No.21674502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4540

When did the Roman Catholics start killing Canadians in massive numbers, after they removed the death sentence from the law most likely.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 28, 2024, 2:39 p.m. No.21674742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4793


You know what I say is the truth and are actively involved, Roman Catholic Monetary Police have admitted it to me. When I informed Danielle Smith and Maxime Bernie the Vaccines are used to Erase non Catholic Christians the Vaccines got destroyed the next Monday.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 28, 2024, 2:49 p.m. No.21674802   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The only thing to get you banned from Twitter and Facebook is exposing the crimes of the Roman Catholics, you can spew Jew hatred at much as you can.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 28, 2024, 2:51 p.m. No.21674814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4887

My MP Chris Warkentin (Roman Catholic) and five of his Roman Catholic Neighbors are the only people left alive after his 15 year Vaccination Program before the Roman Catholic World Wide Plandemic.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 28, 2024, 3:08 p.m. No.21674911   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 28, 2024, 3:15 p.m. No.21674951   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If you get out of the Basement you will see that all those involved in the mass murder are Roman Catholics in all positions of Power.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 28, 2024, 4:26 p.m. No.21675310   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What if I know you scrub good Sauce from the internet that anons have found.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 28, 2024, 7:18 p.m. No.21676327   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mapping the Roman Catholic Theft System from Banker Theft by Court to them trying to by off victims with a pittance.

Will be in the Grande Prairie Alberta Court of that faggot Rothschilds called a Kings bench on November 7th.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 29, 2024, 8:06 a.m. No.21678569   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Diddy be a Roman Catholic given endless power to control the non Catholics in Hollywierd.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 29, 2024, 8:08 a.m. No.21678574   🗄️.is 🔗kun

P Diddy was an alter boy at Mount Saint Academy around the time when Reverend Lynch was accused of child sëx abuse by one of their students | Lipstick Alley

3 days ago - My mum warned me about men raised in the Catholic Church, that they usually get SA’d by the priests … I’m sure he was abused and that’s why he grew up to be such an abusive POS, r8per and a narc and why he deals with women drugs and other debauchery in

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 29, 2024, 8:10 a.m. No.21678581   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Roman Catholic Rapists doesn't fall far from the Rape Tree.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 29, 2024, 8:11 a.m. No.21678588   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Diddy gets a Roman Catholic Church for the Evil Rape Energy.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 29, 2024, 8:45 a.m. No.21678702   🗄️.is 🔗kun

My Roman Catholic Brother and sister in law got Saline shots from a Catholic Doctor to travel around the world, they are also Satanists.

Vaccine Exemption Template Letter

This resource explains how the Catholic Church’s teachings may lead individual Catholics to decline certain vaccines. It is intended for Catholics who have made a sure judgment in conscience to refuse a vaccine and should be adapted to fully reflect their beliefs and reasoning. It is not a decision-making guide and does not address all legal, medical, and moral considerations. The NCBC has provided such guidance here. It is not a determination that an exemption will be granted.


To view a PDF version of this document, complete with detailed references, click here.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 29, 2024, 10:53 a.m. No.21679166   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Old World Order is still running the world with the China Concordat much the same as with Hitler.

You can see the poverty and depravation grow with the construction of the Roman Catholic Churches and it sucking the wealth from an area.

Cardinal Parolin,the Vatican Secretary of State who negotiated the concordat with China has emphasised that its aims are the traditional ones of "salvation of souls" and "freedom of the Church" – in other words, creating a new mission field of 1.42 billion.–t48936

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 29, 2024, 12:19 p.m. No.21679688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9737

Jesuits are the Military branch of the Roman Catholic Church and it is no qoinckydink that the Pope of Rome and our Prime Minister are all Jesuits as they declared war on the Entire World with the Vaccines they have used from the beginning to mass murder non Roman Catholics.

Jesuits wiped out once for poisoning the wells of Europe causing what was called by Roman Catholic Historians the Bubonic Plague.

For centuries, the Jesuits have worn many hats: missionaries, educators and preachers; writers and scientists; priests with the poor and confessors to the royal courts of Europe.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 29, 2024, 1:31 p.m. No.21680104   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From their beginnings, the Jesuits were conceived in a military mode. Soldiers of Christ, they were given only two purposes: to propagate the religious doctrine and the moral law of the Roman Catholic Church as proposed and taught by the Roman Pope, and to defend the rights and prerogatives of that same Roman Pope.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 29, 2024, 1:33 p.m. No.21680118   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Week › Religion


The order was originally organized along military lines, under the leadership of a "Father General." Early followers named themselves "The Company of Jesus," …

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 29, 2024, 1:34 p.m. No.21680122   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Jesuits › About Us


We are the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order of priests and brothers founded half a millennium ago by the soldier-turned-mystic Ignatius Loyola.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 29, 2024, 1:36 p.m. No.21680129   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Extreme Oath of the Jesuits

When a Jesuit novice is about to be inducted into the higher levels of the Order, he kneels on a red cross before the Superior of the Order. Before him are two flags, the familiar yellow and white flag of the papacy, and the black flag with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, the flag of the Jesuit Order. On the Jesuit flag is written the words, IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOS. (It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical kings, governments, or rulers.) The Superior of the Order hands the novice a small black crucifix which he presses to his heart, and the Superior then presents to the novice a dagger. The novice grasps the bare blade and presses the point to his heart. The Superior, still holding the hilt of the dagger then speaks to the novice.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 29, 2024, 1:59 p.m. No.21680226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0242 >>0253

From the military wing of the catholic church, this is incendiary stuff to say the least :eek:

When a Jesuit novice is about to be inducted into the higher levels of the Order, he kneels on a red cross before the Superior of the Order. Before him are two flags, the familiar yellow and white flag of the papacy, and the black flag with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, the flag of the Jesuit Order. On the Jesuit flag is written the words, IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOS. (It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical kings, governments, or rulers.) The Superior of the Order hands the novice a small black crucifix which he presses to his heart, and the Superior then presents to the novice a dagger. The novice grasps the bare blade and presses the point to his heart. The Superior, still holding the hilt of the dagger then speaks to the novice.


My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among the Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence to seek even to preach from their pulpits and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and to descend so low as to become a Jew among the Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.


You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces and states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly in concert with your brother Jesuit, who may be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected; only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.


You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and in the judiciaries councils of state, and to "be all things to all men," for the Pope's sake, whose servants we are unto death.


You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and have served as a coadjutor, confessor and priest, but you have not been invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for "without the shedding of blood no man can be saved." Therefore, to fit yourself for your work, and make your own salvation sure, you will, in addition to your former oath of obedience to your Order and your allegiance to the Pope, repeat after me.


I, M


, Now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and the sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior general of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola, in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the Virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ's Viceregent and is the true and only Head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Saviour, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed.


Therefore, to the utmost of my power, I shall and will defend this doctrine and his Holiness' right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority, and all adherents in the regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 29, 2024, 2:03 p.m. No.21680242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0253


I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers. I do further declare that the doctrines of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable, and they themselves damned and to be damned who will not forsake the same.


I do further declare that I will help, assist and advise all or any of his

Holiness' agents in any place wherever I shall be, in any other kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants or Liberals' doctrines and to destroy all their

pretended powers, regal or otherwise.


I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume any religion heretical, for the propagating of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents counsels' from time to time, as they may entrust me, and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred convent.


I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver, (perinde ac cadaver,) but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and Jesus Christ. That I will go to any part of the world whithersoever I may be sent, without murmuring or repining, and

will be submissive in all things commanded to me.


I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, nor sex or condition; and that I will hang, burn, waste, spoil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race.


That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poinard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed to do so by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.


In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all of my

coporeal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth, and my soul to be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever.


All of which I, M


, do swear by the blessed Trinity and blessed Sacrament, which I am about to receive, to perform and on my part to receive inviolably; and do call all of the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness these my real intentions to keep this my oath.


In testimony hereof I take this most holy and blessed sacrament of the

Eucharist, and witness the same further, with my name written with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and sealed in the face of this holy convent.



You will now rise to your feet and I will instruct you in the Catechism

necessary to make yourself known to any member of the Society of Jesus belonging to this rank.


In the first place, you, as a Brother Jesuit, will with another make the

ordinary sign of the cross as any Roman Catholic would; then one crosses his wrists, the palms of his hands open, the other crosses his feet, one above the other; the first points with forefinger of the right hand to the center of the palm of the left, the other with the forefinger of the left hand points to the center of the palm of the right; the first then with his right hand makes a circle around his head, touching it; the other then with the forefinger of his left hand touches the left side of his body just below his heart; then the first with his right hand draws it across the throat of the other, and the latter then with his right hand makes the motion of cutting with a dagger down the stomach and abdomen of the first.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 29, 2024, 2:04 p.m. No.21680253   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The first then says Iustum; the other answers Necar; the first then says Reges. The other answers Impios. The first will then present a small piece of paper folded in a peculiar manner, four times, which the other will cut longitudinally and on opening the name JESU will be found written upon the head and arms of a cross three times. You will then give and receive with him the following questions and answers.


Q: From where do you come?

A: From the bends of the Jordan, from Calvary, from the Holy Sepulchre, and lastly from Rome.


Q: Whom do you serve?

A: The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic Church Universal throughout the world.


Q: Who commands you?

A: The successor of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ.


Q: Who received you?

A: A venerable man with white hair.


Q: How?

A: With a naked dagger, I kneeling on a cross beneath the banners of the Pope and of our sacred Order.


Q: Did you take an oath?

A: I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, sex or condition. To be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own, but to implicitly obey my superiors in all things without hesitation or murmuring.


Q: Will you do that?

A: I will.


Q: How do you travel?

A: In the bark of Peter the fisherman.


Q: Whither do you travel?

A: To the four quarters of the globe.


Q: For what purpose?

A: To obey the orders of my General and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully fulfill the conditions of my oath.


Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Viceregent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated>>21680242


Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 30, 2024, 8:57 a.m. No.21683872   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jesuit Justin Trudeau has power over all Catholics that are in Positions of Power and Trust and broke that trust during the Plandemic.


The Jesuit Order

The Society of Jesus (Jesuits)


The complete Oath of Extreme Induction


Library of Congress, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card #66-43354, made public in 1883. This oath is still in effect, and is still

used today.


The Jesuit order, otherwise known as the Society of Jesus (S.J.), has been the military enforcement arm of the Catholic Church since it was first founded by Ignatius of Loyola of Spain in 1534 during the reign of Pope Paul III, ostensibly to combat Protestant heresy. And while many feel that the Jesuits are only a sub-order of the Roman Catholic Church and are merely seekers and disseminators of knowledge, they have a much darker history that many people do not know about.


And while much can be said of the Jesuit Order, and much has been written, the oath speaks not only for itself, but speaks much of the Roman Catholic Church that has used and still uses the Jesuits for it's purposes while knowing full well the contents of the oath they bind themselves under. The Roman Catholic Church, while professing to holiness and claiming that there is no salvation outside of the Church, still harbors the Jesuit Order and commands them explicitly.


Below is the complete Oath of Extreme Induction taken by each Jesuit Priest upon his induction into the command ranks of the Jesuit Order, found in the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card # 66-43354, made public in 1883. This oath is still in effect, and is still used today.


On an interesting note, we often see the letters INRI on crosses and crucifixes, and are told that it represents the Latin words "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeum" or "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews", the Latin words that Pilate had written on a placard and nailed above Jesus' head at the crucifixion. However, as you will see below, the Jesuits use a far different set of words with the same letters. This invites the question, "Which is the real meaning of the 'I.N.R.I.' that we see displayed today?"




When a Jesuit novice is about to be inducted into the higher levels of the Order, he kneels on a red cross before the Superior of the Order. Before him are two flags, the familiar yellow and white flag of the papacy, and the black flag with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, the flag of the Jesuit Order. On the Jesuit flag is written the words, IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOS. (It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical kings, governments, or rulers.) The Superior of the Order hands the novice a small black crucifix which he presses to his heart, and the Superior then presents to the novice a dagger. The novice grasps the bare blade and presses the point to his heart. The Superior, still holding the hilt of the dagger then speaks to the novice.

"Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeum" or "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" this really means IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOS. (It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical kings, governments, or rulers.)

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 30, 2024, 10:52 a.m. No.21684436   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of CJI is composed of at least three people who are elected at the Annual General Meeting by the members of the corporation. They are responsible for the management of the affairs of the corporation. The term of each director is one year.


Fr. Jeffrey S. Burwell, SJ

Provincial Superior


Fr. Gilles Mongeau, SJ

Socius to the Provincial


Fr. Lissaint Antoine, SJ

Interim Province Treasurer

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 30, 2024, 11 a.m. No.21684490   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Canadian Government have been enemies of the People for many years as they are Jesuits.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 30, 2024, 11:36 a.m. No.21684679   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jesuits in Politics always.

Jesuits across Canada plan to rejoin into a single province

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 30, 2024, 6:26 p.m. No.21686440   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 30, 2024, 6:26 p.m. No.21686443   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 30, 2024, 6:49 p.m. No.21686662   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The extreme oath of the jesuits

Lord Parp

Posts: 320

Forum Member

17/08/09 - 22:49


From the military wing of the catholic church, this is incendiary stuff to say the least :eek:

When a Jesuit novice is about to be inducted into the higher levels of the Order, he kneels on a red cross before the Superior of the Order. Before him are two flags, the familiar yellow and white flag of the papacy, and the black flag with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, the flag of the Jesuit Order. On the Jesuit flag is written the words, IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOS. (It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical kings, governments, or rulers.) The Superior of the Order hands the novice a small black crucifix which he presses to his heart, and the Superior then presents to the novice a dagger. The novice grasps the bare blade and presses the point to his heart. The Superior, still holding the hilt of the dagger then speaks to the novice.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 30, 2024, 6:53 p.m. No.21686698   🗄️.is 🔗kun

People who understand the Jesuits say this was a fraud to start war with the Natives.

On another note the plandemic like all others had been part of a Roman Catholic Crime Wave.

Canadian History: The Martyrdom of Eight Jesuits by the Iroquois

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 30, 2024, 6:57 p.m. No.21686728   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canada is just a Province in the Jesuit Controlled New World Order.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Sept. 30, 2024, 9:30 p.m. No.21687325   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Release of Names of Jesuits Credibly Accused of Sexual Abuse of Minors

Jesuits change the layout of their Canada map as a way to lose records of perverted Priests.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 1, 2024, 2:59 a.m. No.21687921   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Traitor that signed Canada on to the WEF and funded via the RBC(Rothschilds Bank Canada).

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 1, 2024, 3:05 a.m. No.21687939   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Catholic Church has always used Vaccines to eliminate non Catholics.

How long will the oldest Pedophile Cult last once everybody knows.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 1, 2024, 7:12 a.m. No.21688631   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The bones would be in Mortar, Cement or Plaster and anything else not consumed, remember the Roman Catholic Church is what we see of a 6000 year old Pedophile Cannibal Cult.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 1, 2024, 11:16 a.m. No.21689564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0362

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 1, 2024, 11:19 a.m. No.21689572   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MKUltra research today.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 1, 2024, 7:13 p.m. No.21693180   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This TV series is used by the deep state psychologist (Ava Zabo Abbott) to sell toxic waste to the public, she uses the latest MKUltra techniques to get the sheep to poison themselves with the latest deep state wares.'Den(Canadian_TV_series)'Den(Canadian_TV_series)

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 2, 2024, 5:17 p.m. No.21698617   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This TV series is used by the deep state psychologist (Ava Zabo Abbott) to sell toxic waste to the public, her advertising sold the Goyslop for 30+ years filled with toxins across Canada is supermarkets uses the latest MKUltra techniques to get the sheep to poison themselves with the latest deep state wares.'Den(Canadian_TV_series)'Den(Canadian_TV_series)

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 2, 2024, 5:18 p.m. No.21698625   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ABC = Always broadcasting china


CBS = china broadcast system


NBC = news by china


CNN = chinese news network


CBC = China Betterthan Canada


CTV = China Tee Vee

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 4, 2024, 8:34 p.m. No.21711384   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pedophile child trafficking lines, out in the open and all goody goody bullshit.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 4, 2024, 8:37 p.m. No.21711392   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Worst Criminals in the wolrd are the Roman Catholics and the Jesuits are moving in a Foreign Army as they are the Military wing of the Roman Catholic Church.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 5, 2024, 4:29 p.m. No.21716209   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I spent the last two years checking the city halls, courthouses police stations, doctors offices that ran the plandemic and they are 99%Roman Catholics, the Roman Catholics have been murdering with Medicines and Vaccines since the first Vaccines.

The first reaction by Roman Catholics is to blame the Jesuits like they knew this was coming and have a planned response, they will blame the Jesuits who will be disbanded for 40 years then restarted and back to the same old Crimes, the Plandemic was a Roman Catholic Crimewave as the Bankrupted the Non Roman Catholics and stole everything they had.

Roman Catholic Businesses forced their employees to get the Death Jabs with the Vaccinators giving majority of Roman Catholics a Saline Solution jab and not the Death Jab.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 6, 2024, 3:16 p.m. No.21721435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1450

Jesuit Justin Trudeau meets Jesuit Pope, the Military wing of Catholicism that has gone Biological Warfare on the entire Non Catholic World.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 6, 2024, 3:19 p.m. No.21721444   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What could go wrong with the Global Pedophile Cult taking over Haiti?

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 7, 2024, 4:52 a.m. No.21724112   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The lets hate the Jew shills are now shutting down all comments as people wake up to the Roman Catholic Question.


Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 7, 2024, 7:33 p.m. No.21728716   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From when Jesuit Justins Jesuit Father Pierre started sending Gold to Rome we have no reserve at all, Canada has become a Gold Generator for the Pedophile Pope and the Bloodline Families that are mass murdering non Catholic Christians at the same time,

The Canadian Politicians took away the death sentence for murder as they all had been murdering Canadians with Medicines and Vaccines.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 8, 2024, 3:36 p.m. No.21731660   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Between the Abraham Lincoln assassination and the Ronald Reagan attempted assassination the Roman Catholic Church had no Ambassador to the USA so they attacked from within with Rich Jews.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 8, 2024, 8:08 p.m. No.21733309   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Jesuit Justin and the rest of the politicians think they are safe as their predecessors removed the death sentence because they had been mass murdering with Vaccines already back then, killing off the Non Catholic Christians across Canada as Jesuits are sworn to do.

The Jesuit Order

The Society of Jesus (Jesuits)


The complete Oath of Extreme Induction


Library of Congress, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card #66-43354, made public in 1883. This oath is still in effect, and is still

used today.


The Jesuit order, otherwise known as the Society of Jesus (S.J.), has been the military enforcement arm of the Catholic Church since it was first founded by Ignatius of Loyola of Spain in 1534 during the reign of Pope Paul III, ostensibly to combat Protestant heresy. And while many feel that the Jesuits are only a sub-order of the Roman Catholic Church and are merely seekers and disseminators of knowledge, they have a much darker history that many people do not know about.


And while much can be said of the Jesuit Order, and much has been written, the oath speaks not only for itself, but speaks much of the Roman Catholic Church that has used and still uses the Jesuits for it's purposes while knowing full well the contents of the oath they bind themselves under. The Roman Catholic Church, while professing to holiness and claiming that there is no salvation outside of the Church, still harbors the Jesuit Order and commands them explicitly.


Below is the complete Oath of Extreme Induction taken by each Jesuit Priest upon his induction into the command ranks of the Jesuit Order, found in the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card # 66-43354, made public in 1883. This oath is still in effect, and is still used today.


On an interesting note, we often see the letters INRI on crosses and crucifixes, and are told that it represents the Latin words "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeum" or "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews", the Latin words that Pilate had written on a placard and nailed above Jesus' head at the crucifixion. However, as you will see below, the Jesuits use a far different set of words with the same letters. This invites the question, "Which is the real meaning of the 'I.N.R.I.' that we see displayed today?"

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 11, 2024, 8:27 a.m. No.21746370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8930

The Fake Freedom Fighters in Canada silence anyone who mentions the Roman Catholics against their It's the Jews Program from their Jesuit Masters.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 11, 2024, 4:23 p.m. No.21748930   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Roman Catholics are Satan Worshippers Bun

>>21746317 Roman Catholics mass murder with Vaccines

>>21746370 Jesuit Agent provocateur try to get you to attack the Jews so the Roman Catholics can attack you for being Racist.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 11, 2024, 5:05 p.m. No.21749131   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Slingshot advertises all the poisons in retail food stores to the Slaves, these are some cutout companies that are used to transport and work like Wayfair.

Ava Szabo Abbott

Toronto, Ontario, Canada · Slingshot Inc.

Prior to founding Slingshot she served as Canadian Business Magazine's Associate Art Director. › contact


Slingshot Transportation, Inc. & Slingshot Brokers, Inc. Corporate … Toronto, ON - Freight


LinkedIn · Slingshot Capital Inc.

190+ followers


Slingshot Capital Inc. Financial Services. Toronto, Ontario 199 followers. Slingshot is a resource to provide unbiased perspectives on all aspects of investing …


Slingshot Transportation Inc Company Profile | Toronto, ON …


Dun & Bradstreet › … › ONTARIO › TORONTO


Printer Friendly View ; Address: 7 Elmer Ave Toronto, ON, M4L 3R6 Canada See other locations ; Phone: ; Website: ; Employees (this site):.


Slingshot Communications, 197 Church St, Toronto, ON …


MapQuest › Canada › Ontario › Toronto


Anno Domini Inc. Christen Wilson LLP Barristers. CA Plus Business Solutions … Acuity Ads Inc · Canada ›Ontario ›Toronto ›Slingshot Communications. Partial …

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 11, 2024, 5:43 p.m. No.21749368   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jesuits run the entire Great Replacement.

Jesuits of Canada


Social Justice and Ecology

Promoting justice and reconciliation with others and with the environment


Our work in Canada

Every year thousands of refugees are resettled to Canada. Canada welcomes refugees and asylum seekers through a government sponsored programme and through private sponsorships.


Jesuit Refugee Service Canada or JRS Canada is an apostolate of the Jesuits of Canada. JRS Canada works with Canadian bishops and national organisations for the protection of refugees. The office is responsible for circulating information regarding JRS and its international partners, particularly JRS in the Americas. JRS Canada plays a significant role in the shaping of public opinion about the victims of forced displacement worldwide. It supports advocacy with the Canadian government on migration and refugee issues through Jesuit works or JRS’ partners.


The office opened in August 2015, under the direction of Norbert Piché.


Jesuit Refugee and Migrant Service

Date of foundation01/01/1983 - 12:00

Jesuit Refugee and Migrant Service

Receive mailings by regular mailOff


41 Earl St

Toronto ON M4Y 1M4



Tag Archive for: Jesuit Refugee Service/Canada


Immigration resources, Learn, News, Organize

From Policies to People: Examining Immigration in Canada

BY KIM MILLER | June 12, 2018


“The work that we’re doing, even if we don’t see it every day, we see it in specific moments.”


Hicham Khanafer is project manager for Le Centre social d’aide aux Immigrants (CSAI), a refugee resettlement agency in Montreal, Canada. His sentiment was a common thread throughout the Canadian Migration Immersion Experience, which gathered 10 partners in Jesuit mission from May 22-25.


The immersion—co-organized by Norbert Piche of Jesuit Refugee Service/Canada and the Ignatian Solidarity Network—examined the Canadian approach to welcoming refugee claimants—a term equivalent in the U.S. to refugee or asylum seeker. Participants brought a broad understanding of refugee issues, representing organizations including Jesuit Refugee Service in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico; Migration and Refugee Services; Creighton University; and the Jesuits of Canada and the United States.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 13, 2024, 3:43 a.m. No.21756601   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Post the Truth about the Roman Catholic Mass Murderers and the Canadian Board will Slide as fast as the USA Board.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 13, 2024, 7:28 p.m. No.21760828   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trudeau and his father are both Jesuits, 99% of Government at all Levels are Roman Catholics.

The Jesuits are always at War with Non Catholic Christians and have used the Government to attack Non Catholic Christians breaking every Code of War Law.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 14, 2024, 6:06 p.m. No.21766422   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Jesuit Order

The Society of Jesus (Jesuits)


The complete Oath of Extreme Induction


Library of Congress, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card #66-43354, made public in 1883. This oath is still in effect, and is still

used today.


The Jesuit order, otherwise known as the Society of Jesus (S.J.), has been the military enforcement arm of the Catholic Church since it was first founded by Ignatius of Loyola of Spain in 1534 during the reign of Pope Paul III, ostensibly to combat Protestant heresy. And while many feel that the Jesuits are only a sub-order of the Roman Catholic Church and are merely seekers and disseminators of knowledge, they have a much darker history that many people do not know about.


And while much can be said of the Jesuit Order, and much has been written, the oath speaks not only for itself, but speaks much of the Roman Catholic Church that has used and still uses the Jesuits for it's purposes while knowing full well the contents of the oath they bind themselves under. The Roman Catholic Church, while professing to holiness and claiming that there is no salvation outside of the Church, still harbors the Jesuit Order and commands them explicitly.


Below is the complete Oath of Extreme Induction taken by each Jesuit Priest upon his induction into the command ranks of the Jesuit Order, found in the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card # 66-43354, made public in 1883. This oath is still in effect, and is still used today.


On an interesting note, we often see the letters INRI on crosses and crucifixes, and are told that it represents the Latin words "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeum" or "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews", the Latin words that Pilate had written on a placard and nailed above Jesus' head at the crucifixion. However, as you will see below, the Jesuits use a far different set of words with the same letters. This invites the question, "Which is the real meaning of the 'I.N.R.I.' that we see displayed today?"




When a Jesuit novice is about to be inducted into the higher levels of the Order, he kneels on a red cross before the Superior of the Order. Before him are two flags, the familiar yellow and white flag of the papacy, and the black flag with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, the flag of the Jesuit Order. On the Jesuit flag is written the words, IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOS. (It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical kings, governments, or rulers.) The Superior of the Order hands the novice a small black crucifix which he presses to his heart, and the Superior then presents to the novice a dagger. The novice grasps the bare blade and presses the point to his heart. The Superior, still holding the hilt of the dagger then speaks to the novice.

Board operator Oath.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 14, 2024, 6:35 p.m. No.21766625   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Only if the Board Operator makes the complete Oath of Extreme Induction a Notable would I believe that he is not a Jesuit CSIS agent.




Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 14, 2024, 6:40 p.m. No.21766652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6720 >>6830

▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:06:342bb343 (9) No.21766422


The Jesuit Order


The Society of Jesus (Jesuits)


The complete Oath of Extreme Induction


Library of Congress, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card #66-43354, made public in 1883. This oath is still in effect, and is still


used today.


The Jesuit order, otherwise known as the Society of Jesus (S.J.), has been the military enforcement arm of the Catholic Church since it was first founded by Ignatius of Loyola of Spain in 1534 during the reign of Pope Paul III, ostensibly to combat Protestant heresy. And while many feel that the Jesuits are only a sub-order of the Roman Catholic Church and are merely seekers and disseminators of knowledge, they have a much darker history that many people do not know about.


And while much can be said of the Jesuit Order, and much has been written, the oath speaks not only for itself, but speaks much of the Roman Catholic Church that has used and still uses the Jesuits for it's purposes while knowing full well the contents of the oath they bind themselves under. The Roman Catholic Church, while professing to holiness and claiming that there is no salvation outside of the Church, still harbors the Jesuit Order and commands them explicitly.


Below is the complete Oath of Extreme Induction taken by each Jesuit Priest upon his induction into the command ranks of the Jesuit Order, found in the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card # 66-43354, made public in 1883. This oath is still in effect, and is still used today.


On an interesting note, we often see the letters INRI on crosses and crucifixes, and are told that it represents the Latin words "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeum" or "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews", the Latin words that Pilate had written on a placard and nailed above Jesus' head at the crucifixion. However, as you will see below, the Jesuits use a far different set of words with the same letters. This invites the question, "Which is the real meaning of the 'I.N.R.I.' that we see displayed today?"




When a Jesuit novice is about to be inducted into the higher levels of the Order, he kneels on a red cross before the Superior of the Order. Before him are two flags, the familiar yellow and white flag of the papacy, and the black flag with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, the flag of the Jesuit Order. On the Jesuit flag is written the words, IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOS. (It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical kings, governments, or rulers.) The Superior of the Order hands the novice a small black crucifix which he presses to his heart, and the Superior then presents to the novice a dagger. The novice grasps the bare blade and presses the point to his heart. The Superior, still holding the hilt of the dagger then speaks to the novice.


Board operator Jesuit Oath.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 14, 2024, 6:41 p.m. No.21766657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6720 >>6830

▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:10:432bb343 (10) No.21766461




My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among the Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence to seek even to preach from their pulpits and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and to descend so low as to become a Jew among the Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.


You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces and states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly in concert with your brother Jesuit, who may be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected; only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.


You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and in the judiciaries councils of state, and to "be all things to all men," for the Pope's sake, whose servants we are unto death.


You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and have served as a coadjutor, confessor and priest, but you have not been invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for "without the shedding of blood no man can be saved." Therefore, to fit yourself for your work, and make your own salvation sure, you will, in addition to your former oath of obedience to your Order and your allegiance to the Pope, repeat after me.


I, M N, Now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and the sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior general of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola, in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the Virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ's Viceregent and is the true and only Head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Saviour, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 14, 2024, 6:42 p.m. No.21766662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6720 >>6830

▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:11:152bb343 (11) No.21766464


Therefore, to the utmost of my power, I shall and will defend this doctrine and his Holiness' right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority, and all adherents in the regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome.


I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers. I do further declare that the doctrines of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable, and they themselves damned and to be damned who will not forsake the same.


I do further declare that I will help, assist and advise all or any of his


Holiness' agents in any place wherever I shall be, in any other kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants or Liberals' doctrines and to destroy all their


pretended powers, regal or otherwise.


I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume any religion heretical, for the propagating of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents counsels' from time to time, as they may entrust me, and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred convent.


I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver, (perinde ac cadaver,) but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and Jesus Christ. That I will go to any part of the world whithersoever I may be sent, without murmuring or repining, and


will be submissive in all things commanded to me.


I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, nor sex or condition; and that I will hang, burn, waste, spoil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race.


That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poinard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed to do so by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.


In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all of my


coporeal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth, and my soul to be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever.


All of which I, M N, do swear by the blessed Trinity and blessed Sacrament, which I am about to receive, to perform and on my part to receive inviolably; and do call all of the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness these my real intentions to keep this my oath.


In testimony hereof I take this most holy and blessed sacrament of the


Eucharist, and witness the same further, with my name written with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and sealed in the face of this holy convent.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 14, 2024, 6:43 p.m. No.21766669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6720 >>6830

▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:11:552bb343 (12) No.21766468




You will now rise to your feet and I will instruct you in the Catechism


necessary to make yourself known to any member of the Society of Jesus belonging to this rank.


In the first place, you, as a Brother Jesuit, will with another make the


ordinary sign of the cross as any Roman Catholic would; then one crosses his wrists, the palms of his hands open, the other crosses his feet, one above the other; the first points with forefinger of the right hand to the center of the palm of the left, the other with the forefinger of the left hand points to the center of the palm of the right; the first then with his right hand makes a circle around his head, touching it; the other then with the forefinger of his left hand touches the left side of his body just below his heart; then the first with his right hand draws it across the throat of the other, and the latter then with his right hand makes the motion of cutting with a dagger down the stomach and abdomen of the first.


The first then says Iustum; the other answers Necar; the first then says Reges. The other answers Impios. The first will then present a small piece of paper folded in a peculiar manner, four times, which the other will cut longitudinally and on opening the name JESU will be found written upon the head and arms of a cross three times. You will then give and receive with him the following questions and answers.


Q: From where do you come?


A: From the bends of the Jordan, from Calvary, from the Holy Sepulchre, and lastly from Rome.


Q: Whom do you serve?


A: The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic Church Universal throughout the world.


Q: Who commands you?


A: The successor of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ.


Q: Who received you?


A: A venerable man with white hair.


Q: How?


A: With a naked dagger, I kneeling on a cross beneath the banners of the Pope and of our sacred Order.


Q: Did you take an oath?


A: I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, sex or condition. To be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own, but to implicitly obey my superiors in all things without hesitation or murmuring.


Q: Will you do that?


A: I will.


Q: How do you travel?


A: In the bark of Peter the fisherman.


Q: Whither do you travel?


A: To the four quarters of the globe.


Q: For what purpose?


A: To obey the orders of my General and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully fulfill the conditions of my oath.


Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Viceregent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 14, 2024, 6:47 p.m. No.21766691   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Everyone I found running, enforcing the plandemic and the freedom fighters are all Roman Catholics.

▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:42:172bb343 (13) No.21766662


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:11:152bb343 (11) No.21766464


Therefore, to the utmost of my power, I shall and will defend this doctrine and his Holiness' right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority, and all adherents in the regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome.


I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers. I do further declare that the doctrines of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable, and they themselves damned and to be damned who will not forsake the same.


I do further declare that I will help, assist and advise all or any of his


Holiness' agents in any place wherever I shall be, in any other kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants or Liberals' doctrines and to destroy all their


pretended powers, regal or otherwise.


I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume any religion heretical, for the propagating of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents counsels' from time to time, as they may entrust me, and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred convent.


I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver, (perinde ac cadaver,) but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and Jesus Christ. That I will go to any part of the world whithersoever I may be sent, without murmuring or repining, and


will be submissive in all things commanded to me.


I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, nor sex or condition; and that I will hang, burn, waste, spoil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race.


That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poinard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed to do so by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.


In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all of my


coporeal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth, and my soul to be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever.


All of which I, M N, do swear by the blessed Trinity and blessed Sacrament, which I am about to receive, to perform and on my part to receive inviolably; and do call all of the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness these my real intentions to keep this my oath.


In testimony hereof I take this most holy and blessed sacrament of the


Eucharist, and witness the same further, with my name written with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and sealed in the face of this holy convent.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 14, 2024, 7:25 p.m. No.21766891   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Canadian Version is blocked, are the government involved in the plandemic afraid of the Law, did the death sentence get removed by people mass murdering Canadians with Vaccines.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 15, 2024, 7:04 a.m. No.21769146   🗄️.is 🔗kun

▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:41:312bb343 (18) No.21766657>>21766720 >>21766830


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:10:432bb343 (10) No.21766461




My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among the Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence to seek even to preach from their pulpits and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and to descend so low as to become a Jew among the Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.


You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces and states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly in concert with your brother Jesuit, who may be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected; only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.


You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and in the judiciaries councils of state, and to "be all things to all men," for the Pope's sake, whose servants we are unto death.


You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and have served as a coadjutor, confessor and priest, but you have not been invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for "without the shedding of blood no man can be saved." Therefore, to fit yourself for your work, and make your own salvation sure, you will, in addition to your former oath of obedience to your Order and your allegiance to the Pope, repeat after me.


I, M N, Now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and the sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior general of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola, in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the Virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ's Viceregent and is the true and only Head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Saviour, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 15, 2024, 7:05 a.m. No.21769151   🗄️.is 🔗kun

▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:41:312bb343 (19) No.21766657>>21766720 >>21766830


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:10:432bb343 (10) No.21766461




My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among the Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence to seek even to preach from their pulpits and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and to descend so low as to become a Jew among the Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.


You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces and states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly in concert with your brother Jesuit, who may be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected; only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.


You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and in the judiciaries councils of state, and to "be all things to all men," for the Pope's sake, whose servants we are unto death.


You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and have served as a coadjutor, confessor and priest, but you have not been invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for "without the shedding of blood no man can be saved." Therefore, to fit yourself for your work, and make your own salvation sure, you will, in addition to your former oath of obedience to your Order and your allegiance to the Pope, repeat after me.


I, M N, Now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and the sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior general of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola, in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the Virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ's Viceregent and is the true and only Head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Saviour, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 15, 2024, 7:06 a.m. No.21769161   🗄️.is 🔗kun

▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:42:172bb343 (20) No.21766662>>21766720 >>21766830


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:11:152bb343 (11) No.21766464


Therefore, to the utmost of my power, I shall and will defend this doctrine and his Holiness' right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority, and all adherents in the regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome.


I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers. I do further declare that the doctrines of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable, and they themselves damned and to be damned who will not forsake the same.


I do further declare that I will help, assist and advise all or any of his


Holiness' agents in any place wherever I shall be, in any other kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants or Liberals' doctrines and to destroy all their


pretended powers, regal or otherwise.


I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume any religion heretical, for the propagating of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents counsels' from time to time, as they may entrust me, and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred convent.


I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver, (perinde ac cadaver,) but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and Jesus Christ. That I will go to any part of the world whithersoever I may be sent, without murmuring or repining, and


will be submissive in all things commanded to me.


I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, nor sex or condition; and that I will hang, burn, waste, spoil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race.


That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poinard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed to do so by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.


In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all of my


coporeal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth, and my soul to be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever.


All of which I, M N, do swear by the blessed Trinity and blessed Sacrament, which I am about to receive, to perform and on my part to receive inviolably; and do call all of the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness these my real intentions to keep this my oath.


In testimony hereof I take this most holy and blessed sacrament of the


Eucharist, and witness the same further, with my name written with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and sealed in the face of this holy convent.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 15, 2024, 7:07 a.m. No.21769167   🗄️.is 🔗kun

▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:43:022bb343 (21) No.21766669>>21766720 >>21766830


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:11:552bb343 (12) No.21766468




You will now rise to your feet and I will instruct you in the Catechism


necessary to make yourself known to any member of the Society of Jesus belonging to this rank.


In the first place, you, as a Brother Jesuit, will with another make the


ordinary sign of the cross as any Roman Catholic would; then one crosses his wrists, the palms of his hands open, the other crosses his feet, one above the other; the first points with forefinger of the right hand to the center of the palm of the left, the other with the forefinger of the left hand points to the center of the palm of the right; the first then with his right hand makes a circle around his head, touching it; the other then with the forefinger of his left hand touches the left side of his body just below his heart; then the first with his right hand draws it across the throat of the other, and the latter then with his right hand makes the motion of cutting with a dagger down the stomach and abdomen of the first.


The first then says Iustum; the other answers Necar; the first then says Reges. The other answers Impios. The first will then present a small piece of paper folded in a peculiar manner, four times, which the other will cut longitudinally and on opening the name JESU will be found written upon the head and arms of a cross three times. You will then give and receive with him the following questions and answers.


Q: From where do you come?


A: From the bends of the Jordan, from Calvary, from the Holy Sepulchre, and lastly from Rome.


Q: Whom do you serve?


A: The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic Church Universal throughout the world.


Q: Who commands you?


A: The successor of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ.


Q: Who received you?


A: A venerable man with white hair.


Q: How?


A: With a naked dagger, I kneeling on a cross beneath the banners of the Pope and of our sacred Order.


Q: Did you take an oath?


A: I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, sex or condition. To be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own, but to implicitly obey my superiors in all things without hesitation or murmuring.


Q: Will you do that?


A: I will.


Q: How do you travel?


A: In the bark of Peter the fisherman.


Q: Whither do you travel?


A: To the four quarters of the globe.


Q: For what purpose?


A: To obey the orders of my General and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully fulfill the conditions of my oath.


Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Viceregent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 15, 2024, 7:11 a.m. No.21769191   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Entire Plandemic and Vaccination Program are a Jesuit Weapon.

The CSIS(Jesuit) Board Agent blocks everything Roman Catholic and is a Mass Murderer involved in mass Vaccine Murder.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 15, 2024, 7:13 a.m. No.21769200   🗄️.is 🔗kun

▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:40:482bb343 (23) No.21766652>>21766720 >>21766830


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:06:342bb343 (9) No.21766422


The Jesuit Order


The Society of Jesus (Jesuits)


The complete Oath of Extreme Induction


Library of Congress, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card #66-43354, made public in 1883. This oath is still in effect, and is still


used today.


The Jesuit order, otherwise known as the Society of Jesus (S.J.), has been the military enforcement arm of the Catholic Church since it was first founded by Ignatius of Loyola of Spain in 1534 during the reign of Pope Paul III, ostensibly to combat Protestant heresy. And while many feel that the Jesuits are only a sub-order of the Roman Catholic Church and are merely seekers and disseminators of knowledge, they have a much darker history that many people do not know about.


And while much can be said of the Jesuit Order, and much has been written, the oath speaks not only for itself, but speaks much of the Roman Catholic Church that has used and still uses the Jesuits for it's purposes while knowing full well the contents of the oath they bind themselves under. The Roman Catholic Church, while professing to holiness and claiming that there is no salvation outside of the Church, still harbors the Jesuit Order and commands them explicitly.


Below is the complete Oath of Extreme Induction taken by each Jesuit Priest upon his induction into the command ranks of the Jesuit Order, found in the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card # 66-43354, made public in 1883. This oath is still in effect, and is still used today.


On an interesting note, we often see the letters INRI on crosses and crucifixes, and are told that it represents the Latin words "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeum" or "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews", the Latin words that Pilate had written on a placard and nailed above Jesus' head at the crucifixion. However, as you will see below, the Jesuits use a far different set of words with the same letters. This invites the question, "Which is the real meaning of the 'I.N.R.I.' that we see displayed today?"




When a Jesuit novice is about to be inducted into the higher levels of the Order, he kneels on a red cross before the Superior of the Order. Before him are two flags, the familiar yellow and white flag of the papacy, and the black flag with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, the flag of the Jesuit Order. On the Jesuit flag is written the words, IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOS. (It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical kings, governments, or rulers.) The Superior of the Order hands the novice a small black crucifix which he presses to his heart, and the Superior then presents to the novice a dagger. The novice grasps the bare blade and presses the point to his heart. The Superior, still holding the hilt of the dagger then speaks to the novice.


Board operator Jesuit Oath.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 15, 2024, 9:31 p.m. No.21773641   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How the Jesuits divide up the Children in North America.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 16, 2024, 9:35 a.m. No.21775724   🗄️.is 🔗kun

▶ Anonymous (You) 10/15/24 (Tue) 08:13:332bb343 (25) No.21769200


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:40:482bb343 (23) No.21766652>>21766720 >>21766830


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:06:342bb343 (9) No.21766422


The Jesuit Order


The Society of Jesus (Jesuits)


The complete Oath of Extreme Induction


Library of Congress, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card #66-43354, made public in 1883. This oath is still in effect, and is still


used today.


The Jesuit order, otherwise known as the Society of Jesus (S.J.), has been the military enforcement arm of the Catholic Church since it was first founded by Ignatius of Loyola of Spain in 1534 during the reign of Pope Paul III, ostensibly to combat Protestant heresy. And while many feel that the Jesuits are only a sub-order of the Roman Catholic Church and are merely seekers and disseminators of knowledge, they have a much darker history that many people do not know about.


And while much can be said of the Jesuit Order, and much has been written, the oath speaks not only for itself, but speaks much of the Roman Catholic Church that has used and still uses the Jesuits for it's purposes while knowing full well the contents of the oath they bind themselves under. The Roman Catholic Church, while professing to holiness and claiming that there is no salvation outside of the Church, still harbors the Jesuit Order and commands them explicitly.


Below is the complete Oath of Extreme Induction taken by each Jesuit Priest upon his induction into the command ranks of the Jesuit Order, found in the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card # 66-43354, made public in 1883. This oath is still in effect, and is still used today.


On an interesting note, we often see the letters INRI on crosses and crucifixes, and are told that it represents the Latin words "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeum" or "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews", the Latin words that Pilate had written on a placard and nailed above Jesus' head at the crucifixion. However, as you will see below, the Jesuits use a far different set of words with the same letters. This invites the question, "Which is the real meaning of the 'I.N.R.I.' that we see displayed today?"




When a Jesuit novice is about to be inducted into the higher levels of the Order, he kneels on a red cross before the Superior of the Order. Before him are two flags, the familiar yellow and white flag of the papacy, and the black flag with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, the flag of the Jesuit Order. On the Jesuit flag is written the words, IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOS. (It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical kings, governments, or rulers.) The Superior of the Order hands the novice a small black crucifix which he presses to his heart, and the Superior then presents to the novice a dagger. The novice grasps the bare blade and presses the point to his heart. The Superior, still holding the hilt of the dagger then speaks to the novice.


Board operator Jesuit Oath.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 16, 2024, 9:36 a.m. No.21775730   🗄️.is 🔗kun

▶ Anonymous (You) 10/15/24 (Tue) 08:04:192bb343 (25) No.21769146


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:41:312bb343 (18) No.21766657>>21766720 >>21766830


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:10:432bb343 (10) No.21766461




My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among the Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence to seek even to preach from their pulpits and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and to descend so low as to become a Jew among the Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.


You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces and states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly in concert with your brother Jesuit, who may be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected; only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.


You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and in the judiciaries councils of state, and to "be all things to all men," for the Pope's sake, whose servants we are unto death.


You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and have served as a coadjutor, confessor and priest, but you have not been invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for "without the shedding of blood no man can be saved." Therefore, to fit yourself for your work, and make your own salvation sure, you will, in addition to your former oath of obedience to your Order and your allegiance to the Pope, repeat after me.


I, M N, Now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and the sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior general of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola, in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the Virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ's Viceregent and is the true and only Head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Saviour, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 16, 2024, 9:36 a.m. No.21775734   🗄️.is 🔗kun

▶ Anonymous (You) 10/15/24 (Tue) 08:06:542bb343 (27) No.21769161


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:42:172bb343 (20) No.21766662>>21766720 >>21766830


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:11:152bb343 (11) No.21766464


Therefore, to the utmost of my power, I shall and will defend this doctrine and his Holiness' right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority, and all adherents in the regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome.


I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers. I do further declare that the doctrines of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable, and they themselves damned and to be damned who will not forsake the same.


I do further declare that I will help, assist and advise all or any of his


Holiness' agents in any place wherever I shall be, in any other kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants or Liberals' doctrines and to destroy all their


pretended powers, regal or otherwise.


I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume any religion heretical, for the propagating of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents counsels' from time to time, as they may entrust me, and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred convent.


I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver, (perinde ac cadaver,) but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and Jesus Christ. That I will go to any part of the world whithersoever I may be sent, without murmuring or repining, and


will be submissive in all things commanded to me.


I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, nor sex or condition; and that I will hang, burn, waste, spoil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race.


That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poinard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed to do so by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.


In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all of my


coporeal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth, and my soul to be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever.


All of which I, M N, do swear by the blessed Trinity and blessed Sacrament, which I am about to receive, to perform and on my part to receive inviolably; and do call all of the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness these my real intentions to keep this my oath.


In testimony hereof I take this most holy and blessed sacrament of the


Eucharist, and witness the same further, with my name written with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and sealed in the face of this holy convent.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 16, 2024, 9:38 a.m. No.21775740   🗄️.is 🔗kun

▶ Anonymous (You) 10/15/24 (Tue) 08:07:392bb343 (28) No.21769167


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:43:022bb343 (21) No.21766669>>21766720 >>21766830


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:11:552bb343 (12) No.21766468




You will now rise to your feet and I will instruct you in the Catechism


necessary to make yourself known to any member of the Society of Jesus belonging to this rank.


In the first place, you, as a Brother Jesuit, will with another make the


ordinary sign of the cross as any Roman Catholic would; then one crosses his wrists, the palms of his hands open, the other crosses his feet, one above the other; the first points with forefinger of the right hand to the center of the palm of the left, the other with the forefinger of the left hand points to the center of the palm of the right; the first then with his right hand makes a circle around his head, touching it; the other then with the forefinger of his left hand touches the left side of his body just below his heart; then the first with his right hand draws it across the throat of the other, and the latter then with his right hand makes the motion of cutting with a dagger down the stomach and abdomen of the first.


The first then says Iustum; the other answers Necar; the first then says Reges. The other answers Impios. The first will then present a small piece of paper folded in a peculiar manner, four times, which the other will cut longitudinally and on opening the name JESU will be found written upon the head and arms of a cross three times. You will then give and receive with him the following questions and answers.


Q: From where do you come?


A: From the bends of the Jordan, from Calvary, from the Holy Sepulchre, and lastly from Rome.


Q: Whom do you serve?


A: The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic Church Universal throughout the world.


Q: Who commands you?


A: The successor of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ.


Q: Who received you?


A: A venerable man with white hair.


Q: How?


A: With a naked dagger, I kneeling on a cross beneath the banners of the Pope and of our sacred Order.


Q: Did you take an oath?


A: I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, sex or condition. To be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own, but to implicitly obey my superiors in all things without hesitation or murmuring.


Q: Will you do that?


A: I will.


Q: How do you travel?


A: In the bark of Peter the fisherman.


Q: Whither do you travel?


A: To the four quarters of the globe.


Q: For what purpose?


A: To obey the orders of my General and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully fulfill the conditions of my oath.


Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Viceregent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 16, 2024, 9:40 a.m. No.21775755   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Entire Plandemic and Vaccination Program are a Jesuit Weapon.


The CSIS(Jesuit) Board Agent blocks everything Roman Catholic and is a Mass Murderer involved in mass Vaccine Murder.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 16, 2024, 1:36 p.m. No.21777264   🗄️.is 🔗kun

▶ Anonymous (You) 10/16/24 (Wed) 10:35:052bb343 (31) No.21775724


▶ Anonymous (You) 10/15/24 (Tue) 08:13:332bb343 (25) No.21769200


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:40:482bb343 (23) No.21766652>>21766720 >>21766830


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:06:342bb343 (9) No.21766422


The Jesuit Order


The Society of Jesus (Jesuits)


The complete Oath of Extreme Induction


Library of Congress, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card #66-43354, made public in 1883. This oath is still in effect, and is still


used today.


The Jesuit order, otherwise known as the Society of Jesus (S.J.), has been the military enforcement arm of the Catholic Church since it was first founded by Ignatius of Loyola of Spain in 1534 during the reign of Pope Paul III, ostensibly to combat Protestant heresy. And while many feel that the Jesuits are only a sub-order of the Roman Catholic Church and are merely seekers and disseminators of knowledge, they have a much darker history that many people do not know about.


And while much can be said of the Jesuit Order, and much has been written, the oath speaks not only for itself, but speaks much of the Roman Catholic Church that has used and still uses the Jesuits for it's purposes while knowing full well the contents of the oath they bind themselves under. The Roman Catholic Church, while professing to holiness and claiming that there is no salvation outside of the Church, still harbors the Jesuit Order and commands them explicitly.


Below is the complete Oath of Extreme Induction taken by each Jesuit Priest upon his induction into the command ranks of the Jesuit Order, found in the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card # 66-43354, made public in 1883. This oath is still in effect, and is still used today.


On an interesting note, we often see the letters INRI on crosses and crucifixes, and are told that it represents the Latin words "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeum" or "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews", the Latin words that Pilate had written on a placard and nailed above Jesus' head at the crucifixion. However, as you will see below, the Jesuits use a far different set of words with the same letters. This invites the question, "Which is the real meaning of the 'I.N.R.I.' that we see displayed today?"




When a Jesuit novice is about to be inducted into the higher levels of the Order, he kneels on a red cross before the Superior of the Order. Before him are two flags, the familiar yellow and white flag of the papacy, and the black flag with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, the flag of the Jesuit Order. On the Jesuit flag is written the words, IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOS. (It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical kings, governments, or rulers.) The Superior of the Order hands the novice a small black crucifix which he presses to his heart, and the Superior then presents to the novice a dagger. The novice grasps the bare blade and presses the point to his heart. The Superior, still holding the hilt of the dagger then speaks to the novice.


Board operator Jesuit Oath.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 16, 2024, 1:36 p.m. No.21777266   🗄️.is 🔗kun

▶ Anonymous (You) 10/16/24 (Wed) 10:36:062bb343 (31) No.21775730


▶ Anonymous (You) 10/15/24 (Tue) 08:04:192bb343 (25) No.21769146


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:41:312bb343 (18) No.21766657>>21766720 >>21766830


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:10:432bb343 (10) No.21766461




My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among the Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence to seek even to preach from their pulpits and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and to descend so low as to become a Jew among the Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.


You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces and states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly in concert with your brother Jesuit, who may be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected; only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.


You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and in the judiciaries councils of state, and to "be all things to all men," for the Pope's sake, whose servants we are unto death.


You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and have served as a coadjutor, confessor and priest, but you have not been invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for "without the shedding of blood no man can be saved." Therefore, to fit yourself for your work, and make your own salvation sure, you will, in addition to your former oath of obedience to your Order and your allegiance to the Pope, repeat after me.


I, M N, Now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and the sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior general of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola, in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the Virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ's Viceregent and is the true and only Head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Saviour, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 16, 2024, 1:37 p.m. No.21777272   🗄️.is 🔗kun

▶ Anonymous (You) 10/16/24 (Wed) 10:36:572bb343 (31) No.21775734


▶ Anonymous (You) 10/15/24 (Tue) 08:06:542bb343 (27) No.21769161


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:42:172bb343 (20) No.21766662>>21766720 >>21766830


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:11:152bb343 (11) No.21766464


Therefore, to the utmost of my power, I shall and will defend this doctrine and his Holiness' right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority, and all adherents in the regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome.


I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers. I do further declare that the doctrines of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable, and they themselves damned and to be damned who will not forsake the same.


I do further declare that I will help, assist and advise all or any of his


Holiness' agents in any place wherever I shall be, in any other kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants or Liberals' doctrines and to destroy all their


pretended powers, regal or otherwise.


I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume any religion heretical, for the propagating of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents counsels' from time to time, as they may entrust me, and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred convent.


I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver, (perinde ac cadaver,) but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and Jesus Christ. That I will go to any part of the world whithersoever I may be sent, without murmuring or repining, and


will be submissive in all things commanded to me.


I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, nor sex or condition; and that I will hang, burn, waste, spoil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race.


That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poinard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed to do so by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.


In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all of my


coporeal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth, and my soul to be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever.


All of which I, M N, do swear by the blessed Trinity and blessed Sacrament, which I am about to receive, to perform and on my part to receive inviolably; and do call all of the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness these my real intentions to keep this my oath.


In testimony hereof I take this most holy and blessed sacrament of the


Eucharist, and witness the same further, with my name written with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and sealed in the face of this holy convent.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 16, 2024, 1:37 p.m. No.21777274   🗄️.is 🔗kun

▶ Anonymous (You) 10/16/24 (Wed) 10:38:102bb343 (31) No.21775740


▶ Anonymous (You) 10/15/24 (Tue) 08:07:392bb343 (28) No.21769167


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:43:022bb343 (21) No.21766669>>21766720 >>21766830


▶Anonymous (You) 10/14/24 (Mon) 19:11:552bb343 (12) No.21766468




You will now rise to your feet and I will instruct you in the Catechism


necessary to make yourself known to any member of the Society of Jesus belonging to this rank.


In the first place, you, as a Brother Jesuit, will with another make the


ordinary sign of the cross as any Roman Catholic would; then one crosses his wrists, the palms of his hands open, the other crosses his feet, one above the other; the first points with forefinger of the right hand to the center of the palm of the left, the other with the forefinger of the left hand points to the center of the palm of the right; the first then with his right hand makes a circle around his head, touching it; the other then with the forefinger of his left hand touches the left side of his body just below his heart; then the first with his right hand draws it across the throat of the other, and the latter then with his right hand makes the motion of cutting with a dagger down the stomach and abdomen of the first.


The first then says Iustum; the other answers Necar; the first then says Reges. The other answers Impios. The first will then present a small piece of paper folded in a peculiar manner, four times, which the other will cut longitudinally and on opening the name JESU will be found written upon the head and arms of a cross three times. You will then give and receive with him the following questions and answers.


Q: From where do you come?


A: From the bends of the Jordan, from Calvary, from the Holy Sepulchre, and lastly from Rome.


Q: Whom do you serve?


A: The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic Church Universal throughout the world.


Q: Who commands you?


A: The successor of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ.


Q: Who received you?


A: A venerable man with white hair.


Q: How?


A: With a naked dagger, I kneeling on a cross beneath the banners of the Pope and of our sacred Order.


Q: Did you take an oath?


A: I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, sex or condition. To be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own, but to implicitly obey my superiors in all things without hesitation or murmuring.


Q: Will you do that?


A: I will.


Q: How do you travel?


A: In the bark of Peter the fisherman.


Q: Whither do you travel?


A: To the four quarters of the globe.


Q: For what purpose?


A: To obey the orders of my General and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully fulfill the conditions of my oath.


Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Viceregent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 16, 2024, 4:19 p.m. No.21778475   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Every 101 years the Jesuits have a planet wide plandemic and walk through the death, Pestilence and Plague knowing they are Immune with Quinine, they have done so in 4 cycles killing as many non Catholic Christians as Possible.

2120 is the next one, after the Plandemic they will destroy all the evidence. rewrite History and then prepare for the next Event 2120.

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 16, 2024, 4:58 p.m. No.21778764   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Board Jesuit will not allow being exposed, probably a raving Pedophile, child Rapist.


Every 101 years the Jesuits have a planet wide plandemic and walk through the death, Pestilence and Plague knowing they are Immune with Quinine, they have done so in 4 cycles killing as many non Catholic Christians as Possible.


2120 is the next one, after the Plandemic they will destroy all the evidence. rewrite History and then prepare for the next Event 2120.


Justin Trudeau and his father are both Jesuits many in the Government are Jesuits, nothing is more relevant than the Oath Made by the Jesuits to the Pope.


The Jesuit Order


The Society of Jesus (Jesuits)


The complete Oath of Extreme Induction

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 16, 2024, 5:04 p.m. No.21778798   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Board Jesuit will not allow being exposed, probably a raving Pedophile, child Rapist.


Every 101 years the Jesuits have a planet wide plandemic and walk through the death, Pestilence and Plague knowing they are Immune with Quinine, they have done so in 4 cycles killing as many non Catholic Christians as Possible.


2120 is the next one, after the Plandemic they will destroy all the evidence. rewrite History and then prepare for the next Event 2120.


Justin Trudeau and his father are both Jesuits many in the Government are Jesuits, nothing is more relevant than the Oath Made by the Jesuits to the Pope.


The Jesuit Order


The Society of Jesus (Jesuits)


The complete Oath of Extreme Induction

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 16, 2024, 5:25 p.m. No.21778925   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Board Jesuit will not allow being exposed, probably a raving Pedophile, child Rapist.


Every 101 years the Jesuits have a planet wide plandemic and walk through the death, Pestilence and Plague knowing they are Immune with Quinine, they have done so in 4 cycles killing as many non Catholic Christians as Possible.


2120 is the next one, after the Plandemic they will destroy all the evidence. rewrite History and then prepare for the next Event 2120.


Justin Trudeau and his father are both Jesuits many in the Government are Jesuits, nothing is more relevant than the Oath Made by the Jesuits to the Pope.


The Jesuit Order


The Society of Jesus (Jesuits)


The complete Oath of Extreme Induction

Anonymous ID: 2bb343 Oct. 16, 2024, 5:47 p.m. No.21779078   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Board Jesuit will not allow being exposed, probably a raving Pedophile, child Rapist.


Every 101 years the Jesuits have a planet wide plandemic and walk through the death, Pestilence and Plague knowing they are Immune with Quinine, they have done so in 4 cycles killing as many non Catholic Christians as Possible.


2120 is the next one, after the Plandemic they will destroy all the evidence. rewrite History and then prepare for the next Event 2120.


Justin Trudeau and his father are both Jesuits many in the Government are Jesuits, nothing is more relevant than the Oath Made by the Jesuits to the Pope.


The Jesuit Order


The Society of Jesus (Jesuits)


The complete Oath of Extreme Induction