Anonymous ID: d50abe Sept. 29, 2024, 2:41 p.m. No.21680394   🗄️.is 🔗kun

29 Sep, 2024 15:04

Trump will support Ukraine – Zelensky

The former US president has criticized Washington’s handouts to Kiev and vowed to end the conflict with Russia “in 24 hours” if elected


Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky claims that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told him the US would continue to support his country if he is elected this November.Zelensky also denied reports that he endorsed Trump’s Democratic rival, Vice President Kamala Harris.


In an interview with Fox News on Saturday, the Ukrainian leader said that while he does not “know what will be after [the US presidential]elections, and who will be the president,”Kiev will be expecting “answers… from the United States.”


He stressed that Washington’s stance is particularly important as it has always been Kiev’s top backer. Regarding his conversation with Trump on Friday, Zelensky described it as “really productive.”


“I’ve got from Donald Trump very direct information that he will be on our side, that he will support Ukraine,” he went on to claim. Zelensky added that the Republican candidate was “very interested” to hear “directly” from him about the current situation on the front line, as well as Ukraine’s needs.(So what, that means nothing! Plus Zelensky lies constantly)


The former US president has claimed that he will be able to force Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin to find a diplomatic solution “within 24 hours” of being elected. (Trump never said he would "force")


Speaking to New Yorker magazine last Sunday, the Ukrainian leader said he believes Trump “doesn’t really know how to stop the war, even if he might think he knows how.” ==Asked by the Fox News host whether he still stands by this comment, Zelensky argued that no one outside of Ukraine can really understand what his country is going through=+.


“We both want to see this end, we both want to see a fair deal made,” Trump said following his meeting with Zelensky on Friday.


Speaking at a campaign rally on Wednesday, Trump criticized Zelensky for not negotiating with Russia to end the conflict,saying that even the “worst deal” would be better than the current situation. The former president also argued that neither his Democratic rival, Kamala Harris, nor President Joe Biden know how to extricate the US from the Ukraine conflict.


Trump went on to claim that Zelensky wants Harris to “win this election so badly,” as the Democrats have proven to be reliably generous toward Ukraine during Biden’s term in office.


“I think Zelensky is the greatest salesman in history.Every time he comes into the country, he walks away with $60 billion,” he said. Trump has previously vowed to put an end to this. (That was not a compliment)


Moscow has declared Ukrainian neutrality to be one of the main objectives in its military operation, also insisting that any potential peace talks take into account the “territorial reality” of Russian control over former Ukrainian regions that Kiev claims as its own.




(Everyone that watched Trump and Zelensky briefing, posited that Zelensky wasn't happy, same thing many of us saw.)

Anonymous ID: d50abe Sept. 29, 2024, 3:04 p.m. No.21680468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0477

29 Sep, 2024 14:55

Swiss festival censors film amid Ukrainian threats

The Foreign Ministry in Kiev claimed that showing the documentary ‘Russians at War’ would “ruin” the event’s reputation


The Zurich Film Festival has dropped a scheduled screening of a documentary about Russian soldiersdue to threats from Kiev, the newspaper Neue Zurcher Zeitung reported this week, citing a press statement.The decision was reportedly made over security concerns.


The documentary feature titled ‘Russians at War,’ filmed by directorAnastasia Trofimova with Canadian government funding, was due to be screened at the festival next week. The feature recounts the seven months Trofimova spent with a Russian military unit at the front in the Ukraine conflict.In the film, she brought to the fore the personal stories of the soldiers she met.


The documentary premiered earlier this month at the Venice Film Festival,instantly drawing criticism from Kiev, which branded it “Russian propaganda.” A planned screening at the Toronto International Film Festival was subsequently canceled due to claims that staff had received threats.


TheZurich festival said it was forced to drop the screening amid worries over the “safety of our audience, guests, partners and employees.” The decision was made shortly after a spokesman for the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, posted a message on X demanding the documentary be removed from the festival’s program.


“We urge [Zurich Film Festival] organizers not to ruin the festival’s reputation by screening ‘Russians at War.’ This is a propaganda film that whitewashes war crimes, not a documentary,”Georgy Tikhy wrote in his post.However sources have told the Neue Zurcher Zeitung that festival organizers were pressured by representatives of the Ukrainian government and pro-Kiev activists, as well as by threats expressed via social networks.


Despite caving in, the festival announced that the film would remain eligible for prizes in the competition and that the jury would view it behind closed doors.


Trofimova previously explained thather goal in making the documentary was to refute the notion promoted by the West that all Russian soldiers are war criminals. She also said her film is expressly “anti-war,” and shows the “absolutely ordinary people” fighting in the Russian army. However, after the feature’s premiere in Venice, theUkrainian Ministry of Culture declared Trofimova a “threat to national security.


(Now I want to see this documentary. When PDJT os back, he needs to squash the CIA and Ukraine from threatening and interfering around the world.)