Anonymous ID: 0e2b55 Sept. 30, 2024, 2:11 p.m. No.21685189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5211

Maany regions hit by Helene may not be inhabitable for many months. The 2024 election is one month away.


How many red and swing state voters:


  • Will not get their mail-in ballots? (Where will they go instead?)


  • If they get them, how many will not get their mailed-in ballots delivered on time? (Where will they go instead?)


  • Won't have a known polling place to go to?


  • Will be deemed ineligible if trying to vote in a different precinct since theirs was wiped out by Helene or still inaccessible after 6 weeks?


  • Will be so burned out - living on couches and in hotel rooms with all their personal belongings, perhaps means of livelihood, wiped out - and disenfranchised, that they won't have the energy to make the effort to find out how to get a valid vote registered?


When this anon heard"many areas across many states will be uninhabitable for many monthsby thisunusualstorm" … before Helene had even hit land (or so it seemed) …


… it reminded this anon of Fauci and company saying"shut down for two weeks to stop the spread"followed relatively quickly with the astounding statement in WINTER/EARLY SPRING (after which cold and virus season usually quiets down) that theschools may not be re-opened IN THE FALL.


What was in the Fall? The 2020 election between Biden and Trump.


It was highly suggestive (to this anon) that election fuckery was afoot - long before they startedin the name of man-made Covidto use "emergency" and other powers that Fall to mass-mail ballots (often multiple ballots) to every household with little to no signature, address, or citizenship verification to speak of, untold opportunities for fraud that had never existed before, pop-up unmanned "ballots boxes" far away from precincts, new "ballot harvesting" activity legalized and weaponized by Dems who had a long head start in organizing (apparent pre-knowledge), election systems shutting down on election day in some red counties on election day (after Trump supporters were encouraged to vote in person on election day). Etc. Etc. Etc.


None of the election-challenge systems (after the fact) were established with this type of overwhelming, unprecedented mail-in, harvesting, unmanned popup ballots boxes, etc., in mind. So the way to challenge the elections in various places were procedurally and jurisdictionally inadequate and most, if not all, were dismissed without ever getting to the merits. Then the refrain: "hundreds of election challenges were thrown out of court" was repeated early and often to discredit challenges that were never heard on the merits.


And, in a further grotesque intimidation tactic (targeting current and future brave patriots), lawyers and other knowledgeable citizens were charged with crimes (and/or licenses pulled or liberty and livelihoods lost - e.g., for questioning the validity of some of the previously unheard of 2020 election practices and/or irregularities in the counts and results.


Imagine what will be ushered in for the 2024 election - under the umbrella of the myriad "emergency powers" about to be announced in at least these newly disrupted states: Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Virginia.


Will (they) or (we) be able to re-capture and count the otherwise potentially lost votes of 1000's in red and swing states (uninhabitable areas, mail and other comms expected to be disrupted "for months")?


Or will the new emergency powers be applied in such a way to suppress and/or engage in newly-emerging election fraud opportunities with little-to-no chance to challenge them in real time as they are crammed through shortly before the election (as many were during the 2020 Covid "emergency") and little-to-no way to challenge them procedurally after the fact, let alone doing so without risk to your professional license and livelihood? The evil side of the powers-that-be made that perfectly clear to everyone through their relentless pursuit of those medical and legal professionals and everyday patriots who dared to exercise their Constitutionally-protected right to speak up in the wake of the irregularities in the 2020 election and the irregularities in the government offices' (or color of government edicts') "advice," forced-upon-others "opinions" about Covid, its treatment, and the Vax "mandates" and other demonic pressures brought to bear "to get a needle in every arm" (e.g., if no Vax - it was proposed - then no hospital bed for any condition, no job, no entry to grocery stores, no commercial travel, etc., i.e., "vaccine passports" get you "in" - without them, you are cutoff and shunned).


So we'll have to watch and note - and respond accordingly (despite - if not because of - the gross intimidation of past persecutions) - to what (they) will do here, in the wake and disruption of yet another pre-election emergency of unprecedented proportions.