They are just wrapping up now. When this video is posted the 1st witness is a real Georgia peach who knows her stuff and shreds the opacity of DOmnion including
Dominion is using custom QRCodes, to her agency is unable to verify that the content of the barcodes on the ballot match the text.
The machines are unlawfully connected to the internet.
She witnessed DOS attacks during the election that she says were diversions from the actual hack.
The witness Marine testifies that the security defects have not been patched on any Dominion machine. Marinanons might learn more.
He says the keys are in clear text in the SQL DB. Any n00b would be confused that this sqli was so easy.
The last witness says that there are 3000+ uncertified files & DLLs compiled on the Dominion machine after the certified golden image is installed.
One hacked Dominion machine was rooted with backdoor DLL trojan masked as a McAfee DLL.
I know some goys who could pwn one of these minion machines in about an hour, starting cold.