if we could make our own steel we wouldn't need a boat, but we are STUPID
how do they make the hurricane, like a drone spinning the air from way up high with lasers?
maybe the drone lasers clouds, watching for a big one to bre in the area to start it going and then it turns into the hurricane
so like a spiral shaped laser beam?
or are you saying the laser is on the ground and the mirror is on the weather balloon?
it is a big laser beam that has to be miles across
are these lasers that are making hurricanes by beaming spirals onto mirrors on weather baloons?
what is that a knife shaped cloud?
or is that the laser
israel is taking over the middle east this year
is it problematic that white non-gentiles in israel are taking over the middle east from historic muslims?
800 AD seems fine
is biden who was repealed from running for president competant to help flooded Americans?